Leandro Souza Pinheiro da Silva
Leandro Souza Pinheiro da Silva
Delmar Systems/The University of Adelaide
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Review of scaling laws applied to floating offshore wind turbines
NY Sergiienko, LSP da Silva, EE Bachynski-Polić, BS Cazzolato, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 162, 112477, 2022
Stochastic analysis of nonlinear wave energy converters via statistical linearization
LSP Silva, NY Sergiienko, CP Pesce, B Ding, B Cazzolato, HM Morishita
Applied Ocean Research 95, 102023, 2020
Dynamics of hybrid offshore renewable energy platforms: Heaving point absorbers connected to a semi-submersible floating offshore wind turbine
LSP da Silva, NY Sergiienko, B Cazzolato, B Ding
Renewable Energy 199, 1424-1439, 2022
Modelling and Optimization of Wave Energy Converters
D Ning, B Ding
CRC Press, 2022
Design optimisation of a multi-mode wave energy converter
NY Sergiienko, M Neshat, LSP da Silva, B Alexander, M Wagner
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 84416 …, 2020
Co-located offshore wind–wave energy systems: Can motion suppression and reliable power generation be achieved simultaneously?
F Meng, N Sergiienko, B Ding, B Zhou, LSP Da Silva, B Cazzolato, Y Li
Applied Energy 331, 120373, 2023
Experimental flow-induced motions of a FOWT semi-submersible type (OC4 Phase II Floater)
RT Gonçalves, MEF Chame, LSP Silva, A Koop, S Hirabayashi, H Suzuki
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 143 (1), 012004, 2021
Considerations on the control design for a three-tether wave energy converter
NY Sergiienko, BS Cazzolato, M Arjomandi, B Ding, LSP da Silva
Ocean Engineering 183, 469-477, 2019
Nonlinear dynamics of a floating offshore wind turbine platform via statistical quadratization—Mooring, wave and current interaction
LSP Silva, B Cazzolato, NY Sergiienko, B Ding
Ocean Engineering 236, 109471, 2021
Spoiler plate effects on the suppression of vortex-induced motions of a single circular cylinder
V Bianchi, LSP Silva, F Cenci, S Hirabayashi, H Suzuki, RT Gonçalves
Ocean Engineering 210, 107569, 2020
Statistical linearization of the Morison’s equation applied to wave energy converters
LSP da Silva, BS Cazzolato, NY Sergiienko, B Ding, HM Morishita, ...
Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy 6, 157-169, 2020
Experimental study on flow-induced motions (FIM) of a floating offshore wind turbine semi-submersible type (OC4 phase II floater)
RT Gonçalves, MEF Chame, LSP Silva, A Koop, S Hirabayashi, H Suzuki
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 59353 …, 2019
Statistical linearisation of a nonlinear floating offshore wind turbine under random waves and winds
LSP da Silva, M de Oliveira, B Cazzolato, N Sergiienko, GA Amaral, ...
Ocean Engineering 261, 112033, 2022
Nonlinear stochastic analysis of wave energy converters via statistical linearization.
LSP Silva
Universidade de São Paulo, 2019
Efficient estimation of the nonlinear aerodynamic loads of floating offshore wind turbines under random waves and wind in frequency domain
LSP Silva, BS Cazzolato, NY Sergiienko, B Ding
Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy 7 (3), 287-303, 2021
Nonlinear analysis of an oscillating water column wave energy device in frequency domain via statistical linearization
LSP Silva, CP Pesce, HM Morishita, RT Gonçalves
OMAE 2019: proceedings, 2019
Enhancing the performance of hybrid wave-wind energy systems through a fast and adaptive chaotic multi-objective swarm optimisation method
M Neshat, NY Sergiienko, MM Nezhad, LSP da Silva, E Amini, R Marsooli, ...
Applied Energy 362, 122955, 2024
Study of fully submerged point absorber wave energy converter-modelling, simulation and scaled experiment
B Ding, LSP da Silva, N Sergiienko, F Meng, JD Piper, L Bennetts, ...
The 32nd International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Dalian …, 2017
Nonlinear analysis of a heaving point absorber in frequency domain via statistical linearization
L SP da Silva, HM Morishita, CP Pesce, RT Gonçalves
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 58882 …, 2019
Wave energy converter modelling, control, and power take-off design
LSP da Silva, B Ding, B Guo, NY Sergiienko
Modelling and Optimization of Wave Energy Converters, 97-128, 2022
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