Articles avec mandats d'accès public - Fang-Bao TianEn savoir plus
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Power synchronisations determine the hovering flight efficiency of passively pitching flapping wings
Q Huang, SS Bhat, EC Yeo, J Young, JCS Lai, FB Tian, S Ravi
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 974, A41, 2023
Exigences : US Department of Defense, Australian Research Council
Sound generated by the flow around an airfoil with an attached flap: From passive fluid–structure interaction to active control
L Wang, FB Tian
Journal of Fluids and Structures 111, 103571, 2022
Exigences : Australian Research Council
Investigation of bio-inspired tail-first swimming using numerical and robotic models
K Dhileep, Q Huang, F Tian, J Young, JCS Lai, D Sofge, S Ravi
2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), 1-6, 2023
Exigences : US Department of Defense
20 articles dont l'importation est refusée
Effects of wing shape, aspect ratio and deviation angle on aerodynamic performance of flapping wings in hover
A Shahzad, FB Tian, J Young, JCS Lai
Physics of Fluids 28 (11), 111901, 2016
Exigences : Australian Research Council
Auteurs responsables : A Shahzad
Effects of flexibility on the hovering performance of flapping wings with different shapes and aspect ratios
A Shahzad, FB Tian, J Young, JCS Lai
Journal of Fluids and Structures 81, 69-96, 2018
Exigences : Australian Research Council
Auteurs responsables : A Shahzad
Effects of hawkmoth-like flexibility on the aerodynamic performance of flapping wings with different shapes and aspect ratios
A Shahzad, FB Tian, J Young, JCS Lai
Physics of Fluids 30 (9), 091902, 2018
Exigences : Australian Research Council
Auteurs responsables : A Shahzad
Effects of pitching motion profile on energy harvesting performance of a semi-active flapping foil using immersed boundary method
W Li, WQ Wang, Y Yan, FB Tian
Ocean Engineering 163, 94-106, 2018
Exigences : Australian Research Council, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Auteurs responsables : WQ Wang
Flapping foil power generator performance enhanced with a spring-connected tail
Z Liu, FB Tian, J Young, JCS Lai
Physics of Fluids 29 (12), 123601, 2017
Exigences : Australian Research Council
Auteurs responsables : Z Liu
How a flexible tail improve the power extraction efficiency of a semi-activated flapping foil system: a numerical study
J Wu, J Wu, FB Tian, N Zhao, YD Li
Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2015
Exigences : National Natural Science Foundation of China
Auteurs responsables : J Wu
A hybrid immersed boundary-lattice Boltzmann/finite difference method for coupled dynamics of fluid flow, advection, diffusion and adsorption in fractured and porous media
X Yu, K Regenauer-Lieb, FB Tian
Computers & Geosciences 128, 70-78, 2019
Exigences : Australian Research Council
Auteurs responsables : K Regenauer-Lieb, X Yu
An improved lattice Boltzmann method for solid-liquid phase change in porous media under local thermal non-equilibrium conditions
D Gao, FB Tian, Z Chen, D Zhang
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 110, 58-62, 2017
Exigences : National Natural Science Foundation of China
Auteurs responsables : D Gao
Numerical study on hydrodynamics for a non-sinusoidal forced oscillating hydrofoil based on an immersed boundary method
W Wang, Y Yan, FB Tian
Ocean Engineering 147, 606-620, 2018
Exigences : National Natural Science Foundation of China
Auteurs responsables : W Wang
Effects of surface roughness and derivation of scaling laws on gas transport in coal using a fractal-based lattice Boltzmann method
X Yu, K Regenauer-Lieb, FB Tian
Fuel 259, 116229, 2020
Exigences : Australian Research Council
Auteurs responsables : K Regenauer-Lieb, X Yu
Modeling the effects of gas slippage, cleat network topology and scale dependence of gas transport in coal seam gas reservoirs
X Yu, L Xu, K Regenauer-Lieb, Y Jing, FB Tian
Fuel 264, 116715, 2020
Exigences : Australian Research Council
Auteurs responsables : K Regenauer-Lieb, X Yu
Kinematic optimization of a flapping foil power generator using a multi-fidelity evolutionary algorithm
Z Liu, KS Bhattacharjee, FB Tian, J Young, T Ray, JCS Lai
Renewable Energy 132, 543-557, 2019
Exigences : Australian Research Council
Auteurs responsables : Z Liu
A higher-order macroscopic model for bi-direction pedestrian flow
YQ Jiang, SG Zhou, FB Tian
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 425, 69-78, 2015
Exigences : National Natural Science Foundation of China
Auteurs responsables : YQ Jiang
Analysis of unsteady flow effects on the Betz limit for flapping foil power generation
J Young, FB Tian, Z Liu, JCS Lai, N Nadim, AD Lucey
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 902, A30, 2020
Exigences : Australian Research Council
Auteurs responsables : J Young
Energy harvesting of two inverted piezoelectric flags in tandem, side-by-side and staggered arrangements
S Mazharmanesh, J Young, FB Tian, JCS Lai
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 83, 108589, 2020
Exigences : Australian Research Council
Auteurs responsables : S Mazharmanesh
Macroscopic pedestrian flow model with degrading spatial information
Y Jiang, S Zhou, FB Tian
Journal of Computational Science 10, 36-44, 2015
Exigences : National Natural Science Foundation of China
Auteurs responsables : Y Jiang
Effect of the Mobility Parameter on the Oscillatory Electroconvection of Dielectric Liquids Subject to Strong Unipolar Charge Injection
J Wu, P Traore, C Louste, L Dascalescu, FB Tian, AT Pérez
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 50 (4), 2306-2313, 2014
Exigences : Government of Spain
Auteurs responsables : J Wu
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