Erika Kurucz
Erika Kurucz
assistant lecturer of plant science, University of Debrecen
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Cost-effective mass propagation of Virginia fanpetals (Sida hermaphrodita (L.) Rusby) from seeds.
E Kurucz, G Antal, FM Gabor, J Popp
Environmental Engineering & Management Journal (EEMJ) 13 (11), 2014
Opportunities for the production and economics of Virginia fanpetals (Sida hermaphrodita)
E Kurucz, MG Fári, G Antal, Z Gabnai, J Popp, A Bai
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 90, 824-834, 2018
Tissue culture and agamic propagation of winter-frost tolerant ‘Longicaulis’ Arundo donax L
G Antal, E Kurucz, MG Fári, J Popp
Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 13 (11), 2709-2715, 2014
Improvement of germination capacity of Sida hermaphrodita (L.) Rusby by seed priming techniques
E Kurucz, MG Fári
International Review of Applied Sciences and Engineering 4 (2), 137-142, 2013
In vitro effect of different cytokinin types (BAP, TDZ) on two different Ocimum basilicum cultivars explants
E Enkhbileg, M Fári, E Kurucz
Living mulch enhances soil enzyme activities, nitrogen pools and water retention in giant reed (Arundo donax L.) plantations
N Elhawat, AB Kovács, G Antal, E Kurucz, É Domokos-Szabolcsy, MG Fári, ...
Scientific Reports 14 (1), 1704, 2024
Relation between the germination and infection ratio on Sida hermaphrodita L. Rusby seeds under hot water treatment
E Kurucz, P Szarvas, MG Fári
International Journal of Horticultural Science 19 (1-2), 117-121., 2013
Molecular, phenotypic marker assays, and radiosensitivity tests of gamma-irradiated Celosia argentea.
E Kurucz, AZS André, MG Fári, M Sipos, G Antal
New methodological possibilities in the outdoor herbaceous ornamental plant breeding and technical innovation in Hungary with special regard to market opportunities and the …
MG Fári, S Kisvarga, E Hlaszny, A Zsila-André, J Koroknai, E Kurucz, ...
Mutation induction in sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) by fast neutron irradiation
E Enkhbileg, A Fenyvesi, B Bíró, M Fári, E Kurucz
Effect of Light Treatment and Maturity Stage on Biomass Production and Bioactive Compounds of Two Pepper Cultivars under a Deep Water Culture Hydroponic System
E Kurucz, G Antal, I Kincses, M Sipos, MG Fári, IJ Holb
Sustainability 15 (17), 13205, 2023
Alternatives of bioenergy feedstock production based on promising new perennial rhizomatous grasses and herbaceous semishrub crops in Hungary
G Antal, E Kurucz, MG Fári
International Review of Applied Sciences and Engineering 6 (1), 41-46, 2015
Biogenerációs növények kutatása a Debreceni Egyetemen és a magyar agrár-biotechnológiai innováció néhány kitörési pontja (The research of biogeneration plant in the University …
MG Fári, G Antal, E Kurucz, É Szabolcsy
Fenntartható energetika, megújuló energiaforrások optimalizált …, 2014
Rippl-Rónai színei a hazai közparkokban: új, szintetikus mezei zsálya színkeverék előállítása és felhasználása
T Kaprinyák, E Kurucz, J Koroknai, M Fári
Az amerikai bársonymályva (Sida hermaphrodita L. Rusby), mint mérsékelt égövi cserjepótló mályvaféle többcélú hasznosításának lehetőségei
E Kurucz, P Szarvas, M Fári
Cost-effective plantlet production and wintering method of virginia fanpetals (Sida hermaphrodita L. Rusby)
E Kurucz, G Antal, J Popp, MG Fári
International Journal of Horticultural Science 20 (3-4), 137-141., 2014
Alternatives of the multiple use of Virginia mallow (Sida hermaphrodita L. Rusby) as a shrub-replacing mallow in the temperate climate zone
E Kurucz, P Szarvas, MG Fári
Acta Agraria Debreceniensis, 51-56, 2012
Industrial-scale plantlet production by seed priming and nursery tray seeding method in Sida hermaphrodita L. Rushby
E Kurucz, HR El-Ramady, MG Fári
Fast neutron irradiation long term effect on Ocimum basilicum germination and initial vegetative parameters
E Kurucz, G Antal, Á Keserü
Acta Agraria Debreceniensis, 23-31, 2021
Effect of hydroponic and peat-free media in transplant production of Rudbeckia hirta varieties under different photoperiodic lighting and their photosynthetic parameters
G Antal, E Kurucz, K Koncz, L Kaszás, MG Fári
International Journal of Horticultural Science 27, 110-117, 2021
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