अनुसरण करें
Ika Sari Wahyuni TD
Ika Sari Wahyuni TD
eb.unand.ac.id पर सत्यापित ईमेल
इन्होंने कहा
इन्होंने कहा
The impact of Big Data analytics and data security practices on service supply chain performance
Y Fernando, RRM Chidambaram, IS Wahyuni-TD
Benchmarking: An International Journal 25 (9), 4009-4034, 2018
The effects of good governance and fraud prevention on performance of the zakat institutions in Indonesia: a Sharīʿah forensic accounting perspective
IS Wahyuni-TD, H Haron, Y Fernando
International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management …, 2021
Waste-to-energy supply chain management on circular economy capability: An empirical study
Y Fernando, ML Tseng, N Aziz, RB Ikhsan, IS Wahyuni-TD
Sustainable Production and Consumption 31, 26-38, 2022
A mixed-method study on the barriers of industry 4.0 adoption in the Indonesian SMEs manufacturing supply chains
Y Fernando, IS Wahyuni-TD, A Gui, RB Ikhsan, F Mergeresa, Y Ganesan
Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management 14 (4), 678-695, 2022
Cyber supply chain risk management and performance in industry 4.0 era: information system security practices in Malaysia
Y Fernando, ML Tseng, IS Wahyuni-Td, ABL de Sousa Jabbour, ...
Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering 40 (2), 102-116, 2023
Traceability technology, halal logistics brand and logistics performance: religious beliefs and beyond
Y Fernando, IS Wahyuni-TD, A Zainul Abideen, F Mergeresa
Journal of Islamic Marketing 14 (4), 1007-1031, 2023
Supply chain integration and halal frozen meat product returns
Y Fernando, MF Ahmad Jasmi, IS Wahyuni-TD, F Mergeresa, KA Khamis, ...
Journal of Islamic Marketing 14 (5), 1369-1395, 2023
Blockchain technology adoption for carbon trading and energy efficiency: ISO manufacturing firms in Malaysia
Y Fernando, ML Tseng, IS Wahyuni-TD, R Sroufe, NIA Mohd-Zailani
International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications 26 (11), 1556-1577, 2023
Growing pains the low cost carrier sector in Indonesia: Internal service quality using a critical incident technique
IS Wahyuni-Td, Y Fernando
Safety science 87, 214-223, 2016
The effects of reverse logistics on cost control abilities: an insight into manufacturing companies in Malaysia
Y Fernando, SST Sharon, IS Wahyuni-Td, B Tundys
International Journal of Value Chain Management 8 (4), 285-306, 2017
Determinants of the adoption of good governance: evidences from Zakat institutions in Padang, Indonesia
IS Wahyuni
Share: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam 6 (2), 118-139, 2017
Supplier Sustainable Integrity Using a Split-half Method: Empirical Evidence from Malaysia
Y Fernando, A Gui, IS Wahyuni-TD, YW Seo, H Haron
KnE Social Sciences, 579–592-579–592, 2019
Role of islamic ethics towards ethical accounting practice
IS Wahyuni-TD, Y Fernando, E Hasnita
Journal of Governance and Integrity 2 (1), 23-27, 2018
Assessment of fair value accounting from the Islamic perspective
IS Wahyuni-TD
International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation 13 …, 2017
Waste-to-energy supply chain management on circular economy capability: an empirical study. Sustain Prod Consum 31: 26–38
Y Fernando, ML Tseng, N Aziz, RB Ikhsan, IS Wahyuni-TD
How does search engine optimization affect outcomes of electronic marketing strategy?
G Aryshandy, Y Fernando, RT Dharmaputra, RB Ikhsan, IS Wahyuni-TD
2021 3rd International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent System …, 2021
Business based smart operations and digital supply chain performance
Y Fernando, F Mergeresa, IS Wahyuni-TD, A Gui, RB Ikhsan, H Prabowo
2021 3rd International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent System …, 2021
Halal beauty supply chain and sustainable operational excellence: a moderator of the post-SARS-CoV-2 mitigation strategy
Y Fernando, F Mergeresa, IS Wahyuni-TD, NS Hazarasim
Journal of Islamic Marketing 15 (12), 3748-3777, 2024
Psychological risk, security risk and perceived risk of the cryptocurrency usage
AM Mirza, Y Fernando, F Mergeresa, IS Wahyuni-Td, RB Ikhsan, ...
2023 IEEE 9th International Conference on Computing, Engineering and Design …, 2023
Metaverse-supply chain and halal behavior: bibliometric analysis, framework and implications
Y Fernando, GC Eing, IS Wahyuni-TD
Journal of Islamic Marketing, 2024
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