Muhamad  Amin Rifai
Muhamad Amin Rifai
IPB University
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Analysis of causality between economic growth, energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions in 4 ASEAN countries
N Nuryartono, MA Rifai
Leadership style, compensation and competence influence on employee performance through job satisfaction
NI Iriani, S Suyitno, T Sasongko, M Rifai, P Indrihastuti, DAW Yanti
Journal of Business and Management Studies 5 (1), 38-49, 2023
Sustainable upgrading of the South Sulawesi seaweed industry
Z Langford, S Waldron, N Nuryartono, S Pasaribu, B Julianto, ...
Australia Indonesia Centre, 2023
Profitability and Labor Productivity in Indonesian Agriculture
B Arifin, N Nuryartono, SH Pasaribu, F Yasmin, MA Rifai, R Kurniadi
World Bank Group (Washington, DC), 2019
The impacts of general mutual funds and macroeconomic factors on the performance of an infrastructure oriented mutual fund in Indonesia
B Bandono, SH Pasaribu, N Nuryartono, A Fariyanti, S Yusdianto, ...
Jakarta: Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK), 2020
Determinants of diversification by cocoa smallholders in Sulawesi
I Irfany, PJ McMahon, JA Toribio, KY Phan-Thien, MA Rifai, S Yusdiyanto, ...
International Journal of Social Economics 47 (10), 1243-1263, 2020
Determining factors of regional food resilience in Java-Indonesia
N Nuryartono, MA Rifai, T Anggraenie, BI Setiawan
Journal of Social and Economic Development 23, 491-504, 2021
PENGARUH AUDIT TENURE, AUDIT FEE, ROTASI KAP DAN UKURAN KAP TERHADAP KUALITAS AUDIT (pada perusahaan manufaktur sektor industri barang konsumsi di bursa efek indonesia tahun …
M Rifai
Universitas Pancasakti Tegal, 2020
Carbon Footprint Based on Household Consumption: Case Study on Cocoa Farmer’s Household in Polewali Mandar
MA Rifai, N Nuryartono, MI Irfany
Journal of Sustainable Development 11 (6), 15-26, 2018
Identifikasi Kenampakan Alam Kabupaten Pacitan Sebagai Bahan Ajar Ips Kelas V Sd
E Nurjanah, M Rifai
Gulawentah: Jurnal Studi Sosial 2 (1), 59-66, 2017
Three decades of agricultural and rural transformation in Indonesia
T Sudaryanto, HJ Purba, RR Rachmawati, SK Dermoredjo, ES Yusuf, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 892 (1), 012056, 2021
Implementasi Kegiatan Home Visit Sebagai Upaya Pengentasan Masalah Pada Siswa di SMPN 11 Padangsidimpuan
M Amin, NA Siregar, SP Pasaribu
Khidmat 2 (1), 63-67, 2024
Peran Harnojoyo dalam Gerakan Sholat Subuh Berjamaah di Kota Palembang
M Amin, B Hendro
Al-Adyan: Journal of Religious Studies 2 (1), 1-17, 2021
Gelatin Extraction and Characterization from Femur Bones of Bovine and Porcine with Acid Process
P Sugita, M Rifai, L Ambarsari, DUC Rahayu, H Dianhar
Jurnal Jamu Indonesia 6 (1), 32-41, 2021
What Determines the Participation in the Pension Fund? Evidence from Indonesia
SM Samosir, MA Rifai, N Nuryartono, S Hidayat, AF Pasribu, I Tumbelaka, ...
Analisis Hubungan Kausalitas Antara Pertumbuhan Ekonomi, Konsumsi Energi dan Emisi Karbon Dioksida di 4 Negara ASEAN.
MA Rifai
Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), 2017
Leadership style, compensation and competence influence on employee performance through job satisfaction
NI Iriani, S Suyitno, T Sasongko, M Rifai, P Indrihastuti, DAW Yanti
Journal of Business and Management Studies 5 (1), 38-49, 2023
Leadership style, compensation and competence influence on employee performance through job satisfaction
NI Iriani, S Suyitno, T Sasongko, M Rifai, P Indrihastuti, DAW Yanti
Journal of Business and Management Studies 5 (1), 38-49, 2023
Jejak Karbon berbasis Konsumsi Rumah Tangga (Studi Kasus Rumah Tangga Petani Kakao di Kabupaten Polewali Mandar).
MA Rifai
Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), 2019
The analysis of inequality using carbon footprint approach in Indonesia
N Nuryartono, MA Rifai
Research project of counterparts funded at IPB 2015, 2017, 2018
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