Articles avec mandats d'accès public - Carlo C. MaleyEn savoir plus
Non disponibles : 11
Anomaly detection of calcifications in mammography based on 11,000 negative cases
R Hou, Y Peng, LJ Grimm, Y Ren, MA Mazurowski, JR Marks, LM King, ...
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 69 (5), 1639-1650, 2021
Exigences : US Department of Defense, US National Institutes of Health, Cancer Research …
A multitask deep learning method in simultaneously predicting occult invasive disease in ductal carcinoma in-situ and segmenting microcalcifications in mammography
R Hou, LJ Grimm, MA Mazurowski, JR Marks, LM King, CC Maley, ...
Medical Imaging 2020: Computer-Aided Diagnosis 11314, 19-24, 2020
Exigences : US Department of Defense, US National Institutes of Health, Cancer Research …
Malignant microcalcification clusters detection using unsupervised deep autoencoders
R Hou, Y Ren, LJ Grimm, MA Mazurowski, JR Marks, L King, CC Maley, ...
Medical Imaging 2019: Computer-Aided Diagnosis 10950, 699-706, 2019
Exigences : US Department of Defense, US National Institutes of Health, Cancer Research UK
Comparing causal factors in the diversification of species
CC Maley
Unifying Themes In Complex Systems, Volume 2, 413-426, 2018
Exigences : US Department of Defense
Has cancer sculpted the genome? Modeling linkage and the role of tetraploidy in neoplastic progression
CC Maley, W Lewis, BJ Reid, T Deisbock, GS Stamakos
Multiscale cancer modeling, 45-66, 2010
Exigences : US National Institutes of Health
Automated dcis identification from multiplex immunohistochemistry using generative adversarial networks
F Sobhani, A Hamidinekoo, AH Hall, L King, JR Marks, C Maley, ...
2022 IEEE 19th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 1-5, 2022
Exigences : US National Institutes of Health, Breast Cancer Now, UK
Wisdom of the Crowd for Early Detection in Barrett’s Esophagus
J Law, TG Paulson, CA Sanchez, PC Galipeau, M Jansen, MD Stachler, ...
2021 IEEE 18th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 531-535, 2021
Exigences : US National Institutes of Health, Cancer Research UK, National Institute for …
Improving classification with forced labeling of other related classes: application to prediction of upstaged ductal carcinoma in situ using mammographic features
R Hou, B Shi, LJ Grimm, MA Mazurowski, JR Marks, LM King, CC Maley, ...
Medical Imaging 2018: Computer-Aided Diagnosis 10575, 172-179, 2018
Exigences : US Department of Defense, US National Institutes of Health
Prediction of occult invasive disease in ductal carcinoma in situ using computer-extracted mammographic features
B Shi, LJ Grimm, MA Mazurowski, JR Marks, LM King, CC Maley, ...
Medical Imaging 2017: Computer-Aided Diagnosis 10134, 380-387, 2017
Exigences : US Department of Defense, US National Institutes of Health
TP53 gene and cancer resistance in elephants—reply
JD Schiffman, DL Schmitt, CC Maley
JAMA 315 (16), 1790-1791, 2016
Exigences : US Department of Veterans Affairs
DCIS AI-TIL: Ductal Carcinoma In Situ Tumour Infiltrating Lymphocyte Scoring Using Artificial Intelligence
YB Hagos, F Sobhani, SP Castillo, AH Hall, K AbdulJabbar, R Salgado, ...
MICCAI Workshop on Medical Image Assisted Blomarkers' Discovery, 164-175, 2022
Exigences : US Department of Defense, US National Institutes of Health, Breast Cancer …
Disponibles quelque part : 123
Clonal evolution in cancer
M Greaves, CC Maley
Nature 481 (7381), 306-313, 2012
Exigences : US National Institutes of Health
Pan-cancer analysis of the extent and consequences of intratumor heterogeneity
N Andor, TA Graham, M Jansen, LC Xia, CA Aktipis, C Petritsch, HP Ji, ...
Nature medicine 22 (1), 105-113, 2016
Exigences : US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Doris …
Is eating behavior manipulated by the gastrointestinal microbiota? Evolutionary pressures and potential mechanisms
J Alcock, CC Maley, CA Aktipis
Bioessays 36 (10), 940-949, 2014
Exigences : US National Institutes of Health
Potential mechanisms for cancer resistance in elephants and comparative cellular response to DNA damage in humans
LM Abegglen, AF Caulin, A Chan, K Lee, R Robinson, MS Campbell, ...
Jama 314 (17), 1850-1860, 2015
Exigences : US Department of Energy, US National Institutes of Health
Cancer across the tree of life: cooperation and cheating in multicellularity
CA Aktipis, AM Boddy, G Jansen, U Hibner, ME Hochberg, CC Maley, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 370 …, 2015
Exigences : US National Institutes of Health
The human tumor atlas network: charting tumor transitions across space and time at single-cell resolution
O Rozenblatt-Rosen, A Regev, P Oberdoerffer, T Nawy, A Hupalowska, ...
Cell 181 (2), 236-249, 2020
Exigences : Fonds national suisse, US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes …
Classifying the evolutionary and ecological features of neoplasms
CC Maley, A Aktipis, TA Graham, A Sottoriva, AM Boddy, M Janiszewska, ...
Nature Reviews Cancer 17 (10), 605-619, 2017
Exigences : US National Institutes of Health, Versus Arthritis, UK, Cancer Research UK …
Peto's Paradox: evolution's prescription for cancer prevention
AF Caulin, CC Maley
Trends in ecology & evolution 26 (4), 175-182, 2011
Exigences : US National Institutes of Health
Transition to invasive breast cancer is associated with progressive changes in the structure and composition of tumor stroma
T Risom, DR Glass, I Averbukh, CC Liu, A Baranski, A Kagel, ...
Cell 185 (2), 299-310. e18, 2022
Exigences : Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, US Department of Defense, US National …
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