Articles avec mandats d'accès public - Darshak PatelEn savoir plus
Disponibles quelque part : 3
An exploratory analysis of the relationship between student earnings and postsecondary retention
C Jepsen, DP Patel, KR Troske
Exigences : US National Institutes of Health
Hazard Model Analysis of Community College Outcomes
D Patel, C Jepsen
Geary Institute, University College Dublin, 2018
Exigences : US National Institutes of Health
An Exploratory Analysis of the Relationship between Student Earnings and Postsecondary Retention. University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research Discussion Paper Series …
C Jepsen, D Patel, K Troske
University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research, 2010
Exigences : US National Institutes of Health
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