अनुसरण करें
Cristiano A. V. Cavalcante
Cristiano A. V. Cavalcante
Professor de Engenharia de Produção, UFPE
ufpe.br पर सत्यापित ईमेल - मुख्यपृष्ठ
इन्होंने कहा
इन्होंने कहा
Multicriteria and multiobjective models for risk, reliability and maintenance decision analysis
AT De Almeida, CAV Cavalcante, MH Alencar, RJP Ferreira, ...
Springer International Publishing, 2015
A multi-criteria decision model to determine inspection intervals of condition monitoring based on delay time analysis
RJP Ferreira, AT de Almeida, CAV Cavalcante
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 94 (5), 905-912, 2009
Imperfect inspection and replacement of a system with a defective state: A cost and reliability analysis
MD Berrade, PA Scarf, CAV Cavalcante, RA Dwight
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 120, 80-87, 2013
A review of the use of multicriteria and multi-objective models in maintenance and reliability
AT de Almeida, RJP Ferreira, CAV Cavalcante
IMA Journal of Management Mathematics 26 (3), 249-271, 2015
Modelo multicritério de apoio a decisão para o planejamento de manutenção preventiva utilizando PROMETHEE II em situações de incerteza
CAV Cavalcante, AT Almeida
Pesquisa Operacional 25, 279-296, 2005
Maintenance scheduling of a protection system subject to imperfect inspection and replacement
MD Berrade, CAV Cavalcante, PA Scarf
European Journal of Operational Research 218 (3), 716-725, 2012
A multi-criteria decision-aiding model using PROMETHEE III for preventive maintenance planning under uncertain conditions
CAV Cavalcante, AT De Almeida
Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering 13 (4), 385-397, 2007
Modelling quality in replacement and inspection maintenance
PA Scarf, CAV Cavalcante
International Journal of Production Economics 135 (1), 372-381, 2012
A general inspection and opportunistic replacement policy for one-component systems of variable quality
CAV Cavalcante, RS Lopes, PA Scarf
European Journal of Operational Research 266 (3), 911-919, 2018
A general inspection and opportunistic replacement policy for one-component systems of variable quality
CAV Cavalcante, RS Lopes, PA Scarf
European Journal of Operational Research 266 (3), 911-919, 2018
A general inspection and opportunistic replacement policy for one-component systems of variable quality
CAV Cavalcante, RS Lopes, PA Scarf
European Journal of Operational Research 266 (3), 911-919, 2018
An age-based inspection and replacement policy for heterogeneous components
PA Scarf, CAV Cavalcante, RA Dwight, P Gordon
IEEE Transactions on Reliability 58 (4), 641-648, 2009
A study of postponed replacement in a delay time model
MD Berrade, PA Scarf, CAV Cavalcante
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 168, 70-79, 2017
Use of Promethee method to determine the best alternative for warehouse storage location assignment
ME Fontana, CAV Cavalcante
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 70, 1615-1624, 2014
Multi-criteria model to support the definition of opportunistic maintenance policy: A study in a cogeneration system
CAV Cavalcante, RS Lopes
Energy 80, 32-40, 2015
Hybrid block replacement and inspection policies for a multi-component system with heterogeneous component lives
PA Scarf, CAV Cavalcante
European Journal of Operational Research 206 (2), 384-394, 2010
Priorização de áreas de controle de perdas em redes de distribuição de água
DC Morais, CAV Cavalcante, AT Almeida
Pesquisa Operacional 30, 15-32, 2010
The effect of maintenance quality on spare parts inventory for a fleet of assets
A Van Horenbeek, PA Scarf, CAV Cavalcante, L Pintelon
IEEE Transactions on Reliability 62 (3), 596-607, 2013
Multicriteria decision model to support the assignment of storage location of products in a warehouse
DD da Silva, NVC de Vasconcelos, CAV Cavalcante
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2015 (1), 481950, 2015
Inspection and replacement policy with a fixed periodic schedule
CAV Cavalcante, RS Lopes, PA Scarf
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 208, 107402, 2021
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