Oleksii Nemchuk
Oleksii Nemchuk
Odesa Polytechnic National University
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In-Service Brittle Fracture Resistance Degradation of Steel in a Ship-to-Shore Portal Crane
OO Nemchuk, OA Nesterov
Strength of Materials 52 (2), pp. 275–280, 2020
Role of in-service conditions in operational degradation of mechanical properties of portal cranes steel
O Nemchuk, M Hredil, V Pustovoy, O Nesterov
Procedia Structural Integrity 16, 245-251, 2019
Fractographic substantiation of the loss of resistance to brittle fracture of steel after operation in the marine gantry crane elements
OO Nemchuk, HV Krechkovska
Metallofizika i Advanced Tekhnologii 41 (6), 825-836, 2019
Taking account of the shift and inertia of rotation in problems of diagnostics of the spectra of critical forces mechanical systems
LL Orobey V., Nemchuk O., Lymarenko O., Piterska V.
DIAGNOSTYKA, 39 - 44, 2021
Diagnostics of the strength and stiffness of the loader carrier system structural elements in terms of thinning of walls by numerical methods
V Orobey, O Nemchuk, O Lymarenko, V Piterska, O Sherstiuk, ...
Diagnostyka 22 (3), 73-81, 2021
Influence of the Working Loads on the Corrosion Resistance of Steel of a Marine Harbor Crane
OO Nemchuk
Materials Science 54 (No. 5), pp. 121–125, 2019
Degradation of steels of the reloading equipment operating beyond its designed service life
VМ Pustovyi, PО Semenov, ОО Nemchuk, МІ Hredil, ОА Nesterov, ...
Materials Science 57 (5), 640-648, 2022
Specific features of the diagnostics of technical state of steels of the port reloading equipment
ОО Nemchuk
Materials Science 53, 875-878, 2018
Применение численных методов к расчету элементов судовых конструкций
ВФ Оробей, АО Немчук, АМ Лимаренко
Вісник Одеського національного морського університету.–Одеса, 85-90, 2009
Analysis of operational factors affecting the serviceability of seaport hoisting and transporting equipment
H Nykyforchyn, V Pustovyi, O Zvirko, P Semenov, M Hredil, O Nemchuk, ...
Procedia Structural Integrity 41, 326-332, 2022
Фундаментальные функции, функция Грина и вектор нагрузок для тонкостенных стержней
ВФ Оробей, АФ Дащенко, АО Немчук, АМ Лимаренко
Научные труды SWORLD 2, 50-58, 2016
Определение остаточного ресурса металлоконструкции козлового крана
АО Немчук, МА Стариков
Труды Одесского политехнического университета, 36-39, 2008
Diagnostics of stress and strained state of leaf springs of special purpose off-road vehicles
A Bazhanova, O Nemchuk, O Lymarenko, V Piterska, O Sherstiuk, ...
Diagnostyka 23, 2022
Safety and development of marine transportation-technological systems
NO Iegupov Konstantin, Rudenko Sergeі
Academic journal. Series: Industrial Machine Building, Civil Engineering, 45 …, 2018
Podyemnye Sooruzheniya
AO Nemchuk, MА Starikov
Spets. Technika 7, 30, 2006
Determination of the residual life of welded metal structures
VN Pustovoi, AO Nemchuk, NV Trikolenko
Soviet materials science: a transl. of Fiziko-khimicheskaya mekhanika …, 1992
Experimental study of longevity in the metallic structure of boom for a portal crane of seaport
L Bovnegra, A Pavlyshko, O Nemchuk, V Strelbitskyi, I Karabegovich
Grabchenko’s International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Processes …, 2023
Electrochemical method for the diagnostics of degradation of steels of marine portal cranes
OO Nemchuk, OI Zvirko
Materials Science 56 (3), 410-416, 2020
Електрохімічний метод діагностування деградації сталей морських портальних кранів
З Немчук
Фізико-Хімічна Механіка матеріалів 56 (№ 3), с. 112 - 118, 2020
Фрактографічне обґрунтування втрати опору крихкому руйнуванню сталі після експлуатації в елементах морського портального крана
ОО Немчук, ГВ Кречковська
Metallofiz and AdvancedTekhnologies 41 (6), 825-836, 2019
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Articles 1–20