Jen Jack Gieseking
Jen Jack Gieseking
Department of Environmental Studies, Mount Holyoke College
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The People, Place, and Space Reader
JJ Gieseking, W Mangold, C Katz, S Low, S Saegert
Routledge, 2014
Where We Go From Here The Mental Sketch Mapping Method and Its Analytic Components
JJ Gieseking
Qualitative Inquiry 19 (9), 712-724, 2013
A Queer New York: Geographies of Lesbians, Dykes, and Queers
JJ Gieseking
NYU Press, 2020
Crossing over into neighbourhoods of the body: urban territories, borders and lesbian‐queer bodies in New York City
JJ Gieseking
Area 48 (3), 262-270, 2016
Queering the Meaning of ‘Neighborhood’: Reinterpreting the Lesbian-Queer Experience of Park Slope, Brooklyn, 1983-2008
JJ Gieseking, MAY Taylor
Queer Presences and Absences, 178-200, 2013
Shoestring Democracy: Gated Condominiums and Market-Rate Cooperatives in New York
S Low, GT Donovan, J Gieseking
Journal of Urban Affairs 34 (3), 279-296, 2012
Size Matters to Lesbians Too: Queer Feminist Interventions in the Scale of Big Data
JJ Gieseking
Professional Geographer, 2017
Mapping lesbian and queer lines of desire: Constellations of queer urban space
JJ Gieseking
Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 38 (5), 941-960, 2020
Geographical Imagination
JJ Gieseking
International Encyclopedia of Geography (eds. D. Richardson, N. Castree, M …, 2017
Messing with the attractiveness algorithm: a response to queering code/space
JJ Gieseking
Gender, Place & Culture 24 (11), 1659-1665, 2017
Seeking Ways to Our Transgender Bodies, By Ourselves: Rationalizing Transgender-Specific Health Information Behaviors
B Hawkins, JJ Gieseking
Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology 54 (1 …, 2017
Operating anew: Queering GIS with good enough software
JJ Gieseking
The Canadian Geographer/Le Géographe canadien 62 (1), 55-66, 2018
Dyked New York: The Space between Geographical Imagionation and Materialization of Lesbian-Queer Bars and Neighbourhoods
JJ Gieseking
The Routledge Reseaarch Companion to Geographies of Sex and Sexualities, 29-36, 2016
Where Are We?: Mapping with GIS in Digital Humanities
JJ Gieseking
American Quarterly 70 (3), 641-648, 2018
Queer Theory
J Gieseking, MR eds. V.N. Parrillo, M. Andersen, J. Best, W
Encyclopedia of Social Problems, 737-8, 2008
LGBTQ spaces and places
JJ Gieseking
LGBTQ America: A Theme Study of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and …, 2016
Useful Instability: the Queer Social and Spatial Production of the Lesbian Herstory Archives
JJ Gieseking
Radical History Review 2015 (122), 25-37, 2015
A Queer Geographer’s Life as an Introduction to Queer Theory, Space, and Time
J Gieseking, L Lau
These Queer Art Geographies: Making Art Spaces with, by, and for Queers in …, 2013
(Re)Constructing Women: Scaled Portrayals of Privilege and Gender Norms on Campus
J Gieseking
Area 39 (3), 278-286, 2007
Living in an (In) Visible World: Lesbians' and Queer Women's Spaces and Experiences of Justice and Oppression in New York City, 1983--2008
J Gieseking
City University of New York, 2013
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