Microalgae as a sustainable energy source for biodiesel production: a review AL Ahmad, NHM Yasin, CJC Derek, JK Lim Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 15 (1), 584-593, 2011 | 1458 | 2011 |
Optimization of microalgae coagulation process using chitosan AL Ahmad, NHM Yasin, CJC Derek, JK Lim Chemical Engineering Journal 173 (3), 879-882, 2011 | 284 | 2011 |
Emulsion liquid membrane for heavy metal removal: An overview on emulsion stabilization and destabilization AL Ahmad, A Kusumastuti, CJC Derek, BS Ooi Chemical Engineering Journal 171 (3), 870-882, 2011 | 277 | 2011 |
Rapid magnetophoretic separation of microalgae JK Lim, DCJ Chieh, SA Jalak, PY Toh, NHM Yasin, BW Ng, AL Ahmad Small 8 (11), 1683-1692, 2012 | 197 | 2012 |
Emulsion liquid membrane for cadmium removal: Studies on emulsion diameter and stability AL Ahmad, A Kusumastuti, CJC Derek, BS Ooi Desalination 287, 30-34, 2012 | 133 | 2012 |
Magnetophoretic removal of microalgae from fishpond water: feasibility of high gradient and low gradient magnetic separation PY Toh, SP Yeap, LP Kong, BW Ng, DJC Chan, AL Ahmad, JK Lim Chemical Engineering Journal 211, 22-30, 2012 | 127 | 2012 |
Crossflow microfiltration of microalgae biomass for biofuel production AL Ahmad, NHM Yasin, CJC Derek, JK Lim Desalination 302, 65-70, 2012 | 124 | 2012 |
Wastewater phytoremediation by Salvinia molesta YS Ng, DJC Chan Journal of Water Process Engineering 15, 107-115, 2017 | 103 | 2017 |
Comparison of harvesting methods for microalgae Chlorella sp. and its potential use as a biodiesel feedstock AL Ahmad, NHM Yasin, CJC Derek, JK Lim Environmental technology 35 (17), 2244-2253, 2014 | 101 | 2014 |
Magnetophoretic separation of microalgae: the role of nanoparticles and polymer binder in harvesting biofuel PY Toh, BW Ng, CH Chong, AL Ahmad, JW Yang, CJC Derek, JK Lim RSC Advances 4 (8), 4114-4121, 2014 | 93 | 2014 |
Synergistic effect of pretreatment and fermentation process on carbohydrate-rich Scenedesmus dimorphus for bioethanol production LM Chng, KT Lee, DJC Chan Energy Conversion and Management 141, 410-419, 2017 | 91 | 2017 |
Physiology of microalgal biofilm: a review on prediction of adhesion on substrates YT Cheah, DJC Chan Bioengineered 12 (1), 7577-7599, 2021 | 88 | 2021 |
Sustainable production of bioethanol using lipid-extracted biomass from Scenedesmus dimorphus LM Chng, DJC Chan, KT Lee Journal of Cleaner Production 130, 68-73, 2016 | 83 | 2016 |
A methodological review on the characterization of microalgal biofilm and its extracellular polymeric substances YT Cheah, DJC Chan Journal of Applied Microbiology 132 (5), 3490-3514, 2022 | 71 | 2022 |
A review on microalgal-bacterial co-culture: The multifaceted role of beneficial bacteria towards enhancement of microalgal metabolite production CY Tong, K Honda, CJC Derek Environmental research 228, 115872, 2023 | 66 | 2023 |
Optimization of thaumatin extraction by aqueous two-phase system (ATPS) using response surface methodology (RSM) AL Ahmad, CJC Derek, MMD Zulkali Separation and Purification Technology 62 (3), 702-708, 2008 | 65 | 2008 |
The role of particle-to-cell interactions in dictating nanoparticle aided magnetophoretic separation of microalgal cells PY Toh, BW Ng, AL Ahmad, DCJ Chieh, JK Lim Nanoscale 6 (21), 12838-12848, 2014 | 61 | 2014 |
Recent advances on microalgae cultivation for simultaneous biomass production and removal of wastewater pollutants to achieve circular economy WAW Mahari, WAW Razali, H Manan, MA Hersi, SD Ishak, W Cheah, ... Bioresource Technology 364, 128085, 2022 | 55 | 2022 |
Chemical cleaning of a cross-flow microfiltration membrane fouled by microalgal biomass AL Ahmad, NHM Yasin, CJC Derek, JK Lim Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 45 (1), 233-241, 2014 | 52 | 2014 |
Recent advances of biosurfactant for waste and pollution bioremediation: Substitutions of petroleum-based surfactants YJ Ng, HR Lim, KS Khoo, KW Chew, DJC Chan, M Bilal, HSH Munawaroh, ... Environmental Research 212, 113126, 2022 | 49 | 2022 |