Si-rich a-Si1− xCx thin films by dc magnetron co-sputtering of silicon and silicon carbide: Structural and optical properties MA Ouadfel, A Keffous, A Brighet, N Gabouze, T Hadjersi, A Cheriet, ... Applied surface science 265, 94-100, 2013 | 29 | 2013 |
Structural and optical properties of a-Si1− xCx: H films synthesized by dc magnetron sputtering technique A Keffous, A Cheriet, Y Belkacem, N Gabouze, A Boukezzata, ... Applied surface science 256 (14), 4591-4595, 2010 | 15 | 2010 |
Comparative study of porous amorphous a-Si1− xCx films and a-Si1− xCx membranes on structural and luminescence properties A Boukezzata, G Nezzal, L Guerbous, A Keffous, N Gabouze, Y Belkacem, ... Journal of luminescence 131 (6), 1184-1188, 2011 | 13 | 2011 |
INVESTIGATION PROPERTIES OF a-Si1-xCx:H FILMS ELABORATED BY CO-SPUTTERING OF Si AND 6H-SiC A Keffous, A Cheriet, Y Belkacem, A Manseri, N Gabouze, M Kechouane, ... Modern Physics Letters B 24 (19), 2101-2112, 2010 | 8 | 2010 |
Effect of the Si doping on the properties of AZO/SiC/Si heterojunctions grown by low temperature pulsed laser deposition A Boughelout, R Macaluso, I Crupi, B Megna, A Brighet, M Trari, ... Semiconductor Science and Technology 36 (1), 015001, 2020 | 6 | 2020 |
Alternating current impedance spectroscopic investigation of an a-Si: H/c-Si heterojunction with porous silicon multilayers HY Seba, T Hadjersi, N Zebbar, A Brighet, M Berouaken, A Manseri, ... Thin Solid Films 699, 137891, 2020 | 5 | 2020 |
Deposition temperature effects on optical and structural properties of amorphous silicon carbide films S Merazga, A Brighet, A Keffous, K Mirouh, L Guerbous, Y Belkacem, ... International journal of nanotechnology 10 (5-7), 587-596, 2013 | 5 | 2013 |
Effect of plasma power on properties of a‐SiC: H films deposited by DC magnetron sputtering A Brighet, K Mokkadem, A Fedala, M Kechouane physica status solidi c 7 (3‐4), 561-564, 2010 | 4 | 2010 |
Effects of trimethylphosphine incorporation on hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si: H) properties A Brighet, R Cherfi, M Kechouane, A Benabdelmoumen, A Rahal Physics Procedia 2 (3), 913-920, 2009 | 2 | 2009 |
Le dopage du silicium amorphe par le triméthylphosphine (TMP) A Brighet | 2 | 2008 |
Effect of thermal annealing on the optical and structural Properties of the a-SiC thin films deposited by DC magnetron sputtering S Merazga, A Keffous, A Brighet, M Kechouane Nano World J 3 (3), 54-58, 2017 | 1 | 2017 |
Photoelectrical Properties of a-Si: H Thin Films Deposited on Porous Silicon by DC-Magnetron Sputtering F Hamadache, L Zougar, K Mokeddem, A Brighet, B Gelloz ECS Transactions 33 (16), 209, 2011 | 1 | 2011 |
Nuclear Reaction Analysis (NRA) of silicon samples doped by trimethylphosphine P (CH {sub 3}){sub 3} M Siad, A Brighet | | 2009 |
Nuclear Reaction Analysis (NRA) of silicon samples doped by trimethylphosphine P(CH3)3 M Siad, A Brighet | | 2009 |
Effect of hydrogen on the optical and structurales properties of amorphous silicon carbide films S Merazga, A Brighet, A Keffous, K Mirouh, M Kechouane | | |
Effect of phosphorus incorporation in hydrogenated amorphous silicon A Brighet, M Kechouane | | |
Structural, optical and electrical properties of a-Si C x: H films synthesized by DC-magnetron co-sputtering technique A Brighet, M Kechouane | | |
Effects of boron and phosphorus incorporation in hydrogenated amorphous silicon A Brighet, M Kechouane | | |