अनुसरण करें
Stephen Bond
इन्होंने कहा
इन्होंने कहा
The Nosé–Poincaré method for constant temperature molecular dynamics
SD Bond, BJ Leimkuhler, BB Laird
Journal of Computational Physics 151 (1), 114-134, 1999
Electrodiffusion: A continuum modeling framework for biomolecular systems with realistic spatiotemporal resolution
B Lu, YC Zhou, GA Huber, SD Bond, MJ Holst, JA McCammon
The Journal of chemical physics 127 (13), 2007
Numerical integration of the extended variable generalized Langevin equation with a positive Prony representable memory kernel
AD Baczewski, SD Bond
The Journal of chemical physics 139 (4), 2013
Finite element simulations of acetylcholine diffusion in neuromuscular junctions
K Tai, SD Bond, HR MacMillan, NA Baker, MJ Holst, JA McCammon
Biophysical journal 84 (4), 2234-2241, 2003
Molecular dynamics and the accuracy of numerically computed averages
SD Bond, BJ Leimkuhler
Acta Numerica 16 (1), 1-65, 2007
Finite element analysis of the time-dependent Smoluchowski equation for acetylcholinesterase reaction rate calculations
Y Cheng, JK Suen, D Zhang, SD Bond, Y Zhang, Y Song, NA Baker, ...
Biophysical journal 92 (10), 3397-3406, 2007
A first‐order system least‐squares finite element method for the Poisson‐Boltzmann equation
SD Bond, JH Chaudhry, EC Cyr, LN Olson
Journal of computational chemistry 31 (8), 1625-1635, 2010
An odyssey into local refinement and multilevel preconditioning III: Implementation and numerical experiments
B Aksoylu, S Bond, M Holst
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 25 (2), 478-498, 2003
Continuum simulations of acetylcholine diffusion with reaction-determined boundaries in neuromuscular junction models
Y Cheng, JK Suen, Z Radić, SD Bond, MJ Holst, JA McCammon
Biophysical chemistry 127 (3), 129-139, 2007
Strong local-nonlocal coupling for integrated fracture modeling
DJ Littlewood, SA Silling, JA Mitchell, PD Seleson, SD Bond, ML Parks, ...
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Sandia …, 2015
Stabilized integration of Hamiltonian systems with hard-sphere inequality constraints
SD Bond, BJ Leimkuhler
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 30 (1), 134-147, 2008
Finite element approximation to a finite-size modified Poisson-Boltzmann equation
JH Chaudhry, SD Bond, LN Olson
Journal of Scientific Computing 47 (3), 347-364, 2011
Time-transformations for reversible variable stepsize integration
SD Bond, BJ Leimkuhler
Numerical Algorithms 19, 55-71, 1998
A Galerkin radial basis function method for nonlocal diffusion
SD Bond, RB Lehoucq, ST Rowe
Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations VII, 1-21, 2015
On the approximation of Feynman–Kac path integrals
SD Bond, BB Laird, BJ Leimkuhler
Journal of Computational Physics 185 (2), 472-483, 2003
Goal-Oriented Adaptivity and Multilevel Preconditioning for the Poisson-Boltzmann Equation
B Aksoylu, SD Bond, EC Cyr, M Holst
Journal of scientific computing 52 (1), 202-225, 2012
Neural-network based collision operators for the Boltzmann equation
ST Miller, NV Roberts, SD Bond, EC Cyr
Journal of Computational Physics 470, 111541, 2022
A weighted adaptive least-squares finite element method for the Poisson–Boltzmann equation
JH Chaudhry, SD Bond, LN Olson
Applied Mathematics and Computation 218 (9), 4892-4902, 2012
Towards predictive plasma science and engineering through revolutionary multi-scale algorithms and models, final report
GR Laity, AC Robinson, ME Cuneo, MC Alam, KR Beckwith, NL Bennett, ...
Report No. SAND2021-0718, 2021
On the estimation and correction of discretization error in molecular dynamics averages
N Arizumi, SD Bond
Applied Numerical Mathematics 62 (12), 1938-1953, 2012
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