Autres nomsSmain Benyamina
Civil engineering and architecture department, University of Khemis Miliana, Algeria.
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Citée par
Performance of self-compacting concrete with manufactured crushed sand
S Benyamina, B Menadi, SK Bernard, S Kenai
Advances in concrete construction 7 (2), 87, 2019
Influence of empirical and dynamic periods on the seismic responses of reinforced concrete buildings braced by L-shaped shear walls
M Khelladi, S Benyamina, S Merabti
The Journal of Engineering and Exact Sciences 10 (4), 18672-18672, 2024
Thermal properties of dune sand based-rubber mortar composites
S Benyamina, Y Abadou, A Ghrieb
Materials Today: Proceedings 56, 2199-2203, 2022
Effect of substituting white cement with ceramic waste powders (CWP) on the performance of a mortar based on crushed sand
A Mezidi, S Merabti, S Benyamina, M Sadouki
Advances in Materials Science 23 (4), 123-133, 2023
Impact of several seismic scenarios on the dynamic responses of self-steady structures of different heights
B Abdellah, S Benyamina, M Salem, A Guettiche, R Chadouli
Studies in Engineering and Exact Sciences 5 (2), e11609-e11609, 2024
Rubber influence on the performance of thermal insulating quarry sand mortars-a statistical analysis
S Benyamina, Y Abadou
Advances in Materials Science 22 (1), 23-35, 2022
Study of the resistance, porosity, and migration of chloride ions of BAPbased crushing sand
B Smain, S Kamali-Bernard, K Said, M Belkacem
MATEC Web of Conferences 149, 01093, 2018
Etude de la résistance, la porosité, et migration des ions chlorures des BAP à base de sable de concassage
B Smain, S Kamali-Bernard, K Said, M Belkacem
2nd International Congress on Materials and Structural Stability, CMSS 2017 …, 2017
Comportement rhéologique des BAP à base de sable de concassage
B Smain, M Belkacem, S KENAI
Academic Journal of Civil Engineering 35 (1), 803-808, 2017
Comportement d'un tablier de pont a poutres multiples sous chaussée en beton arme repare par materiaux composites
S Benyamina
Blida, 2008
Thermal properties of dune sand based-rubber mortar compositesAt: Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
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