Konstantin Zhekov
Konstantin Zhekov
B. Verkin ILTPE of NASU
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Elastic constants of borocarbides. New approach to acoustic measurement technique
EA Masalitin, VD Fil, KR Zhekov, AN Zholobenko, TV Ignatova, SI Lee
arXiv preprint cond-mat/0301183, 2003
Elastic moduli of borocarbides. A new approach to the acoustic measuring technique Elastic moduli of borocarbides. A new approach to the acoustic measuring technique; Moduli …
EA Masalitin, VD Fil, KR Zhekov, AN Zholobenko, TV Ignatova, SI Lee
Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur 29, 2003
Influence of magnetic field on the paramagnetic-ferromagnetic transition in a crystal: Ultrasonic and transport studies
BI Belevtsev, GA Zvyagina, KR Zhekov, IG Kolobov, EY Beliayev, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (5), 054427, 2006
Magnetic phase transitions in the NdFe3 (BO3) 4 multiferroic
GA Zvyagina, KR Zhekov, IV Bilych, AA Zvyagin, IA Gudim, VL Temerov
Low Temperature Physics 37 (12), 1010-1020, 2011
Magnetopiezoelectric effect and magnetocapacitance in
TN Gaydamak, IA Gudim, GA Zvyagina, IV Bilych, NG Burma, KR Zhekov, ...
Physical Review B 92 (21), 214428, 2015
Magnetoelastic effects in terbium ferroborate
GA Zvyagina, KR Zhekov, LN Bezmaternykh, IA Gudim, IV Bilych, ...
Low Temperature Physics 34 (11), 901-908, 2008
Acoustic characteristics of FeSe single crystals
GA Zvyagina, TN Gaydamak, KR Zhekov, IV Bilich, VD Fil, DA Chareev, ...
Europhysics Letters 101 (5), 56005, 2013
AA Zvya gin, LN Bezmaternykh, and IA Gudim
GA Zvyagina, KR Zhekov, IV Bilych
Low Temp. Phys 36 (3), 279, 2010
Модули упругости борокарбидов. Новый подход к технике акустических измерений
ЕА Масалитин, ВД Филь, КР Жеков, АН Жолобенко, ТВ Игнатова
Физика низких температур, 2003
Magnetic anisotropy in the basal plane of the rare-earth ferroborate Nd0. 75Dy0. 25Fe3 (BO3) 4
GA Zvyagina, KR Zhekov, AA Zvyagin, IA Gudim, IV Bilych
Low Temperature Physics 38 (5), 446-449, 2012
The low temperature behaviour of magnetoelastic characteristics of praseodymium ferroborate; Nizkotemperaturnoe povedenie magnitoupornykh kharakteristik ferroborata prazeodima
GA Zvyagina, KR Zhekov, AA Zvyagin, IV Bilych, LN Bezmaternykh, ...
Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur 36, 2010
Low-temperature behavior of the magnetoelastic characteristics of praseodymium ferroborate
GA Zvyagina, KR Zhekov, IV Bilych, AA Zvyagin, LN Bezmaternykh, ...
Low Temperature Physics 36 (4), 296-302, 2010
Piezomagnetoelectric effect in
VD Fil, MP Kolodyazhnaya, GA Zvyagina, IV Bilych, KR Zhekov
Physical Review B 96 (18), 180407, 2017
Elastic and piezoelectric moduli of Nd and Sm ferroborates
TN Gaydamak, IA Gudim, GA Zvyagina, IV Bilych, NG Burma, KR Zhekov, ...
Low Temperature Physics 41 (8), 614-618, 2015
Low-temperature phase transitions in rare-earth ferroborate Nd0.77Dy0.25Fe3(BO3)4
GA Zvyagina, KP Zhekov, IV Bilych, AA Zvyagin, LN Bezmaternykh, ...
Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur 36 (3), 352-355, 2010
Elastic, magnetoelastic, magnetopiezoelectric, and magnetodielectric characteristics of HoAl3 (BO3) 4
IV Bilych, MP Kolodyazhnaya, KR Zhekov, GA Zvyagina, VD Fil, IA Gudim
Low Temperature Physics 46 (9), 923-931, 2020
Magnetic field-induced phase transitions in the antiferromagnet Nd0. 6Dy0. 4Fe3 (BO3) 4
GA Zvyagina, KR Zhekov, IV Bilych, AA Zvyagin, AN Bludov, ...
Low Temperature Physics 40 (2), 146-150, 2014
Низкотемпературные фазовые переходы в редкоземельном ферроборате Nd₀, ₅₇Dy₀, ₂₅Fe₃ (BO₃) ₄
ГА Звягина, КР Жеков, ИВ Билыч, АА Звягин, ЛН Безматерных, ...
Физика низких температур, 2010
Magnetodielectrical and magnetopiezoelectrical effects in NdFe3 (BO3) 4
IV Bilych, KR Zhekov, TN Gaydamak, IA Gudim, GA Zvyagina, VD Fil
Low Temperature Physics 42 (12), 1112-1119, 2016
Piezomagnetism of FeSe single crystals
VD Fil, DV Fil, KR Zhekov, TN Gaydamak, GA Zvyagina, IV Bilich, ...
Europhysics Letters 103 (4), 47009, 2013
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