Oksana Dremova
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В поисках справедливости в университете: критика и оправдание практик академического мошенничества студентами
ОВ Дремова, НГ Малошонок, ЕА Терентьев
Мониторинг общественного мнения: экономические и социальные перемены, 366-394, 2020
The impact of transparency constraints on the efficiency of the Russian healthcare system: systematic literature review
Y Timofeyev, O Dremova, M Jakovljevic
Journal of Medical Economics 26 (1), 95-109, 2023
Insurers’ responses to cyber crime: evidence from Russia
Y Timofeyev, O Dremova
International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice 68, 100520, 2022
Этические кодексы в университетах: что и как они регулируют?
ОВ Дремова, СК Бекова
Образовательная политика, 88-98, 2021
The challenges of distance learning to student mental health
K Vilkova, I Shcheglova, O Dremova
Higher Education in Russia and Beyond 27 (2), 12-14, 2021
Академическое мошенничество студентов: обзор теоретических концепций и мер предотвращения
ОВ Дремова
Педагогика и психология образования, 93-111, 2020
Внеучебная деятельность как фактор академической успешности студентов
ИА Щеглова, ОВ Дремова
Seeking justice in academia: criticism and justification of student academic dishonesty
OV Dremova, NG Maloshonok, EA Terentiev
Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes 4, 366-394, 2020
Criticism and justification of undergraduate academic dishonesty: Development and validation of the domestic, market and industrial orders of worth scales
O Dremova, N Maloshonok, E Terentev, D Federiakin
European Journal of Higher Education 13 (1), 44-61, 2023
V poiskakh spravedlivosti v universitete: kritika i opravdanie praktik akademicheskogo moshennichestva studentami [Seeking justice in academia: Criticism and justification of …
OV Dremova, NG Maloshonok, EA Terentiev
Monitoring obshchestvennogo mneniia: ekonomicheskie i sotsial'nye peremeny …, 2020
Student academic dishonesty: Review of theoretical frameworks and methods of prevention
OV Dremova
Pedagogy and Psychology of Education 2, 93-111, 2020
Политика российских вузов в отношении академического мошенничества студентов: наказание или воспитание?
ОВ Дремова
Университетское управление: практика и анализ 24 (4), 30-45, 2020
Ethical beliefs and behaviour of university educators: evidence from Russia
Y Timofeyev, O Dremova
Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education 14 (2), 575-593, 2022
Online Learning: Expectations versus Reality
I Shcheglova, K Vilkova, O Dremova
Online Learning: Expectations versus Reality, 22-33, 2022
Russian Universities’ Third Mission: A Trend towards (Non) commercialization?
OV Dremova, IA Shcheglova
University Management: Practice and Analysis 26 (2), 2022
Учебные сообщества на базе общежитий: опыт зарубежных вузов и возможности реализации в России
ОВ Дремова, ИА Щеглова
Современная аналитика образования 18 (48), 32, 2020
Russian University Policies on StudentsAcademic Dishonesty: Punishment or Ethical Training
OV Dremova
University Management: Practice and Analysis 24 (4), 2021
Student Educational Experience and Its Place in the Modern Educational Paradigm: FEFU Case
IA Shcheglova, OV Dremova, J Babayeva, MA Gaete
Voprosy obrazovaniya/Educational Studies Moscow 2 (3), 2024
Exploring Diversity in Learning Behavior at University: Opportunities for Conceptualization
NG Maloshonok, KA Vilkova, OV Dremova
Voprosy obrazovaniya/Educational Studies Moscow, 2024
Expectations versus Reality Irina Shcheglova, Ksenia Vilkova and Oksana Dremova
I Shcheglova
Digital Transformation and Disruption of Higher Education, 22, 2022
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Articles 1–20