ad reniers
ad reniers
Professor Free-Surface Waves
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Modelling storm impacts on beaches, dunes and barrier islands
D Roelvink, A Reniers, AP Van Dongeren, JVT De Vries, R McCall, ...
Coastal engineering 56 (11-12), 1133-1152, 2009
Morphodynamic modeling of an embayed beach under wave group forcing
AJHM Reniers, JA Roelvink, EB Thornton
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 109 (C1), 2004
Two-dimensional time dependent hurricane overwash and erosion modeling at Santa Rosa Island
RT McCall, JSMVT De Vries, NG Plant, AR Van Dongeren, JA Roelvink, ...
Coastal Engineering 57 (7), 668-683, 2010
Rip current review
JH MacMahan, EB Thornton, AJHM Reniers
Coastal engineering 53 (2-3), 191-208, 2006
Rip currents
RA Dalrymple, JH MacMahan, AJHM Reniers, V Nelko
Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 43 (1), 551-581, 2011
XBeach model description and manual
D Roelvink, A Reniers, AP Van Dongeren, J Van Thiel de Vries, ...
Unesco-IHE Institute for Water Education, Deltares and Delft University of …, 2010
Submesoscale dispersion in the vicinity of the Deepwater Horizon spill
AC Poje, TM Özgökmen, BL Lipphardt Jr, BK Haus, EH Ryan, AC Haza, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (35), 12693-12698, 2014
Modeling cross‐shore sandbar behavior on the timescale of weeks
BG Ruessink, Y Kuriyama, A Reniers, JA Roelvink, DJR Walstra
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 112 (F3), 2007
Shoaling and shoreline dissipation of low‐frequency waves
A Van Dongeren, J Battjes, T Janssen, J Van Noorloos, K Steenhauer, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 112 (C2), 2007
Mean Lagrangian flow behavior on an open coast rip-channeled beach: A new perspective
J MacMahan, J Brown, J Brown, E Thornton, A Reniers, T Stanton, ...
Marine Geology 268 (1-4), 1-15, 2010
A laboratory study of longshore currents over barred and non-barred beaches
A Reniers, JA Battjes
Coastal Engineering 30 (1-2), 1-21, 1997
RIPEX: Observations of a rip current system
JH MacMahan, EB Thornton, TP Stanton, AJHM Reniers
Marine Geology 218 (1-4), 113-134, 2005
Vertical flow structure during Sandy Duck: observations and modeling
A Reniers, EB Thornton, TP Stanton, JA Roelvink
Coastal Engineering 51 (3), 237-260, 2004
On the accuracy of automated shoreline detection derived from satellite imagery: A case study of the sand motor mega-scale nourishment
G Hagenaars, S de Vries, AP Luijendijk, WP de Boer, AJHM Reniers
Coastal Engineering 133, 113-125, 2018
Measuring currents, ice drift, and waves from space: the Sea surface KInematics Multiscale monitoring (SKIM) concept
F Ardhuin, Y Aksenov, A Benetazzo, L Bertino, P Brandt, E Caubet, ...
Ocean Science 14 (3), 337-354, 2018
Analysis of dune erosion processes in large-scale flume experiments
JSMT de Vries, MRA Van Gent, DJR Walstra, A Reniers
Coastal Engineering 55 (12), 1028-1040, 2008
Numerical modeling of infragravity wave response during DELILAH
A Van Dongeren, A Reniers, J Battjes, I Svendsen
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 108 (C9), 2003
Modeling the effect of wave‐vegetation interaction on wave setup
AA Van Rooijen, RT McCall, JSM Van Thiel de Vries, AR Van Dongeren, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 121 (6), 4341-4359, 2016
On bar growth and decay during interannual net offshore migration
DJR Walstra, A Reniers, R Ranasinghe, JA Roelvink, BG Ruessink
Coastal Engineering 60, 190-200, 2012
Surf zone surface retention on a rip‐channeled beach
AJHM Reniers, JH MacMahan, EB Thornton, TP Stanton, M Henriquez, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 114 (C10), 2009
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