Iman Izadgoshasb
Optimizing orientation of piezoelectric cantilever beam for harvesting energy from human walking
I Izadgoshasb, YY Lim, N Lake, L Tang, RV Padilla, T Kashiwao
Energy Conversion and Management 161, 66-73, 2018
Improving efficiency of piezoelectric based energy harvesting from human motions using double pendulum system
I Izadgoshasb, YY Lim, L Tang, RV Padilla, ZS Tang, M Sedighi
Energy Conversion and Management 184, 559-570, 2019
High-temperature, point-focus, pressurised gas-phase solar receivers: A comprehensive review
M Sedighi, RV Padilla, RA Taylor, M Lake, I Izadgoshasb, A Rose
Energy Conversion and Management 185, 678-717, 2019
Optimization of rectifier circuits for a vibration energy harvesting system using a macro-fiber composite piezoelectric element
T Kashiwao, I Izadgoshasb, YY Lim, M Deguchi
Microelectronics Journal 54, 109-115, 2016
Performance Enhancement of a Multiresonant Piezoelectric Energy Harvester for Low Frequency Vibrations
I Izadgoshasb, YY Lim, RV Padilla, M Sedighi, JP Novak
Energies 12 (14), 2770, 2019
Smart city collaboration: A review and an agenda for establishing sustainable collaboration
DE Mills, I Izadgoshasb, SG Pudney
Sustainability 13 (16), 9189, 2021
Strength development monitoring and dynamic modulus assessment of cementitious materials using EMI-Miniature Prism based technique
X Lu, YY Lim, I Izadgoshasb, CK Soh
Structural Health Monitoring, 1475921719848087, 2019
A self-tunable wind energy harvester utilising a piezoelectric cantilever beam with bluff body under transverse galloping for field deployment
YY Lim, RV Padilla, A Unger, R Barraza, AM Thabet, I Izadgoshasb
Energy Conversion and Management 245, 114559, 2021
Development of analytical and numerical models for predicting the mechanical properties of structural adhesives under curing using the PZT-based wave propagation technique
ZS Tang, YY Lim, ST Smith, I Izadgoshasb
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 128, 172-190, 2019
An improved self-powered H-bridge circuit for voltage rectification of piezoelectric energy harvesting system
M Edla, YY Lim, M Deguchi, RV Padilla, I Izadgoshasb
IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society 8, 1050-1062, 2020
Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Towards Self-Powered Internet of Things (IoT) Sensors in Smart Cities
I Izadgoshasb
Sensors 21 (24), 8332, 2021
A novel high-temperature (> 700 C), volumetric receiver with a packed bed of transparent and absorbing spheres
M Sedighi, RV Padilla, P Alamdari, M Lake, A Rose, I Izadgoshasb, ...
Applied Energy 264, 114705, 2020
Development of a novel high-temperature, pressurised, indirectly-irradiated cavity receiver
M Sedighi, RA Taylor, M Lake, A Rose, I Izadgoshasb, RV Padilla
Energy Conversion and Management, 112175, 2020
Performance enhancement of human motion based piezoelectric energy harvesters
I Izadgoshasb
Southern Cross University, 2019
Self-powered boost-converter for power optimisation and piezo garden lights
M Edla, D Mikio, I Izadgoshasb, MAP Mahmud, AZ Kouzani
Smart Materials and Structures 31 (4), 045021, 2022
Smart-based Monitoring of Epoxy Using Piezoelectric Transducers
YY Lim, ST Smith, I Izadgoshasb
SHMII 2017 - 8th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of …, 2017
Monitoring of Corrosion Process in Structural Adhesive using Smart Materials
YY Lim, I Izadgoshasb, ST Smith
SHMII 2017 - 8th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of …, 2017
Using Multi-modal Vibration-Based Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters to Power Internet of Things (IoT) Microelectronic Sensors
I Izadgoshasb
IEEJ 2021 Proceeding; Diagnosis, Monitoring, and Maintenance Technologies …, 2021
Smart City Collaboration: A Review and an Agenda for Establishing Sustainable Collaboration. Sustainability 2021, 13, 9189
DE Mills, I Izadgoshasb, SG Pudney
s Note: MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published …, 2021
Piezoelectric energy harvesting from human walking motion using multi-impact energy scavenger
I Izadgoshasb
PRP Conference 2019, 2019
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