Analysis of causality between economic growth, energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions in 4 ASEAN countries N Nuryartono, MA Rifai | 31 | 2017 |
Leadership style, compensation and competence influence on employee performance through job satisfaction NI Iriani, S Suyitno, T Sasongko, M Rifai, P Indrihastuti, DAW Yanti Journal of Business and Management Studies 5 (1), 38-49, 2023 | 23 | 2023 |
Sustainable upgrading of the South Sulawesi seaweed industry Z Langford, S Waldron, N Nuryartono, S Pasaribu, B Julianto, ... Australia Indonesia Centre, 2023 | 17 | 2023 |
Profitability and Labor Productivity in Indonesian Agriculture B Arifin, N Nuryartono, SH Pasaribu, F Yasmin, MA Rifai, R Kurniadi World Bank Group (Washington, DC), 2019 | 14 | 2019 |
The impacts of general mutual funds and macroeconomic factors on the performance of an infrastructure oriented mutual fund in Indonesia B Bandono, SH Pasaribu, N Nuryartono, A Fariyanti, S Yusdianto, ... Jakarta: Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK), 2020 | 7 | 2020 |
Determinants of diversification by cocoa smallholders in Sulawesi I Irfany, PJ McMahon, JA Toribio, KY Phan-Thien, MA Rifai, S Yusdiyanto, ... International Journal of Social Economics 47 (10), 1243-1263, 2020 | 6 | 2020 |
Determining factors of regional food resilience in Java-Indonesia N Nuryartono, MA Rifai, T Anggraenie, BI Setiawan Journal of Social and Economic Development 23, 491-504, 2021 | 5 | 2021 |
PENGARUH AUDIT TENURE, AUDIT FEE, ROTASI KAP DAN UKURAN KAP TERHADAP KUALITAS AUDIT (pada perusahaan manufaktur sektor industri barang konsumsi di bursa efek indonesia tahun … M Rifai Universitas Pancasakti Tegal, 2020 | 4 | 2020 |
Carbon Footprint Based on Household Consumption: Case Study on Cocoa Farmer’s Household in Polewali Mandar MA Rifai, N Nuryartono, MI Irfany Journal of Sustainable Development 11 (6), 15-26, 2018 | 4 | 2018 |
Identifikasi Kenampakan Alam Kabupaten Pacitan Sebagai Bahan Ajar Ips Kelas V Sd E Nurjanah, M Rifai Gulawentah: Jurnal Studi Sosial 2 (1), 59-66, 2017 | 4 | 2017 |
Three decades of agricultural and rural transformation in Indonesia T Sudaryanto, HJ Purba, RR Rachmawati, SK Dermoredjo, ES Yusuf, ... IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 892 (1), 012056, 2021 | 3 | 2021 |
Implementasi Kegiatan Home Visit Sebagai Upaya Pengentasan Masalah Pada Siswa di SMPN 11 Padangsidimpuan M Amin, NA Siregar, SP Pasaribu Khidmat 2 (1), 63-67, 2024 | 1 | 2024 |
Peran Harnojoyo dalam Gerakan Sholat Subuh Berjamaah di Kota Palembang M Amin, B Hendro Al-Adyan: Journal of Religious Studies 2 (1), 1-17, 2021 | 1 | 2021 |
Gelatin Extraction and Characterization from Femur Bones of Bovine and Porcine with Acid Process P Sugita, M Rifai, L Ambarsari, DUC Rahayu, H Dianhar Jurnal Jamu Indonesia 6 (1), 32-41, 2021 | 1 | 2021 |
What Determines the Participation in the Pension Fund? Evidence from Indonesia SM Samosir, MA Rifai, N Nuryartono, S Hidayat, AF Pasribu, I Tumbelaka, ... | 1 | 2020 |
Analisis Hubungan Kausalitas Antara Pertumbuhan Ekonomi, Konsumsi Energi dan Emisi Karbon Dioksida di 4 Negara ASEAN. MA Rifai Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), 2017 | 1 | 2017 |
Leadership style, compensation and competence influence on employee performance through job satisfaction NI Iriani, S Suyitno, T Sasongko, M Rifai, P Indrihastuti, DAW Yanti Journal of Business and Management Studies 5 (1), 38-49, 2023 | | 2023 |
Leadership style, compensation and competence influence on employee performance through job satisfaction NI Iriani, S Suyitno, T Sasongko, M Rifai, P Indrihastuti, DAW Yanti Journal of Business and Management Studies 5 (1), 38-49, 2023 | | 2023 |
Jejak Karbon berbasis Konsumsi Rumah Tangga (Studi Kasus Rumah Tangga Petani Kakao di Kabupaten Polewali Mandar). MA Rifai Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), 2019 | | 2019 |
The analysis of inequality using carbon footprint approach in Indonesia N Nuryartono, MA Rifai Research project of counterparts funded at IPB 2015, 2017, 2018 | | 2018 |