Rajkumar Buyya

Rajkumar Buyya

School of Computing and Information Systems, The Uni of Melbourne; Fellow of IEEE & …
Potvrđena adresa e-pošte na unimelb.edu.au
Spominje se 157569 puta
Mohsen Guizani, FIEEE

Mohsen Guizani, FIEEE

Mohamed Bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence (MBZUAI)
Potvrđena adresa e-pošte na mbzuai.ac.ae
Spominje se 85435 puta
Steve Brown

Steve Brown

Potvrđena adresa e-pošte na ignitechannel.com
Spominje se 63429 puta
Schahram Dustdar

Schahram Dustdar

Professor of Computer Science, Member of Academia Europaea, IEEE|EAI|AAIA Fellow, TU …
Potvrđena adresa e-pošte na dsg.tuwien.ac.at
Spominje se 55164 puta
Mahadev Satyanarayanan

Mahadev Satyanarayanan

Jaime Carbonell University Professor of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
Potvrđena adresa e-pošte na cs.cmu.edu
Spominje se 47158 puta
Mohammed Irfan

Mohammed Irfan

Assistant Professor(CSE), Lecturer in IT
Potvrđena adresa e-pošte na act.edu.om
Spominje se 46453 puta
Antonio Iera

Antonio Iera

Professor of Telecommunications, University of Calabria, Italy
Potvrđena adresa e-pošte na dimes.unical.it
Spominje se 36956 puta
Bhaskar Krishnamachari

Bhaskar Krishnamachari

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Computer Science, USC
Potvrđena adresa e-pošte na usc.edu
Spominje se 35886 puta
Nirwan Ansari

Nirwan Ansari

Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, New Jersey Institute of …
Potvrđena adresa e-pošte na njit.edu
Spominje se 35112 puta
Luigi Atzori

Luigi Atzori

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Cagliari
Potvrđena adresa e-pošte na unica.it
Spominje se 34139 puta
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