Bas van den Putte
Bas van den Putte
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Low Health Literacy and Evaluation of Online Health Information: A Systematic Review of the Literature
N Diviani, B van den Putte, S Giani, JCM van Weert
Journal of Medical Internet Research 17 (5), e112, 2015
The Differential Impact of Statistical and Narrative Evidence on Beliefs, Attitude, and Intention: A Meta-Analysis
S Zebregs, B van den Putte, P Neijens, A de Graaf
Health communication 30 (3), 282-289, 2015
20 years of the theory of reasoned action of Fishbein and Ajzen: A meta-analysis
B Van den Putte
Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Amsterdam, 1993
Adult active transportation: adding habit strength to the theory of planned behavior
GJ de Bruijn, SPJ Kremers, A Singh, B Van den Putte, W Van Mechelen
American Journal of Preventive Medicine 36 (3), 189-194, 2009
Interpersonal communication as an indirect pathway for the effect of antismoking media content on smoking cessation
B van den Putte, M Yzer, BG Southwell, GJ de Bruijn, MC Willemsen
Journal of health communication 16 (5), 470-485, 2011
Impact of national smoke-free legislation on home smoking bans: findings from the International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Project Europe Surveys
U Mons, GE Nagelhout, S Allwright, R Guignard, B van den Putte, ...
Tobacco control 22 (e1), e2-e9, 2013
Exploring the role of health literacy in the evaluation of online health information: Insights from a mixed-methods study
N Diviani, B Van den Putte, CS Meppelink, JCM van Weert
Patient education and counseling 99 (6), 1017-1025, 2016
It Is All in the Name: A Study of Consumers' Responses to Personalized Communication
E Maslowska, EG Smit, B van den Putte
Journal of Interactive Advertising 16 (1), 74-85, 2016
Social Drinking on Social Media: Content Analysis of the Social Aspects of Alcohol-Related Posts on Facebook and Instagram
H Hendriks, B Van den Putte, WA Gebhardt, MA Moreno
Journal of Medical Internet Research 20 (6), e226, 2018
Social influences on smoking cessation: a comparison of the effect of six social influence variables
B van den Putte, MC Yzer, S Brunsting
Preventive medicine 41 (1), 186-193, 2005
The effects of smoking self-identity and quitting self-identity on attempts to quit smoking.
B van den Putte, M Yzer, MC Willemsen, GJ de Bruijn
Health Psychology 28 (5), 535, 2009
The influence of message framing, intention to quit smoking, and nicotine dependence on the persuasiveness of smoking cessation messages
M Moorman, B van den Putte
Addictive behaviors 33 (10), 1267-1275, 2008
Does perceived risk influence the effects of message framing? Revisiting the link between prospect theory and message framing
J Van’t Riet, AD Cox, D Cox, GD Zimet, GJ De Bruijn, B Van den Putte, ...
Health psychology review 10 (4), 447-459, 2016
What matters most in advertising campaigns? The relative effect of media expenditure and message content strategy
B Van Den Putte
International Journal of Advertising 28 (4), 669-690, 2009
Does perceived risk influence the effects of message framing? A new investigation of a widely held notion
J Van’t Riet, AD Cox, D Cox, GD Zimet, GJ De Bruijn, B Van den Putte, ...
Psychology & health 29 (8), 933-949, 2014
Parent-adolescent communication about sexuality: the role of adolescents' beliefs, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control
BC Schouten, B van den Putte, M Pasmans, L Meeuwesen
Patient education and counseling 66 (1), 75-83, 2007
Adolescent soft drink consumption, television viewing and habit strength. Investigating clustering effects in the Theory of Planned Behaviour
GJ de Bruijn, B van den Putte
Appetite 53 (1), 66-75, 2009
Perceptions of Barriers to Patient Participation: Are They Due to Language, Culture, or Discrimination?
S Schinkel, BC Schouten, F Kerpiclik, B Van Den Putte, JCM Van Weert
Health communication 34 (12), 1469-1481, 2019
Understanding the impact of school tobacco policies on adolescent smoking behaviour: A realist review
M Schreuders, PAW Nuyts, B van den Putte, AE Kunst
Social Science & Medicine 183, 19-27, 2017
Prevalence and reasons for use of electronic cigarettes among smokers: Findings from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Netherlands Survey
K Hummel, C Hoving, GE Nagelhout, H de Vries, B van den Putte, ...
International Journal of Drug Policy 26 (6), 601-608, 2015
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