George Giannakopoulos
George Giannakopoulos
AI Researcher at NCSR Demokritos; CEO of SciFY Not-for-profit Company
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Summarization system evaluation revisited: N-gram graphs
G Giannakopoulos, V Karkaletsis, G Vouros, P Stamatopoulos
ACM Transactions on Speech and Language Processing (TSLP) 5 (3), 1-39, 2008
TAC 2011 MultiLing pilot overview
G Giannakopoulos, M El-Haj, B Favre, M Litvak, J Steinberger, V Varma
TAC, 2011
Multiling 2015: multilingual summarization of single and multi-documents, on-line fora, and call-center conversations
G Giannakopoulos, J Kubina, J Conroy, J Steinberger, B Favre, ...
Proceedings of the 16th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on …, 2015
Three-dimensional Entity Resolution with JedAI
G Papadakis, G Mandilaras, L Gagliardelli, G Simonini, E Thanos, ...
Information Systems 93, 101565, 2020
Decentralized provenance-aware publishing with nanopublications
T Kuhn, C Chichester, M Krauthammer, N Queralt-Rosinach, R Verborgh, ...
PeerJ Computer Science 2, e78, 2016
Sentiment analysis of figurative language using a word sense disambiguation approach
V Rentoumi, G Giannakopoulos, V Karkaletsis, GA Vouros
Proceedings of the International Conference RANLP-2009, 370-375, 2009
The return of JedAl: End-to-End Entity Resolution for Structured and Semi-Structured Data
G Papadakis, L Tsekouras, E Thanos, G Giannakopoulos, T Palpanas, ...
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 11 (12), 1950-1953, 2018
Multi-document multilingual summarization and evaluation tracks in acl 2013 multiling workshop
G Giannakopoulos
Proceedings of the MultiLing 2013 Workshop on Multilingual Multidocument …, 2013
AutoSummENG and MeMoG in Evaluating Guided Summaries
G Giannakopoulos, V Karkaletsis
Text Analysis Conference (TAC) 2011, 2011
Representation Models for Text Classification: a comparative analysis over three Web document types
G Giannakopoulos, P Mavridi, G Paliouras, G Papadakis, K Tserpes
International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics (WIMS) 2012, 2012
The BigDataEurope platform–supporting the variety dimension of big data
S Auer, S Scerri, A Versteden, E Pauwels, A Charalambidis, ...
International Conference on Web Engineering, 41-59, 2017
Accessible games for blind children, empowered by binaural sound.
AF Drossos, Konstantinos, Nikolaos Zormpas, George Giannakopoulos
8th ACM International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to …, 2015
Summary evaluation: Together we stand npower-ed
G Giannakopoulos, V Karkaletsis
Proceedings of the 14th international conference on Computational …, 2013
Author Profiling Using Stylometric and Structural Feature Groupings—Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2015
A Grivas, A Krithara, G Giannakopoulos
CLEF 2015 Evaluation Labs and Workshop–Working Notes Papers, 8-11, 0
The Financial Narrative Summarisation Shared Task (FNS 2020)
M El-Haj, M Litvak, N Pittaras, G Giannakopoulos
Proceedings of the 1st Joint Workshop on Financial Narrative Processing and …, 2020
Domain-and Structure-Agnostic End-to-End Entity Resolution with JedAI
G Papadakis, L Tsekouras, E Thanos, G Giannakopoulos, T Palpanas, ...
ACM SIGMOD Record 48 (4), 30-36, 2020
N-gram graphs: Representing documents and document sets in summary system evaluation
G Giannakopoulos, V Karkaletsis
Proceedings of Text Analysis Conference (TAC 2009), 2009
Text classification with semantically enriched word embeddings
N Pittaras, G Giannakopoulos, G Papadakis, V Karkaletsis
Natural Language Engineering 27 (4), 391-425, 2021
Accessible electronic games for blind children and young people
G Giannakopoulos, NA Tatlas, V Giannakopoulos, A Floros, P Katsoulis
British Journal of Educational Technology 49 (4), 608-619, 2018
Multi-document multilingual summarization corpus preparation, part 1: Arabic, english, greek, chinese, romanian
L Li, C Forascu, M El-Haj, G Giannakopoulos
MultiLing 2013, 1, 2013
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Articles 1–20