Lev Soustov / Соустов Лев Викторович
Lev Soustov / Соустов Лев Викторович
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Production of phonons in an isotropic universe
VN Lukash
Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz 79, 1601, 1980
UV-initiated growth of gold nanoparticles in PMMA matrix
A Alexandrov, L Smirnova, N Yakimovich, N Sapogova, L Soustov, ...
Applied surface science 248 (1-4), 181-184, 2005
Comparison of ultraviolet induced photo-kinetics for lens-derived and recombinant beta-crystallins
MA Ostrovsky, YV Sergeev, DB Atkinson, LV Soustov, JF Hejtmancik
Mol Vis 8, 72-78, 2002
Photoinduced nanocomposites—creation, modification, linear and nonlinear optical properties
N Bityurin, A Alexandrov, A Afanasiev, N Agareva, A Pikulin, N Sapogova, ...
Applied Physics A 112, 135-138, 2013
Поиск шапероноподобных антикатарактальных препаратов-антиагрегантов кристаллинов хрусталика глаза. Сообщение 3. Возможности динамического наблюдения за процессами …
СЭ Аветисов, ГС Полунин, НЛ Шеремет, КО Муранов, ИА Макаров, ...
Вестник офтальмологии 124 (2), 8-12, 2008
Increased Sensitivity of Amino-Arm Truncated βA3-Crystallin to UV-Light–Induced Photoaggregation
YV Sergeev, LV Soustov, EV Chelnokov, NM Bityurin, PS Backlund, ...
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 46 (9), 3263-3273, 2005
UV-induced formation of gold nanoparticles in a poly (methyl methacrylate) matrix
LA Smirnova, AP Aleksandrov, NO Yakimovich, NV Sapogova, ...
Doklady Physical Chemistry 400, 19-21, 2005
УФ-индуцированное формирование наноразмерных частиц золота в полиметилметакрилатной матрице
ЛА Смирнова, АП Александров, НО Якимович, НВ Сапогова, ...
Доклады академии наук 400 (6), 779-781, 2005
“Selfmodulation” of electromagnetic waves in nonlinear transmission lines
LA Ostrovskii, LV Soustov
Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics 15, 182-187, 1972
Nonreciprocal XeCl laser-induced aggregation of β-crystallins in water solution
E Chelnokov, L Soustov, N Sapogova, M Ostrovsky, N Bityurin
Optics Express 16 (23), 18798-18803, 2008
Kinetics of low-scattering biotissue photodenaturation induced by the UV harmonics of a Nd: YAP laser and by Nd: YAG laser at a wavelength of 1440 nm
NM Bityurin, SV Muraviov, VA Kamensky, AY Malyshev, EV Chelnokov, ...
Optical Biopsy and Tissue Optics 4161, 1-11, 2000
Absorption in and laser damage to KDP and DKDP crystals
AM Miller, LV Soustov
Soviet Journal of Quantum Electronics 19 (1), 39, 1989
Dynamics of the laser destruction of KDP crystals
VN Genkin, AM Miller, LV Soustov
Zhurnal Eksperimentalnoi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki 79, 1880-1887, 1980
Chaperon-like anticataract agents, the antiaggregants of lens crystallin. Communication 4. Study of the effect of a mixture of di-and tetrapeptides on a prolonged rat model of …
SE Avetisov, GS Polunin, NL Sheremet, IA Makarov, AA Fedorov, ...
Vestnik oftalmologii 124 (2), 12-16, 2008
Theory of natural fluctuations of the intensity and frequency of radiation from multimode injection lasers
AS Meller, PA Khandokhin, YI Khanin
Soviet Journal of Quantum Electronics 16 (11), 1502, 1986
Photoaggregation of Water-soluble Protein (Carboanhydrase) Induced by the Ultraviolet Radiation of Xe–Cl Laser.
LV Soustov, EV Chelnokov, NM Bityurin, VV Nemov, YV Sergeev, ...
Doklady Biochemistry & Biophysics 388, 2003
Like anticataract agents, the antiaggregants of lens crystallin. Communication 2. Study of the impact of chaperon-like (protective) activity of short-chain peptides on the rate …
LV Soustov, EV Chelnokov, NV Sapogova, NM Bitiurin, VV Nemov, ...
Vestnik Oftalmologii 124 (2), 6-8, 2008
Изучение воздействия смеси ди-и тетра-пептидов на «пролонгированной» модели ультрафиолет-индуцироанной катаракты у крыс
СЭ Аветисов, ГС Полунин, НЛ Шеремет, ИА Макаров, АА Федоров, ...
Вестник офтальмологии. 124 (2), 12, 2008
Investigation of photo-aggregation of proteins irradiated by XeCl laser light
LV Soustov, EV Chelnokov, NM Bityurin, VV Nemov, TA Yahno, ...
Laser Applications in Medicine, Biology, and Environmental Science 5149, 85-95, 2003
Nonreciprocities in modification and etching of polymer films by Nd laser fifth-harmonic radiation
AP Alexandrov, AA Babin, NM Bityurin, NG Bronnikova, SV Muraviov, ...
Nonlinear Optics of Low-Dimensional Structures and New Materials 2801, 249-254, 1996
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