अनुसरण करें
Karel Kellens
इन्होंने कहा
इन्होंने कहा
Towards Energy and Resource Efficient Manufacturing: A Processes and Systems Approach
JR Duflou, JW Sutherland, D Dornfeld, C Herrmann, J Jeswiet, S Kara, ...
CIRP Annals. Manufacturing Technology 61 (2), 587-609, 2012
Sustainability of additive manufacturing: An overview on its energy demand and environmental impact
T Peng, K Kellens, R Tang, C Chen, G Chen
Additive Manufacturing 21, 694-704, 2018
Methodology for systematic analysis and improvement of manufacturing unit process life cycle inventory (UPLCI) CO2PE! initiative (cooperative effort on process emissions in …
K Kellens, W Dewulf, M Overcash, MZ Hauschild, JR Duflou
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 17 (1), 69-78, 2012
Environmental dimensions of additive manufacturing: mapping application domains and their environmental implications
K Kellens, M Baumers, TG Gutowski, W Flanagan, R Lifset, JR Duflou
Journal of Industrial Ecology 21 (S1), S49-S68, 2017
Environmental impact of additive manufacturing processes: does AM contribute to a more sustainable way of part manufacturing?
K Kellens, R Mertens, D Paraskevas, W Dewulf, JR Duflou
Procedia Cirp 61, 582-587, 2017
Methodology for systematic analysis and improvement of manufacturing unit process life cycle inventory (UPLCI) CO2PE! initiative (cooperative effort on process …
K Kellens, W Dewulf, M Overcash, MZ Hauschild, JR Duflou
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 17, 242-251, 2012
Environmental modelling of aluminium recycling: a Life Cycle Assessment tool for sustainable metal management
D Paraskevas, K Kellens, W Dewulf, JR Duflou
Journal of Cleaner Production 105, 357-370, 2015
Environmental assessment of solid state recycling routes for aluminium alloys: can solid state processes significantly reduce the environmental impact of aluminium recycling?
JR Duflou, AE Tekkaya, M Haase, T Welo, K Vanmeensel, K Kellens, ...
Cirp Annals 64 (1), 37-40, 2015
Environmental impact modeling of selective laser sintering processes
K Kellens, R Renaldi, W Dewulf, J Kruth, JR Duflou
Rapid Prototyping Journal 20 (6), 459-470, 2014
Energy efficient trajectories for an industrial ABB robot
K Paes, W Dewulf, K Vander Elst, K Kellens, P Slaets
Procedia Cirp 15, 105-110, 2014
Energy and Resource Efficiency of SLS/SLM Processes
K Kellens, E Yasa, R Renaldi, W Dewulf, JP Kruth, J Duflou
Proceedings 22th Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium …, 2011
Unit process impact assessment for discrete part manufacturing: A state of the art
JR Duflou, K Kellens, W Dewulf
CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 4 (2), 129-135, 2011
Critical comparison of methods to determine the energy input for discrete manufacturing processes
J Duflou, K Kellens, R Renaldi, Y Guo, W Dewulf
CIRP Annals. Manufacturing Technology 61 (1), 63-66, 2012
Environmental impact analysis of primary aluminium production at country level
D Paraskevas, K Kellens, A Van de Voorde, W Dewulf, JR Duflou
Procedia CIRP 40, 209-213, 2016
Energy and resource efficiency of laser cutting processes
K Kellens, GC Rodrigues, W Dewulf, JR Duflou
Physics Procedia 56, 854-864, 2014
A comprehensive analysis of electric energy consumption of single point incremental forming processes
G Ingarao, H Vanhove, K Kellens, JR Duflou
Journal of Cleaner Production 67, 173-186, 2014
Environmental Assessment of Selective Laser Melting and Selective Laser Sintering
K Kellens, E Yasa, W Dewulf, JR Duflou
Going Green – CARE INNOVATION 2010 4, 2010
Charting the environmental dimensions of additive manufacturing and 3D printing
M Baumers, JR Duflou, W Flanagan, TG Gutowski, K Kellens, R Lifset
Journal of Industrial Ecology 21 (S1), 2017
Automation and robotics in the cultivation of pome fruit: Where do we stand today?
R Verbiest, K Ruysen, T Vanwalleghem, E Demeester, K Kellens
Journal of Field Robotics 38 (4), 513-531, 2021
Environmental analysis of SLM and SLS manufacturing processes
K Kellens, W Dewulf, W Deprez, E Yasa, J Duflou
Proceedings 17th International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering (LCE2010 …, 2010
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