Dr Marie R.G. Attard
Dr Marie R.G. Attard
Seabird Remote Sensing Image Analyst, British Antarctic Survey
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Micro-Biomechanics of the Kebara 2 Hyoid and Its Implications for Speech in Neanderthals
R D’Anastasio, S Wroe, C Tuniz, L Mancini, D Cesana, D Dreossi, ...
PLOS ONE 8 (12), 1-7, 2013
Skull mechanics and implications for feeding behaviour in a large marsupial carnivore guild: the thylacine, Tasmanian devil and spotted‐tailed quoll
MRG Attard, U Chamoli, TL Ferrara, TL Rogers, S Wroe
Journal of Zoology 285 (4), 292-300, 2011
Virtual Reconstruction and Prey Size Preference in the Mid Cenozoic Thylacinid, Nimbacinus dicksoni (Thylacinidae, Marsupialia)
MRG Attard, WCH Parr, LAB Wilson, M Archer, SJ Hand, TL Rogers, ...
PLoS One 9 (4), e93088, 2014
Raptor talon shape and biomechanical performance are controlled by relative prey size but not by allometry
LR Tsang, LAB Wilson, J Ledogar, S Wroe, M Attard, G Sansalone
Scientific reports 9 (1), 7076, 2019
Moa diet fits the bill: virtual reconstruction incorporating mummified remains and prediction of biomechanical performance in avian giants
MRG Attard, LAB Wilson, TH Worthy, P Scofield, P Johnston, WCH Parr, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 283 (1822), 20152043, 2016
Egg shape mimicry in parasitic cuckoos
MRG Attard, I Medina, NE Langmore, E Sherratt
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 30 (11), 2079-2084, 2017
Vocal discrimination in mate guarding male Australian sea lions: familiarity breeds contempt
MRG Attard, BJ Pitcher, I Charrier, H Ahonen, RG Harcourt
Ethology 116 (8), 704-712, 2010
A new, three-dimensional geometric morphometric approach to assess egg shape
MRG Attard, E Sherratt, P McDonald, I Young, M Vidal-García, S Wroe
PeerJ 6, e5052, 2018
Climate variability and parent nesting strategies influence gas exchange across avian eggshells
MRG Attard, SJ Portugal
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288 (1953), 20210823, 2021
Wilson LAB, Worthy TH, Scofield P, Johnston P, Parr WCH, Wroe S. 2016 Moa diet fits the bill: virtual reconstruction incorporating mummified remains and prediction of …
MRG Attard
Proc. R. Soc. B 283 (20152043), 10.1098, 1822
Unexpectedly uneven distribution of functional trade-offs explains cranial morphological diversity in carnivores
G Sansalone, S Wroe, G Coates, MRG Attard, C Fruciano
Nature Communications 15 (1), 3275, 2024
Review of satellite remote sensing and unoccupied aircraft systems for counting wildlife on land
MRG Attard, RA Phillips, E Bowler, PJ Clarke, H Cubaynes, DW Johnston, ...
Remote Sensing 16 (4), 627, 2024
Ecological drivers of eggshell wettability in birds
MRG Attard, J Bowen, R Corado, LS Hall, RA Dorey, SJ Portugal
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 18 (183), 20210488, 2021
New insights from old eggs – the shape and thickness of Great Auk Pinguinus impennis eggs
T Birkhead, D Russell, A Garbout, M Attard, J Thompson, D Jackson
Ibis 162 (4), 1345-1354, 2020
New Zealand's extinct giant raptor (Hieraaetus moorei) killed like an eagle, ate like a condor
AH Van Heteren, S Wroe, LR Tsang, DR Mitchell, P Ross, JA Ledogar, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288 (1964), 20211913, 2021
Global diversity and adaptations of avian eggshell thickness indices
MRG Attard, SJ Portugal
Ibis 166 (2), 534-550, 2024
Wilson LAB, Archer M, Hand SJ, Rogers TL, Wroe S
MRG Attard, WCH Parr
Virtual reconstruction and prey size preference in the mid Cenozoic …, 0
Surface texture heterogeneity in maculated bird eggshells
MRG Attard, J Bowen, SJ Portugal
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 20 (204), 20230293, 2023
Eggshell composition and surface properties of avian brood-parasitic species compared with non-parasitic species
SC McClelland, MRG Attard, J Bowen, NPC Horrocks, GA Jamie, T Dixit, ...
Royal Society Open Science 10 (5), 221023, 2023
Whisker growth in Tasmanian devils (Sarcophilus harrisii) and applications for stable isotope studies
MRG Attard, A Lewis, S Wroe, C Hughes, TL Rogers
Ecosphere 12 (11), e03846, 2021
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