अनुसरण करें
Shuai Liu
Shuai Liu
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University
ntu.edu.sg पर सत्यापित ईमेल - मुख्यपृष्ठ
इन्होंने कहा
इन्होंने कहा
A review of deep-learning-based medical image segmentation methods
X Liu, L Song, S Liu, Y Zhang
Sustainability 13 (3), 1224, 2021
Effect of endovascular treatment alone vs intravenous alteplase plus endovascular treatment on functional independence in patients with acute ischemic stroke: the DEVT …
W Zi, Z Qiu, F Li, H Sang, D Wu, W Luo, S Liu, J Yuan, J Song, Z Shi, ...
Jama 325 (3), 234-243, 2021
Electric field control of deterministic current-induced magnetization switching in a hybrid ferromagnetic/ferroelectric structure
K Cai, M Yang, H Ju, S Wang, Y Ji, B Li, KW Edmonds, Y Sheng, B Zhang, ...
Nature materials 16 (7), 712-716, 2017
ACS Appl. Mater
S Liu, X Liu, Y Ren, P Wang, Y Pu, R Yang, X Wang, X Tan, Z Ye, ...
Interfaces 9 (42919), 3, 2017
Membrane-destabilizing ionizable phospholipids for organ-selective mRNA delivery and CRISPR–Cas gene editing
S Liu, Q Cheng, T Wei, X Yu, LT Johnson, L Farbiak, DJ Siegwart
Nature materials 20 (5), 701-710, 2021
CGCG clinical practice guidelines for the management of adult diffuse gliomas
T Jiang, Y Mao, W Ma, Q Mao, Y You, X Yang, C Jiang, C Kang, X Li, ...
Cancer letters 375 (2), 263-273, 2016
Mn-Doped RuO2 Nanocrystals as Highly Active Electrocatalysts for Enhanced Oxygen Evolution in Acidic Media
S Chen, H Huang, P Jiang, K Yang, J Diao, S Gong, S Liu, M Huang, ...
ACS Catalysis 10 (2), 1152-1160, 2019
Turning main-group element magnesium into a highly active electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction reaction
S Liu, Z Li, C Wang, W Tao, M Huang, M Zuo, Y Yang, K Yang, L Zhang, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 938, 2020
Overview and methods of correlation filter algorithms in object tracking
S Liu, D Liu, G Srivastava, D Połap, M Woźniak
Complex & Intelligent Systems 7, 1895-1917, 2021
Clinical practice guidelines for the management of adult diffuse gliomas
T Jiang, DH Nam, Z Ram, W Poon, J Wang, D Boldbaatar, Y Mao, W Ma, ...
Cancer letters 499, 60-72, 2021
Introduction of key problems in long-distance learning and training
S Liu, Z Li, Y Zhang, X Cheng
Mobile Networks and Applications 24, 1-4, 2019
Tuning the activity of carbon for electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution via an iridium‐cobalt alloy core encapsulated in nitrogen‐doped carbon cages
P Jiang, J Chen, C Wang, K Yang, S Gong, S Liu, Z Lin, M Li, G Xia, ...
Advanced Materials 30 (9), 1705324, 2018
Insulin induces long-term depression of ventral tegmental area dopamine neurons via endocannabinoids
G Labouèbe, S Liu, C Dias, H Zou, JCY Wong, S Karunakaran, SM Clee, ...
Nature neuroscience 16 (3), 300-308, 2013
Fuzzy detection aided real-time and robust visual tracking under complex environments
S Liu, S Wang, X Liu, CT Lin, Z Lv
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 29 (1), 90-102, 2020
PFAS and their substitutes in groundwater: Occurrence, transformation and remediation
B Xu, S Liu, JL Zhou, C Zheng, J Weifeng, B Chen, T Zhang, W Qiu
Journal of Hazardous Materials 412, 125159, 2021
The morphology-controlled synthesis of a nanoporous-antimony anode for high-performance sodium-ion batteries
S Liu, J Feng, X Bian, J Liu, H Xu
Energy & Environmental Science 9 (4), 1229-1236, 2016
Distributed constrained optimal consensus of multi-agent systems
Z Qiu, S Liu, L Xie
Automatica 68, 209-215, 2016
Asymmetric trilayer all‐polymer dielectric composites with simultaneous high efficiency and high energy density: a novel design targeting advanced energy storage capacitors
L Sun, Z Shi, B He, H Wang, S Liu, M Huang, J Shi, D Dastan, H Wang
Advanced Functional Materials 31 (35), 2100280, 2021
Distributed consensus for multi-agent systems with delays and noises in transmission channels
S Liu, L Xie, H Zhang
Automatica 47 (5), 920-934, 2011
Preparation of selective organ-targeting (SORT) lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) using multiple technical methods for tissue-specific mRNA delivery
X Wang, S Liu, Y Sun, X Yu, SM Lee, Q Cheng, T Wei, J Gong, ...
Nature protocols 18 (1), 265-291, 2023
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