A dynamic predictive maintenance policy for complex multi-component systems A Van Horenbeek, L Pintelon Reliability Engineering & System Safety 120 (December 2013), 39-50, 2013 | 346 | 2013 |
Joint maintenance and inventory optimization systems: a review A Van Horenbeek, J Buré, D Cattrysse, L Pintelon, P Vansteenwegen International Journal of Production Economics 143 (2), 499-508, 2013 | 328 | 2013 |
Development of a maintenance performance measurement framework–using the analytic network process (ANP) for maintenance performance indicator selection A Van Horenbeek, L Pintelon Omega 42 (1), 33-46, 2013 | 286 | 2013 |
Maintenance optimization models and criteria A Van Horenbeek, L Pintelon, P Muchiri International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management 1 (3 …, 2010 | 223 | 2010 |
A refined typology of product–service systems based on functional hierarchy modeling J Van Ostaeyen, A Van Horenbeek, L Pintelon, JR Duflou Journal of cleaner production 51, 261-276, 2013 | 201 | 2013 |
Development of a risk assessment selection methodology for asset maintenance decision making: An analytic network process (ANP) approach P Chemweno, L Pintelon, A Van Horenbeek, P Muchiri International Journal of Production Economics 170, 663-676, 2015 | 194 | 2015 |
Risk assessment methodologies in maintenance decision making: A review of dependability modelling approaches P Chemweno, L Pintelon, PN Muchiri, A Van Horenbeek Reliability Engineering & System Safety 173, 64-77, 2018 | 103 | 2018 |
Quantifying the added value of an imperfectly performing condition monitoring system–application to a wind turbine gearbox A Van Horenbeek, J Van Ostaeyen, JR Duflou, L Pintelon Reliability Engineering & System Safety 111, 45-57, 2013 | 71 | 2013 |
Discrete event simulation case study: Diagnostic path for stroke patients in a stroke unit P Chemweno, V Thijs, L Pintelon, A Van Horenbeek Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 48, 45-57, 2014 | 66 | 2014 |
Integration of disparate data sources to perform maintenance prognosis and optimal decision making D Galar, M Palo, A Van Horenbeek, L Pintelon Insight-non-destructive testing and condition monitoring 54 (8), 440-445, 2012 | 55 | 2012 |
The Effect of Maintenance Quality on Spare Parts Inventory for a Fleet of Assets A Van Horenbeek, PA Scarf, CAV Cavalcante, L Pintelon Reliability, IEEE Transactions on 62 (3), 596-607, 2013 | 51 | 2013 |
Asset maintenance maturity model: structured guide to maintenance process maturity P Chemweno, L Pintelon, AV Horenbeek, PN Muchiri International Journal of Strategic Engineering Asset Management 2 (2), 119-135, 2015 | 45 | 2015 |
Economic and environmental aware maintenance optimization A Van Horenbeek, K Kellens, L Pintelon, JR Duflou Procedia Cirp 15, 343-348, 2014 | 28 | 2014 |
A dynamic risk assessment methodology for maintenance decision support P Chemweno, L Pintelon, AM De Meyer, PN Muchiri, A Van Horenbeek, ... Quality and Reliability Engineering International 33 (3), 551-564, 2017 | 27 | 2017 |
Optimal prognostic maintenance planning for multi-component systems A Van Horenbeek, L Pintelon Proceedings of the European Safety and Reliability Conference: ESREL 2011 …, 2011 | 17 | 2011 |
Optimising the complete care pathway for cerebrovascular accident patients P Chemweno, L Brackenier, V Thijs, L Pintelon, A Van Horenbeek, ... Computers & Industrial Engineering 93, 236-251, 2016 | 16 | 2016 |
A joint predictive maintenance and inventory policy A Van Horenbeek, L Pintelon Engineering Asset Management-Systems, Professional Practices and …, 2014 | 16 | 2014 |
Quantifying the economic potential of a PSS: methodology and case study J Van Ostaeyen, K Kellens, A Van Horenbeek, JR Duflou The Philosopher's Stone for Sustainability: Proceedings of the 4th CIRP …, 2013 | 16 | 2013 |
A prognostic maintenance policy-effect on component lifetimes A Van Horenbeek, L Pintelon 2013 proceedings annual reliability and maintainability symposium (rams), 1-6, 2013 | 13 | 2013 |
Prognostic maintenance scheduling for offshore wind turbine farms A Van Horenbeek, J Van Ostaeyen, J Duflou, L Pintelon 4th World conference Production & Operations Management (P&OM) edition:4 …, 2012 | 13 | 2012 |