nazareth bedrossian
nazareth bedrossian
Stealth Startup, CTO
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Steering law design for redundant single-gimbal control moment gyroscopes
NS Bedrossian, J Paradise, EV Bergmann, D Rowell
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 13 (6), 1083-1089, 1990
Redundant single gimbal control moment gyroscope singularity analysis
NS Bedrossian, J Paradiso, EV Bergmann, D Rowell
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 13 (6), 1096-1101, 1990
Zero-propellant maneuver guidance
NS Bedrossian, S Bhatt, W Kang, IM Ross
IEEE Control Systems Magazine 29 (5), 53-73, 2009
Guided expansive spaces trees: A search strategy for motion-and cost-constrained state spaces
JM Phillips, N Bedrossian, LE Kavraki
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2004. Proceedings …, 2004
Pseudospectral optimal control for military and industrial applications
Q Gong, W Kang, NS Bedrossian, F Fahroo, P Sekhavat, K Bollino
2007 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 4128-4142, 2007
Classification of singular configurations for redundant manipulators
NS Bedrossian
Proceedings., IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 818-823, 1990
First ever flight demonstration of zero propellant maneuver (tm) attitute control concept
N Bedrossian, S Bhatt, M Lammers, L Nguyen, Y Zhang
AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference and Exhibit, 6734, 2007
Flight implementation of shortest-time maneuvers for imaging satellites
M Karpenko, S Bhatt, N Bedrossian, IM Ross
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 37 (4), 1069-1079, 2014
First flight results on time-optimal spacecraft slews
M Karpenko, S Bhatt, N Bedrossian, A Fleming, IM Ross
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 35 (2), 367-376, 2012
Spacecraft rendezvous and docking with real-time, randomized optimization
J Phillips, L Kavraki, N Bedrossian
AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit, 5511, 2003
Approximation of the International Space Station 1R and 12A models
S Gugercin, AC Antoulas, N Bedrossian
Proceedings of the 40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (Cat. No …, 2001
Steering law design for redundant single gimbal control moment gyro systems
NS Bedrossian
Approximate feedback linearization: the cart-pole example.
N Bedrossian
ICRA, 1987-1992, 1992
Linearizing coordinate transformations and Riemann curvature
NS Bedrossian
[1992] Proceedings of the 31st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 80-85, 1992
Zero-Propellant Maneuver [TM] Flight Results for 180 deg ISS Rotation
N Bedrossian, S Bhatt, M Lammers, L Nguyen
Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics, 2007
Feedback linearization of robot manipulators and Riemannian curvature
NS Bedrossian, MW Spong
Journal of Robotic Systems 12 (8), 541-552, 1995
Characterizing spatial redundant manipulator singularities.
N Bedrossian, K Flueckiger
ICRA, 714-719, 1991
Design of launch vehicle flight control systems using ascent vehicle stability analysis tool
J Jang, A Alaniz, R Hall, N Bedrossian, C Hall, M Jackson
AIAA guidance, navigation, and control conference, 6652, 2011
Nonlinear control using linearizing transformations
NS Bedrossian
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1991
Overclock my satellite
N Bedrossian, M Karpenko, S Bhatt
IEEE Spectrum 49 (11), 54-62, 2012
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