Camille Bouchez
Camille Bouchez
Geosciences Rennes
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Extracellular iron biomineralization by photoautotrophic iron-oxidizing bacteria
J Miot, K Benzerara, M Obst, A Kappler, F Hegler, S Schädler, C Bouchez, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 75 (17), 5586-5591, 2009
The Lake Chad hydrology under current climate change
B Pham-Duc, F Sylvestre, F Papa, F Frappart, C Bouchez, JF Crétaux
Scientific reports 10 (1), 5498, 2020
Fate of trace organic compounds in the hyporheic zone: Influence of retardation, the benthic biolayer, and organic carbon
JL Schaper, M Posselt, C Bouchez, A Jaeger, G Nuetzmann, A Putschew, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 53 (8), 4224-4234, 2019
Hydrological, chemical, and isotopic budgets of Lake Chad: a quantitative assessment of evaporation, transpiration and infiltration fluxes
C Bouchez, J Goncalves, P Deschamps, C Vallet-Coulomb, B Hamelin, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 20 (4), 1599-1619, 2016
Changes in vegetation cover on the Younghusband Peninsula transgressive dunefields (Australia) 1949–2017
MAB Moulton, PA Hesp, G Miot da Silva, C Bouchez, M Lavy, ...
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 44 (2), 459-470, 2019
Worth of hydraulic and water chemistry observation data in terms of the reliability of surface water-groundwater exchange flux predictions under varied flow conditions
D Partington, MJ Knowling, CT Simmons, PG Cook, Y Xie, T Iwanaga, ...
Journal of Hydrology 590, 125441, 2020
Water transit time and active recharge in the Sahel inferred by bomb-produced 36Cl
C Bouchez, P Deschamps, J Goncalves, B Hamelin, A Mahamat Nour, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 7465, 2019
Geochemistry of the Lake Chad tributaries under strongly varying hydro-climatic conditions
A Mahamat Nour, C Vallet-Coulomb, C Bouchez, P Ginot, JC Doumnang, ...
Aquatic Geochemistry 26, 3-29, 2020
Isotope Dilution-AMS technique for 36Cl and Cl determination in low chlorine content waters
C Bouchez, J Pupier, L Benedetti, P Deschamps, V Guillou, ...
Chemical Geology 404, 62-70, 2015
A hillslope-scale aquifer-model to determine past agricultural legacy and future nitrate concentrations in rivers
L Guillaumot, J Marçais, C Vautier, A Guillou, V Vergnaud, C Bouchez, ...
Science of the Total Environment 800, 149216, 2021
The Lake Chad hydrology under current climate change. Sci Rep 10: 5498
B Pham-Duc, F Sylvestre, F Papa, F Frappart, C Bouchez, JF Crétaux
Monthly record of the Cl and 36Cl fallout rates in a deciduous forest ecosystem in NE France in 2012 and 2013
J Pupier, L Benedetti, C Bouchez, D Bourles, E Leclerc, Y Thiry, V Guillou, ...
Quaternary Geochronology 35, 26-35, 2016
Comparison of surface water‐groundwater exchange fluxes derived from hydraulic and geochemical methods and a regional groundwater model
C Bouchez, PG Cook, D Partington, CT Simmons
Water Resources Research 57 (3), e2020WR029137, 2021
Le Tchad des lacs: les zones humides sahéliennes au défi du changement global
C Raimond, F Sylvestre, D Zakinet, A Moussa, Y Abakar, BA Ambar, ...
IRD éditions, 2019
Bilan et dynamique des interactions rivières-lac (s)-aquifères dans le bassin hydrologique du lac Tchad: Approche couplée géochimie et modélisation des transferts
C Bouchez
Aix-Marseille, 2015
Effective kinetics driven by dynamic concentration gradients under coupled transport and reaction
C Le Traon, T Aquino, C Bouchez, K Maher, T Le Borgne
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 306, 189-209, 2021
Investigation of 36Cl distribution: towards a new estimation of groundwater residence times in the confined aquifer of the LCB?
C Bouchez, P Deschamps, J Goncalves, B Hamelin, F Sylvestre, ...
Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 13, 147-150, 2015
Seasonal cryogenic processes control supra-permafrost pore water chemistry in two contrasting Cryosols
J Fouché, C Bouchez, C Keller, M Allard, JP Ambrosi
Geoderma 401, 115302, 2021
Recharge and baseflow constrained by surface-water and groundwater chemistry: case study of the Chari River, Chad basin
J Gonçalvès, AM Nour, C Bouchez, P Deschamps, C Vallet-Coulomb
Hydrogeology Journal 29 (2), 703–722, 2021
Hydrological, chemical and isotopic budgets of Lake Chad: a quantitative assessment of evaporation, transpiration and infiltration fluxes.
C Bouchez, J Goncalves, P Deschamps, C Vallet-Coulomb, B Hamelin, ...
Hydrology & Earth System Sciences Discussions 12 (10), 2015
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