Claudia Hulbert
Claudia Hulbert
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Machine learning predicts laboratory earthquakes
B Rouet‐Leduc, C Hulbert, N Lubbers, K Barros, CJ Humphreys, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 44 (18), 9276-9282, 2017
Similarity of fast and slow earthquakes illuminated by machine learning
C Hulbert, B Rouet-Leduc, PA Johnson, CX Ren, J Rivière, DC Bolton, ...
Nature Geoscience 12 (1), 69-74, 2019
Continuous chatter of the Cascadia subduction zone revealed by machine learning
B Rouet-Leduc, C Hulbert, PA Johnson
Nature Geoscience 12 (1), 75-79, 2019
Estimating fault friction from seismic signals in the laboratory
B Rouet‐Leduc, C Hulbert, DC Bolton, CX Ren, J Riviere, C Marone, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 45 (3), 1321-1329, 2018
Laboratory earthquake forecasting: A machine learning competition
PA Johnson, B Rouet-Leduc, LJ Pyrak-Nolte, GC Beroza, CJ Marone, ...
Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 118 (5), e2011362118, 2021
Autonomous extraction of millimeter-scale deformation in InSAR time series using deep learning
B Rouet-Leduc, R Jolivet, M Dalaison, PA Johnson, C Hulbert
Nature communications 12 (1), 6480, 2021
Probing slow earthquakes with deep learning
B Rouet‐Leduc, C Hulbert, IW McBrearty, PA Johnson
Geophysical research letters 47 (4), e2019GL085870, 2020
Characterizing acoustic signals and searching for precursors during the laboratory seismic cycle using unsupervised machine learning
DC Bolton, P Shokouhi, B Rouet‐Leduc, C Hulbert, J Rivière, C Marone, ...
Seismological Research Letters 90 (3), 1088-1098, 2019
Machine learning reveals the state of intermittent frictional dynamics in a sheared granular fault
CX Ren, O Dorostkar, B Rouet‐Leduc, C Hulbert, D Strebel, RA Guyer, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 46 (13), 7395-7403, 2019
An exponential build-up in seismic energy suggests a months-long nucleation of slow slip in Cascadia
C Hulbert, B Rouet-Leduc, R Jolivet, PA Johnson
Nature communications 11 (1), 1-8, 2020
Machine learning and fault rupture: a review
CX Ren, C Hulbert, PA Johnson, B Rouet-Leduc
Advances in Geophysics 61, 57-107, 2020
Automatic detection of methane emissions in multispectral satellite imagery using a vision transformer
B Rouet-Leduc, C Hulbert
Nature Communications 15 (1), 3801, 2024
Automatized convergence of optoelectronic simulations using active machine learning
B Rouet-Leduc, C Hulbert, K Barros, T Lookman, CJ Humphreys
Applied Physics Letters 111 (4), 2017
Subsurface stress criticality associated with fluid injection and determined using machine learning
PA Johnson, CL Hulbert, B Rouet-Leduc
US Patent 11,341,410, 2022
Failure prediction and estimation of failure parameters
PA Johnson, CL Hulbert, B Rouet-Leduc
US Patent 11,169,288, 2021
Tremor waveform extraction and automatic location with neural network interpretation
C Hulbert, R Jolivet, B Gardonio, PA Johnson, CX Ren, B Rouet-Leduc
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 60, 1-9, 2022
Mapping glacier basal sliding applying machine learning
J Umlauft, CW Johnson, P Roux, DT Trugman, A Lecointre, A Walpersdorf, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 128 (11), e2023JF007280, 2023
Diffusion models for interferometric satellite aperture radar
A Tuel, T Kerdreux, C Hulbert, B Rouet-Leduc
arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.16847, 2023
Autonomous Detection of Methane Emissions in Multispectral Satellite Data Using Deep Learning
B Rouet-Leduc, T Kerdreux, A Tuel, C Hulbert
arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.11003, 2023
Learning the low frequency earthquake daily intensity on the central San Andreas Fault
C Johnson, C Hulbert, B Rouet-Leduc, P Johnson
Authorea Preprints, 2022
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Articles 1–20