अनुसरण करें
Peter Chemweno
Peter Chemweno
Assistant Professor in Advanced Manufacturing
utwente.nl पर सत्यापित ईमेल - मुख्यपृष्ठ
इन्होंने कहा
इन्होंने कहा
Development of a risk assessment selection methodology for asset maintenance decision making: An analytic network process (ANP) approach
P Chemweno, L Pintelon, A Van Horenbeek, P Muchiri
International Journal of Production Economics 170, 663-676, 2015
A review on lubricant condition monitoring information analysis for maintenance decision support
JM Wakiru, L Pintelon, PN Muchiri, PK Chemweno
Mechanical systems and signal processing 118, 108-132, 2019
Orienting safety assurance with outcomes of hazard analysis and risk assessment: A review of the ISO 15066 standard for collaborative robot systems
P Chemweno, L Pintelon, W Decre
Safety Science 129, 104832, 2020
Risk assessment methodologies in maintenance decision making: A review of dependability modelling approaches
P Chemweno, L Pintelon, PN Muchiri, A Van Horenbeek
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 173, 64-77, 2018
Identification and classification of risk factors for human-robot collaboration from a system-wide perspective
N Berx, W Decré, I Morag, P Chemweno, L Pintelon
Computers & Industrial Engineering 163, 107827, 2022
Redefining safety in light of human-robot interaction: A critical review of current standards and regulations
A Martinetti, PK Chemweno, K Nizamis, E Fosch-Villaronga
Frontiers in chemical engineering 3, 666237, 2021
Discrete event simulation case study: Diagnostic path for stroke patients in a stroke unit
P Chemweno, V Thijs, L Pintelon, A Van Horenbeek
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 48, 45-57, 2014
Modelling maintenance effects on manufacturing equipment performance: results from simulation analysis
PN Muchiri, L Pintelon, H Martin, P Chemweno
International Journal of Production Research 52 (11), 3287-3302, 2014
Maintenance optimization: application of remanufacturing and repair strategies
J Wakiru, L Pintelon, PN Muchiri, P Chemweno
Procedia CIRP 69, 899-904, 2018
Development of a novel methodology for root cause analysis and selection of maintenance strategy for a thermal power plant: A data exploration approach
P Chemweno, I Morag, M Sheikhalishahi, L Pintelon, P Muchiri, J Wakiru
Engineering Failure Analysis 66, 19-34, 2016
Asset maintenance maturity model: structured guide to maintenance process maturity
P Chemweno, L Pintelon, AV Horenbeek, PN Muchiri
International Journal of Strategic Engineering Asset Management 2 (2), 119-135, 2015
A simulation-based optimization approach evaluating maintenance and spare parts demand interaction effects
JM Wakiru, L Pintelon, PN Muchiri, PK Chemweno
International journal of production economics 208, 329-342, 2019
Integrated remanufacturing, maintenance and spares policies towards life extension of a multi-component system
J Wakiru, L Pintelon, PN Muchiri, PK Chemweno
Reliability engineering & system safety 215, 107872, 2021
Identifying the causes of human error in maintenance work in developing countries
I Morag, P Chemweno, L Pintelon, M Sheikhalishahi
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 68, 222-230, 2018
Human factors effects and analysis in maintenance: a power plant case study
M Sheikhalishahi, A Azadeh, L Pintelon, P Chemweno
Quality and Reliability Engineering International 33 (4), 895-903, 2017
A risk-based maintenance approach for critical care medical devices: a case study application for a large hospital in a developing country
S Vala, P Chemweno, L Pintelon, P Muchiri
International journal of system assurance engineering and management 9, 1217 …, 2018
Towards an innovative lubricant condition monitoring strategy for maintenance of ageing multi-unit systems.
J Wakiru, L Pintelon, PN Muchiri, PK Chemweno, S Mburu
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 204, 107200, 2020
A dynamic risk assessment methodology for maintenance decision support
P Chemweno, L Pintelon, AM De Meyer, PN Muchiri, A Van Horenbeek, ...
Quality and Reliability Engineering International 33 (3), 551-564, 2017
Integrated maintenance policies for performance improvement of a multi-unit repairable, one product manufacturing system
JM Wakiru, L Pintelon, P Muchiri, P Chemweno
Production Planning & Control 32 (5), 347-367, 2021
i-RCAM: Intelligent expert system for root cause analysis in maintenance decision making
P Chemweno, L Pintelon, P Muchiri
Prognostics and Health Management (ICPHM), 2016 IEEE, 1-7, 2016
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