Selma Ben Attia
Selma Ben Attia
Autres nomsMaitre Assistante-Automatique
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Static switched output feedback stabilization for linear discrete-time switched systems
SB Attia, S Salhi, M Ksouri
International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control 8 (5 …, 2012
LMI Formulation for Static Output Feedback Design of Discrete‐Time Switched Systems
S Ben Attia, S Salhi, M Ksouri
Journal of control science and Engineering 2009 (1), 362920, 2009
Improved LMI formulation for robust dynamic output feedback controller design of discrete-time switched systems via switched Lyapunov function
SB Attia, S Salhi, M Ksouri, J Bernussou
2009 3rd International Conference on Signals, Circuits and Systems (SCS), 1-5, 2009
Repetitive processes based iterative learning control designed by LMIs
J Dridi, S Ben attia, S Salhi, M Ksouri
International Scholarly Research Notices 2012 (1), 365927, 2012
Switching-iterative learning control method for discrete-time switching system
H Ouerfelli, SB Attia, S Salhi
International Journal of Dynamics and Control 6 (4), 1755-1766, 2018
Mode-Independent state feedback design for discrete switched linear
SB Attia, S Salhi, M Ksouri
European conference on modelling and simultion, ECMS, Madrid, 6-9, 2009
A fast online estimator of the main vibration mode of mechanisms from a biased slightly damped signal
S Benftima, VF Batlle, S Benattia, S Salhi
IECON 2022–48th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2022
Iterative learning tracking control for discret time switched
HE Ouerfelli, J Dridi, SB Attia, S Salhi
International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering Technology (IJSET …, 2015
Iterative learning control for discret time switched system
HE Ouerfelli, J Dridi, SB Attia, S Salhi
proceeding of International Conference on Control, Engineering and …, 2014
ILC-tracking control design for repetitive continuous-time linear system using D-stability along the pass
SB Attia, HE Ouerfelli, S Salhi
2017 14th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD …, 2017
Mathématiques pour l'ingénieur
JP Richard, H Mounier, A Achour, L Belkoura, SB Attia, M Dambrine, ...
ATAN, Association Tunisienne d'Automatique et de Numérisation, 2009
Polynomial Iterative Learning Control (ILC) Tracking Control Design for Uncertain Repetitive Continuous-Time Linear Systems Applied to an Active Suspension of a Car Seat†.
SB Attia, S Alzahrani, S Alhuwaimel, S Salhi, HE Ouerfelli
Mathematics (2227-7390) 12 (16), 2024
Monotonic Switching Iterative Learning Control Method for a Class of Discrete Time Switched System
HE Ouerfelli, SB Attia, S Salhi
International Journal of Automation and Smart Technology 7 (4), 179-186, 2017
Monotonic convergence switching iterative learning tracking control for a class of continuous time switched systems
OH Eddine, BA Selma, S Salah
2017 American Control Conference (ACC), 4522-4527, 2017
Robust Iterative Learning Control for Linear Discrete-Time Switched Systems
OH Eddine, D Jamel, BA Selma, S Salah
Handbook of Research on Advanced Intelligent Control Engineering and …, 2015
Optimal fractional control applied to a single link flexible robot with disturbances and payload changes
S Benftima, S Ben Attia, S Salhi, V Feliu Batlle
Journal of Vibration and Control, 10775463251315987, 2025
Robustness Convergence for Iterative Learning Tracking Control Applied to Repetitfs Systems.
BA Selma, OH Eddine, S Salah
Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing 32 (2), 2022
Iterative learning control for Linear Discrete Time Switched Systems
OH Eddine, D Jamel, BA Selma, S Salah
Proceedings-Copyright IPCO, 310-321, 2014
New LMI formulation for control design of discrete linear repetitive system
J Dridi, SB Attia, S Salhi, M Ksouri
2013 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Software …, 2013
Mode-Independent State Feedback Design For Discrete Switched Linear Systems.
SB Attia, S Salhi, M Ksouri
ECMS, 807-812, 2009
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Articles 1–20