Sarah M. Mueller
Sarah M. Mueller
Agronomy, Purdue University
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Maize plant resilience to N stress and post-silking N capacity changes over time: a review
SM Mueller, TJ Vyn
Frontiers in plant science 7, 53, 2016
Simultaneous gains in grain yield and nitrogen efficiency over 70 years of maize genetic improvement
SM Mueller, CD Messina, TJ Vyn
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 9095, 2019
Late‐split nitrogen applications increased maize plant nitrogen recovery but not yield under moderate to high nitrogen rates
SM Mueller, JJ Camberato, C Messina, J Shanahan, H Zhang, TJ Vyn
Agronomy Journal 109 (6), 2689-2699, 2017
Physiological constraints to realizing maize grain yield recovery with silking-stage nitrogen fertilizer applications
SM Mueller, TJ Vyn
Field Crops Research 228, 102-109, 2018
The role of the exponential and linear phases of maize (Zea mays L.) ear growth for determination of kernel number and kernel weight
SM Mueller, CD Messina, TJ Vyn
European Journal of Agronomy 111, 125939, 2019
Can Late‐Split Nitrogen Application Increase Ear Nitrogen Accumulation Rate During the Critical Period in Maize?
SM Mueller, TJ Vyn
Crop Science 58 (4), 1717-1728, 2018
Simultaneous gains in grain yield and nitrogen efficiency over 70 years of maize genetic improvement. Sci Rep 9: 9095
SM Mueller, CD Messina, TJ Vyn
Re-evaluation of soil nitrogen sampling strategy effects on statistical power
SM Mueller, HR Pasley, L Olmedo Pico, SD Armstrong, RP Sripada, ...
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 49 (16), 2053-2063, 2018
Modern Maize Hybrids Achieve Higher Nitrogen Use Efficiency through Improved Nitrogen Partitioning Among Plant Organs.
SM Mueller, CD Messina, TJ Vyn
ASA, CSSA, and CSA International Annual Meeting (2018), 2018
Kernel Nutrient Density in Commercial Corn Hybrids over Time: Management a Bigger Factor Than Genotype.
TJ Vyn, SM Mueller, K Chen
ASA, CSSA, and CSA International Annual Meeting (2018), 2018
Genotype by Management Investigations Into the Physiology of Maize Response to Late Season Nitrogen Applications
SM Mueller
Purdue University, 2018
Physiological Strategies for Yield Preservation Despite Delayed Nitrogen Availability in Modern Maize Hybrids.
SM Mueller, J Camberato, CD Messina, J Shanahan, H Zhang, TJ Vyn
ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual (2017), 2017
Split, Late-Season N Applications Increase Nitrogen Recovery Efficiency in Maize.
SM Mueller, J Camberato, CD Messina, J Shanahan, H Zhang, TJ Vyn
ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual (2017), 2017
Maize plant nitrogen allocation dynamics during the critical period.
SM Mueller, TJ Vyn
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Articles 1–14