Abdou Lawane
Abdou Lawane
Autres nomsAbdou Lawane Gana
2iE-Institut International d'Ingénierie de l'Eau et d'Environnement
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Coal combustion residues valorisation: Research and development on compressed brick production
R Vinai, A Lawane, JR Minane, A Amadou
Construction and Building Materials 40, 1088-1096, 2013
The lateritic profile of Balkouin, Burkina Faso: geochemistry, mineralogy and genesis
I Giorgis, S Bonetto, R Giustetto, A Lawane, A Pantet, P Rossetti, ...
Journal of African Earth Sciences 90, 31-48, 2014
Improving the thermal comfort in hot region through the design of walls made of compressed earth blocks: An experimental investigation
C Hema, A Messan, A Lawane, D Soro, P Nshimiyimana, G Van Moeseke
Journal of Building Engineering 38, 102148, 2021
Impact of the design of walls made of compressed earth blocks on the thermal comfort of housing in hot climate
C Hema, A Messan, A Lawane, G Van Moeseke
Buildings 10 (9), 157, 2020
Mechanical and physical properties of stabilised compressed coal bottom ash blocks with inclusion of lateritic soils in Niger
A Lawane, JR Minane, R Vinai, A Pantet
Scientific African 6, e00198, 2019
Geotechnical and Mechanical Characterization of Lateritic Soil Improved with Crushed Granite
AP Marie Mbengue, Lawane Gana Abdou, Adamah Messan
Civil Engineering Journal 8 (5), 843-862, 2022
Hygrothermal features of laterite dimension stones for sub-Saharan residential building construction
A Lawane, R Vinai, A Pantet, JH Thomassin, A Messan
Journal of materials in civil engineering 26 (7), 05014002, 2014
New insight into the microstructure of natural calcined laterites and their performance as heterogeneous Fenton catalyst for methylene blue degradation
GMR Kpinsoton, H Karoui, Y Richardson, BNS Koffi, H Yacouba, ...
Reaction kinetics, mechanisms and catalysis 124 (2), 931-956, 2018
Caractérisation des matériaux latéritiques indurés pour une meilleure utilisation dans l’habitat en Afrique
AL Gana
Université du Havre et de la Fondation 2iE, Le Havre, 2014
Thermophysical and mechanical characterization of local stabilized materials suitable for buildings in dry and hot climate
E Malbila, DYK Toguyeni, S Bamogo, A Lawane, J Koulidiati
J Mater Sci Surf Eng 6 (2), 6, 2018
Characterisation of laterite stone as building material in Burkina Faso: state of the art of the on-going research and its perspectives
A Lawane, R Vinai, A Pantet, J Thomassin
Proc. 6ème édition Journées Scientifiques du 2iE, Ouagadougou, 1-4, 2011
Local materials for building houses: laterite valorization in Africa
G Abdou Lawane, A Messan, A Pantet, R Vinai, JH Thomassin
Advanced Materials Research 875, 324-327, 2014
Effect of Metakaolin as partial substitution to Portland cement on the mechanical and durability properties of high performance concrete
W Douamba, C Gildas, A Bello, L Lawane, A Messan
Am. J. Civ. Eng. Archit 6, 253-259, 2018
Formulation of Compressed Earth Blocks Stabilized With Lime and HibiscusSabdariffa Fibres Showcasing Good Thermal and Mechanical Properties
DYK Toguyeni, A Lawane, F Zoma, G Khamis
Journal of Materials Science & Surface Engineering, 6 (4), 817-824, 2018
Etude géologique et géomécanique des latérites de Dano (Burkina Faso) pour une utilisation dans l’habitat
A Lawane, A Pantet, R Vinai, JH Thomassin
Les Annales BTP 86 (16), 15-23, 2011
Effect of the Type of Lateritic Soil on the Effectiveness of Geomechanical Improvement Using a Low Quantity of Cement for Sustainable Road Construction.
MTM Mbengue, A Lawane Gana, A Messan, O Mone, A Pantet
Materials 16 (21), 2023
Physical Mechanical Properties and Durability of Mortars Containing Tuff from Burkina Faso as Partial Substitution of CEM I.
AM Sidiki KABRE, Nafissatou SAVADOGO, Abdou LAWANE
American Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture. 6 (2), 46-53, 2018
Reducing overheating risk in naturally ventilated houses through the design of compressed Earth blocks walls in hot dry climate
C Hema, P Nshimiyimana, A Messan, A Lawane, G Van Moeseke
International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation 42 (6), 1203-1222, 2024
Do Runoff Water Harvesting Ponds Affect Farmers Cropping Choices? Insights from Smallholders in the West African Sahel
M Sanogo, R Yonaba, A Lawane, M Zorom, F Tassembédo, H Ali Sahad, ...
Sustainability 16 (18), 8000, 2024
Why Do Small Earth Dams Deteriorate: Insights from Physical Investigations in the West African Sahel
MPJ Kaboré, A Lawane, R Yonaba, AC Biaou, A Nadjibou, A Pantet
Resources 13 (6), 71, 2024
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