Jayesh Soni
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A deep learning approach for modeling of geothermal energy prediction
P Gangwani, J Soni, H Upadhyay, S Joshi
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS …, 2020
Visualizing high-dimensional data using t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding algorithm
J Soni, N Prabakar, H Upadhyay
Principles of data science, 189-206, 2020
Identifying groups of fake reviewers using a semisupervised approach
P Rathore, J Soni, N Prabakar, M Palaniswami, P Santi
IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems 8 (6), 1369-1378, 2021
Learning-based models to detect runtime phishing activities using URLs
SS Sirigineedi, J Soni, H Upadhyay
Proceedings of the 2020 4th international conference on compute and data …, 2020
Behavioral analysis of system call sequences using LSTM Seq-Seq, cosine similarity and jaccard similarity for real-time anomaly detection
J Soni, N Prabakar, H Upadhyay
2019 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational …, 2019
Effective machine learning approach to detect groups of fake reviewers
J Soni, N Prabakar
Proceedings of the 14th international conference on data science (ICDATA’18 …, 2018
A multi-time-scale time series analysis for click fraud forecasting using binary labeled imbalanced dataset
GS Thejas, J Soni, KG Boroojeni, SS Iyengar, K Srivastava, P Badrinath, ...
2019 4th International Conference on Computational Systems and Information …, 2019
Learning-based model to fight against fake like clicks on instagram posts
NP GS Thejas, J Soni, K Chandna, SS Iyengar, NR Sunitha
IEEE SoutheastCon, 1-8, 2019
Natural language processing based anomalous system call sequences detection with virtual memory introspection
SK Peddoju, H Upadhyay, J Soni, N Prabakar
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 11 (5), 2020
Feature extraction through deepwalk on weighted graph
J Soni, N Prabakar, H Upadhyay
Proceedings of the 15th international conference on data science (ICDATA’19 …, 2019
Prediction of component failures of telepresence robot with temporal data
J Soni, N Prabakar, JH Kim
30th Florida conference on recent advances in robotics, 2017
Comparative Analysis of LSTM, One-Class SVM, and PCA to Monitor Real-Time Malware Threats Using System Call Sequences and Virtual Machine Introspection
J Soni, SK Peddoju, N Prabakar, H Upadhyay
International Conference on Communication, Computing and Electronics Systems …, 2020
Learning-based model for phishing attack detection
J Soni, S Sirigineedi, KS Vutukuru, SSCE Sirigineedi, N Prabakar, ...
Artificial Intelligence in Cyber Security: Theories and Applications, 113-124, 2023
Deep learning approach for detection of fraudulent credit card transactions
J Soni, P Gangwani, S Sirigineedi, S Joshi, N Prabakar, H Upadhyay, ...
Artificial Intelligence in Cyber Security: Theories and Applications, 125-138, 2023
Deep learning approach to detect malicious attacks at system level: poster
J Soni, N Prabakar, H Upadhyay
Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and …, 2019
KeyNet: enhancing cybersecurity with deep learning-based LSTM on keystroke dynamics for authentication
J Soni, N Prabakar
International Conference on Intelligent Human Computer Interaction, 761-771, 2021
Comparative Analysis of LSTM Sequence-Sequence and Auto Encoder for real-time anomaly detection using system call sequences
Jayesh Soni, Nagarajan Prabakar, Himanshu Upadhyay
International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication …, 2020
EA-NET: a hybrid and ensemble multi-level approach for robust anomaly detection
J Soni, N Prabakar, H Upadhyay
Proceedings of 31st International Conference 88, 18-27, 2022
Towards detecting fake spammers groups in social media: An unsupervised deep learning approach
J Soni, N Prabakar, H Upadhyay
Deep Learning for Social Media Data Analytics, 237-253, 2022
An Efficient LSTM Model for Fake News Detection
J Soni
Available at SSRN 4188358, 2022
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