Emiliano Grossman
Emiliano Grossman
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Les groupes d'intérêt: Action collective et stratégies de représentation
E Grossman, S Saurugger
Armand Colin, 2012
Saving the Banks: The Political Economy of Bailouts
E Grossman, C Woll
Comparative Political Studies 47 (4), 574-600, 2013
Agenda setting, policies, and political systems: a comparative approach
C Green-Pedersen, S Walgrave
University of Chicago Press, 2014
Comparative Policy Agendas: Theory, Tools, Data
FR Baumgartner, C Breunig, E Grossman
Oxford University Press, 2019
Do the media set the parliamentary agenda? A comparative study in seven countries
R Vliegenthart, S Walgrave, FR Baumgartner, S Bevan, C Breunig, ...
European Journal of Political Research 55 (2), 283-301, 2016
RTextTools: A supervised learning package for text classification
TP Jurka, L Collingwood, AE Boydstun, E Grossman, W van Atteveldt
The R Journal 5 (1), 6-12, 2013
Bringing politics back in: rethinking the role of economic interest groups in European integration
E Grossman
Journal of European Public Policy 11 (4), 637-654, 2004
Les Français contre l'Europe? Les sens du référendum du 29 mai 2005
N Sauger, S Brouard, E Grossman
Presses de Sciences-Po, 2007
European financial integration: finally the great leap forward?
E Grossman, P Leblond
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 49 (2), 413-435, 2011
RTextTools: Automatic text classification via supervised learning
TP Jurka, L Collingwood, A Boydstun, E Grossman, W van Atteveldt
R package version 1 (9), 2012
Europeanization as an interactive process: German public banks meet EU state aid policy
E Grossman
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 44 (2), 325-348, 2006
France’s Yellow Vests–Symptom of a chronic disease
E Grossman
Political Insight 10 (1), 30-34, 2019
Agenda-setting dynamics in France: Revisiting the ‘partisan hypothesis’
F Baumgartner, S Brouard, E Grossman
French Politics 7, 75-95, 2009
Les groupes d’intérêt au secours de la démocratie?
E Grossman, S Saurugger
Revue française de science politique 562 (2), 299-321, 2006
The media as a dual mediator of the political agenda–setting effect of protest. A longitudinal study in six Western European countries
R Vliegenthart, S Walgrave, R Wouters, S Hutter, W Jennings, R Gava, ...
Social Forces 95 (2), 837-859, 2016
Pourquoi détestons-nous autant nos politiques?
E Grossman, N Sauger
Presses de Sciences Po, 2017
Media and policy making in the digital age
E Grossman
Annual Review of Political Science 25 (1), 443-461, 2022
Do party manifestos matter in policy-making? Capacities, incentives and outcomes of electoral programmes in France
S Brouard, E Grossman, I Guinaudeau, S Persico, C Froio
Political Studies 66 (4), 903-921, 2018
Divided Government, Legislative Productivity, and Policy Change in the USA and France
FR Baumgartner, S Brouard, E Grossman, SG Lazardeux, J Moody
Governance 27 (3), 423-447, 2014
Economies through transparency
E Grossman, E Luque, F Muniesa
Transparency in a new global order: unveiling organizational visions, 97, 2008
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