अनुसरण करें
Shuhao Wang (王书豪)
Shuhao Wang (王书豪)
wust.edu.cn पर सत्यापित ईमेल
इन्होंने कहा
इन्होंने कहा
Role of porosity defects in metal 3D printing: Formation mechanisms, impacts on properties and mitigation strategies
S Wang, J Ning, L Zhu, Z Yang, W Yan, Y Dun, P Xue, P Xu, S Bose, ...
Materials Today 59, 133-160, 2022
Research on remanufacturing strategy for 45 steel gear using H13 steel powder based on laser cladding technology
L Zhu, S Wang, H Pan, C Yuan, X Chen
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 49, 344-354, 2020
Microstructure and mechanical properties of parts formed by ultrasonic vibration-assisted laser cladding of Inconel 718
L Zhu, Z Yang, B Xin, S Wang, G Meng, J Ning, P Xue
Surface and Coatings Technology 410, 126964, 2021
Multi-physics modeling and Gaussian process regression analysis of cladding track geometry for direct energy deposition
S Wang, L Zhu, JYH Fuh, H Zhang, W Yan
Optics and Lasers in Engineering 127, 105950, 2020
Grain structure evolution in transition-mode melting in direct energy deposition
DR Liu, S Wang, W Yan
Materials & Design 194, 108919, 2020
Effects of ultrasound on multilayer forming mechanism of Inconel 718 in directed energy deposition
Z Yang, L Zhu, S Wang, J Ning, Y Dun, G Meng, P Xue, P Xu, B Xin
Additive Manufacturing 48, 102462, 2021
A chatter detection method in milling of thin-walled TC4 alloy workpiece based on auto-encoding and hybrid clustering
Y Dun, L Zhu, B Yan, S Wang
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 158, 107755, 2021
Manipulating molten pool dynamics during metal 3D printing by ultrasound
Z Yang, S Wang, L Zhu, J Ning, B Xin, Y Dun, W Yan
Applied Physics Reviews 9 (2), 2022
Microstructure and properties of IN718/WC-12Co composite coating by laser cladding
P Xu, L Zhu, P Xue, Z Yang, S Wang, J Ning, G Meng, Q Lan, S Qin
Ceramics International 48 (7), 9218-9228, 2022
Multi-physics modeling of direct energy deposition process of thin-walled structures: defect analysis
S Wang, L Zhu, Y Dun, Z Yang, JYH Fuh, W Yan
Computational Mechanics 67, 1229-1242, 2021
Topology optimized novel additively manufactured heat sink: experiments and numerical simulations
J Ning, X Wang, H Huang, S Wang, W Yan
Energy Conversion and Management 286, 117024, 2023
CrCoNi medium-entropy alloy thin-walled parts manufactured by laser metal deposition: Microstructure evolution and mechanical anisotropy
P Xue, L Zhu, P Xu, Y Ren, B Xin, S Wang, Z Yang, J Ning, G Meng, Z Liu
Materials Science and Engineering: A 817, 141306, 2021
Multi-track alternated overlapping model suitable for variable laser cladding process parameters
P Xu, L Zhu, P Xue, G Meng, S Wang, Z Yang, J Ning, Q Lan
Surface and Coatings Technology 425, 127706, 2021
Revealing the influence of ultrasound/heat treatment on microstructure evolution and tensile failure behavior in 3D-printing of Inconel 718
Z Yang, L Zhu, J Ning, S Wang, P Xue, P Xu, Y Dun, B Xin, G Zhang
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 305, 117574, 2022
Microstructure evolution and enhanced mechanical properties of additively manufactured CrCoNi medium-entropy alloy composites
P Xue, L Zhu, P Xu, H Lu, S Wang, Z Yang, J Ning, SL Sing, Y Ren
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 928, 167169, 2022
The crystallographic texture and dependent mechanical properties of the CrCoNi medium-entropy alloy by laser remelting strategy
P Xue, L Zhu, J Ning, P Xu, S Wang, Z Yang, Y Ren, G Meng
Journal of Materials Science & Technology 111, 245-255, 2022
Multi-modal method for chatter stability prediction and control in milling of thin-walled workpiece
Y Dun, L Zhu, S Wang
Applied Mathematical Modelling 80, 602-624, 2020
Effect of laser incident energy on the densification and structure–property relationships of additively manufactured CrCoNi medium-entropy alloy
P Xue, L Zhu, J Ning, Y Ren, Z Yang, S Wang, P Xu, G Meng, Z Liu, B Xin
Virtual and Physical Prototyping 16 (4), 404-416, 2021
Investigation on synergism between additive and subtractive manufacturing for curved thin-walled structure
L Zhu, S Wang, H Lu, D Qi, D Wang, Z Yang, J Ning, Y Dun, P Xue, P Xu, ...
Virtual and Physical Prototyping 17 (2), 220-238, 2022
Effect of heat treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of in-situ synthesized Ni2CrCoNb0. 16 multi-principal element alloy manufactured by directed energy deposition
P Xue, L Zhu, P Xu, H Lu, S Wang, Z Yang, J Ning, SL Sing, Y Ren
Materials Science and Engineering: A 862, 144398, 2023
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