Fatemeh Hashemi
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Efficiency of mitigation measures targeting nutrient losses from agricultural drainage systems: A review
MV Carstensen, F Hashemi, CC Hoffmann, D Zak, J Audet, B Kronvang
Ambio 49, 1820-1837, 2020
Review of scenario analyses to reduce agricultural nitrogen and phosphorus loading to the aquatic environment
F Hashemi, JE Olesen, T Dalgaard, CD Børgesen
Science of the Total Environment 573, 608-626, 2016
Partial root-zone drying (PRD), its effects and agricultural significance: a review
R Iqbal, MAS Raza, M Toleikiene, M Ayaz, F Hashemi, ...
Bulletin of the National Research Centre 44, 1-15, 2020
Nitrate leaching losses from two Baltic Sea catchments under scenarios of changes in land use, land management and climate
JE Olesen, CD Børgesen, F Hashemi, M Jabloun, D Bar-Michalczyk, ...
Ambio 48, 1252-1263, 2019
Spatially differentiated strategies for reducing nitrate loads from agriculture in two Danish catchments
F Hashemi, JE Olesen, AL Hansen, CD Børgesen, T Dalgaard
Journal of Environmental Management 208, 77-91, 2018
Spatially differentiated regulation: Can it save the Baltic Sea from excessive N-loads?
JC Refsgaard, AL Hansen, AL Højberg, JE Olesen, F Hashemi, ...
Ambio 48, 1278-1289, 2019
Potential benefits of farm scale measures versus landscape measures for reducing nitrate loads in a Danish catchment
F Hashemi, JE Olesen, CD Børgesen, H Tornbjerg, H Thodsen, ...
Science of the total environment 637, 318-335, 2018
Organic conversion tea farms can have comparable economic benefits and less environmental impacts than conventional ones—A case study in China
H Zhen, Y Qiao, X Ju, F Hashemi, MT Knudsen
Science of The Total Environment 877, 162698, 2023
Conceptual mini-catchment typologies for testing dominant controls of nutrient dynamics in three Nordic countries
F Hashemi, I Pohle, JWM Pullens, H Tornbjerg, K Kyllmar, H Marttila, ...
Water 12 (6), 1776, 2020
Defining common criteria for harmonizing life cycle assessments of livestock systems
P Goglio, MT Knudsen, K Van Mierlo, N Röhrig, M Fossey, A Maresca, ...
Cleaner Production Letters 4, 100035, 2023
Greenhouse gas emissions from bio-based growing media: A life-cycle assessment
F Hashemi, L Mogensen, AM Smith, SU Larsen, MT Knudsen
Science of the Total Environment 907, 167977, 2024
Modelling the impact of the Nordic Bioeconomy Pathways and climate change on water quantity and quality in a Danish River Basin
KB M.V. Carstensen,E. Molina-Navarro,F. Hashemi,B. Kronvang
Catena 222 (106795), 2023
Reducing uncertainty of estimated nitrogen load reductions to aquatic systems through spatially targeting agricultural mitigation measures using groundwater nitrogen reduction
F Hashemi, JE Olesen, M Jabloun, AL Hansen
Journal of environmental management 218, 451-464, 2018
Environmental performance of seaweed cultivation and use in different industries: A systematic review
MA Waqas, F Hashemi, L Mogensen, MT Knudsen
Sustainable Production and Consumption, 2024
Multi-functional benefits from targeted set-aside land in a Danish catchment
F Hashemi, B Kronvang
Ambio 49 (11), 1808-1819, 2020
Land-use change in a Nordic future towards bioeconomy: A methodological framework to compare and merge stakeholder and expert opinions on qualitative scenarios
AL Solheim, A Tolvanen, E Skarbøvik, B Kløve, D Collentine, B Kronvang, ...
Catena 228, 107100, 2023
The detection and monitoring of pollution caused by gold mining using a vegetation cover index
S Andaryani, V Nourani, F Ershadfath, F Hashemi, AT Haghighi, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 30 (3), 8020-8035, 2023
Vidensyntese om livscyklusvurderinger og klimaeffektivitet i landbrugssektoren: Del 1 Fødevarer
L Mogensen, M Trydeman Knudsen, F Hashemi, A Jensen, T Kristensen
Rådgivningsrapport fra DCA – National Center for Fødevarer og Jordbrug, 2021
Effect of partial rhizosphere drying on plant photosynthetic, antioxidative and water related indicators in cotton
MTKMMA Rashid Iqbal, Muhammad Aown Sammar Raza, Muhammad Habib-Ur Rahman ...
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 53 (16), 2125-2140, 2022
Sustainable nitrogen management in Denmark
T Dalgaard, S Brock, M Graversgaard, B Hansen, F Hashemi, B Häsler, ...
Innovative solutions for sustainable management of nitrogen, 13-16, 2017
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Articles 1–20