Rambonilaza Tina
Rambonilaza Tina
Senior Researcher in the Field of environmental economics, Irstea
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Land-use planning and public preferences: What can we learn from choice experiment method?
M Rambonilaza, J Dachary-Bernard
Landscape and urban planning 83 (4), 318-326, 2007
Domestic demand for tourism in rural areas: Insights from summer stays in three French regions
F Bel, A Lacroix, S Lyser, T Rambonilaza, N Turpin
Tourism management 46, 562-570, 2015
Le modèle du panier de biens: grille d’analyse et observations de terrain
M Hirczak, M Moalla, A Mollard, B Pecqueur, M Rambonilaza, D Vollet
Économie rurale 308, 55-70, 2008
Review of methods and evidence for economic valuation of agricultural non-commodity outputs and suggestions to facilitate its application to broader decisional contexts
L Madureira, T Rambonilaza, I Karpinski
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 120 (1), 5-20, 2007
Choice experiment, multiple programmes contingent valuation and landscape preferences: How can we support the land use decision making process?
J Dachary-Bernard, T Rambonilaza
Land Use Policy 29 (4), 846-854, 2012
River continuity restoration and diadromous fishes: much more than an ecological issue
H Drouineau, C Carter, M Rambonilaza, G Beaufaron, G Bouleau, ...
Environmental management 61, 671-686, 2018
From the Basket of Goods to a More General Model of Territorialized Complex Goods: Concepts, Analysis Grid and Questions.
M Hirczak, M Moalla, A Mollard, B Pecqueur, M Rambonilaza, D Vollet
Canadian Journal of Regional Science/Revue Canadienne des Sciences …, 2008
Non-market values of forest biodiversity and the impact of informing the general public: Insights from generalized multinomial logit estimations
T Rambonilaza, E Brahic
Environmental Science & Policy 64, 93-100, 2016
Environmental amenities and territorial anchorage in the recreational-housing rental market: A hedonic approach with French data
A Mollard, T Rambonilaza, D Vollet
Land Use Policy 24 (2), 484-493, 2007
Farm models and economic valuation in the context of multifunctionality: a review of approaches from France, Germany, The Netherlands and Portugal
P Zander, JCJ Groot, E Josien, I Karpinski, A Knierim, B Meyer, ...
International journal of agricultural resources, governance and ecology 7 (4 …, 2008
Volet" écosystèmes agricoles" de l’Evaluation Française des Ecosystèmes et des Services Ecosystémiques
O Therond, M Tichit, A Tibi, F Accatino, L Biju-Duval, C Bockstaller, ...
Inra, 2017
Collaborative environmental governance and transaction costs in partnerships: evidence from a social network approach to water management in France
C Boschet, T Rambonilaza
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 61 (1), 105-123, 2018
Amenity values and payment schemes for free recreation services from non-industrial private forest properties: A French case study
J Gadaud, M Rambonilaza
Journal of Forest Economics 16 (4), 297-311, 2010
Integrating water resource management and land-use planning at the rural–urban interface: Insights from a political economy approach
B Christophe, R Tina
Water Resources and Economics 9, 45-59, 2015
Les mécanismes de coordination dans les réseaux sociaux: un cadre analytique de la dynamique territoriale
C Boschet, T Rambonilaza
Revue d’économie régionale & urbaine, 569-593, 2010
Aménités environnementales et rente territoriale sur un marché de services différenciés: le cas du marché des gîtes ruraux labellisés en France
A Mollard, M Rambonilaza, D Vollet
Revue d'économie politique 116 (2), 251-275, 2006
Agricultural multifunctionality promoting policies and the safeguarding of rural landscapes: How to evaluate the link?
S Ferrari, M Rambonilaza
Landscape research 33 (3), 297-309, 2008
Tourism and landscapes within multifunctional rural areas: the French case
O Aznar, JB Marsat, T Rambonilaza
Multifunctional land use: Meeting future demands for landscape goods and …, 2007
Evaluation de la demande de paysage: état de l’art et réflexions sur la méthode du transfert des bénéfices
M Rambonilaza
Cahiers d'Economie et de Sociologie Rurales (CESR) 70, 77-101, 2004
Introduction: Features of environmental sustainability in agriculture: some conceptual and operational issues
T Dalgaard, S Ferrari, M Rambonilaza
International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology 5 (2 …, 2006
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