Charles Sammis
Charles Sammis
professor of geophysics
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The damage mechanics of brittle solids in compression
MF Ashby, CG Sammis
Pure and applied geophysics 133, 489-521, 1990
Characterization of fault zones
Y Ben-Zion, CG Sammis
Pure and applied geophysics 160, 677-715, 2003
An observational test of the critical earthquake concept
DD Bowman, G Ouillon, CG Sammis, A Sornette, D Sornette
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 103 (B10), 24359-24372, 1998
The failure of brittle porous solids under compressive stress states
CG Sammis, MF Ashby
Acta metallurgica 34 (3), 511-526, 1986
The kinematics of gouge deformation
C Sammis, G King, R Biegel
Pure and Applied Geophysics 125, 777-812, 1987
Complex critical exponents from renormalization group theory of earthquakes: Implications for earthquake predictions
D Sornette, CG Sammis
Journal de Physique I 5 (5), 607-619, 1995
Statistical physics approach to understanding the multiscale dynamics of earthquake fault systems
JB Rundle, DL Turcotte, R Shcherbakov, W Klein, C Sammis
Reviews of Geophysics 41 (4), 2003
Partial melting in the upper mantle
DL Anderson, C Sammis
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 3, 41-50, 1970
Off-fault secondary failure induced by a dynamic slip pulse
JR Rice, CG Sammis, R Parsons
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 95 (1), 109-134, 2005
The frictional properties of a simulated gouge having a fractal particle distribution
RL Biegel, CG Sammis, JH Dieterich
Journal of Structural Geology 11 (7), 827-846, 1989
Long-range and long-term fault interactions in Southern California
JF Dolan, DD Bowman, CG Sammis
Geology 35 (9), 855-858, 2007
Acoustic emissions document stress changes over many seismic cycles in stick‐slip experiments
TH W. Goebel, D Schorlemmer, TW Becker, G Dresen, CG Sammis
Geophysical Research Letters 40 (10), 2049-2054, 2013
Self-similar cataclasis in the formation of fault gouge
CG Sammis, RH Osborne, JL Anderson, M Banerdt, P White
Pure and Applied Geophysics 124, 53-78, 1986
Precursors, aftershocks, criticality and self-organized criticality
Y Huang, H Saleur, C Sammis, D Sornette
Europhysics Letters 41 (1), 43, 1998
Equation of state of NaCl: Ultrasonic measurements to 8 kbar and 800° C and static lattice theory
H Spetzler, CG Sammis, RJ O'connell
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 33 (7-9), 1727-1750, 1972
Fractals, fault-gouge, and friction
CG Sammis, RL Biegel
Pure and Applied Geophysics 131, 255-271, 1989
Evidence for self‐similar, triangular slip distributions on earthquakes: Implications for earthquake and fault mechanics
I Manighetti, M Campillo, C Sammis, PM Mai, G King
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 110 (B5), 2005
Quantifying near‐field and off‐fault deformation patterns of the 1992 Mw 7.3 Landers earthquake
CWD Milliner, JF Dolan, J Hollingsworth, S Leprince, F Ayoub, ...
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 16 (5), 1577-1598, 2015
Discrete scale invariance, complex fractal dimensions, and log‐periodic fluctuations in seismicity
H Saleur, CG Sammis, D Sornette
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 101 (B8), 17661-17677, 1996
Fractal Dimension and b-Value on Creeping and Locked Patches of the San Andreas Fault near Parkfield, California
M Wyss, CG Sammis, RM Nadeau, S Wiemer
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 94 (2), 410-421, 2004
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