Fundamental physics with the square kilometre array A Weltman, P Bull, S Camera, K Kelley, H Padmanabhan, J Pritchard, ...
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 37, e002, 2020
393 2020 Does the growth of structure affect our dynamical models of the Universe? The averaging, backreaction, and fitting problems in cosmology C Clarkson, G Ellis, J Larena, O Umeh
Reports on Progress in Physics 74 (11), 112901, 2011
255 2011 Correspondence between kinematical backreaction and scalar field cosmologies—the ‘morphon field’ T Buchert, J Larena, JM Alimi
Classical and Quantum Gravity 23 (22), 6379, 2006
152 2006 Testing backreaction effects with observations J Larena, JM Alimi, T Buchert, M Kunz, PS Corasaniti
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 79 (8), 083011, 2009
140 2009 Rendering dark energy void S February, J Larena, M Smith, C Clarkson
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 405 (4), 2231-2242, 2010
138 2010 Power-law cosmic expansion in gravity models N Goheer, J Larena, PKS Dunsby
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 80 (6), 061301, 2009
98 2009 Breaking of the equivalence principle in the electromagnetic sector and its cosmological signatures A Hees, O Minazzoli, J Larena
Physical Review D 90 (12), 124064, 2014
83 2014 Influence of structure formation on the cosmic expansion C Clarkson, K Ananda, J Larena
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 80 (8), 083525, 2009
78 2009 Spatially averaged cosmology in an arbitrary coordinate system J Larena
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 79 (8), 084006, 2009
54 2009 Dynamics of a lattice Universe: the dust approximation in cosmology JP Bruneton, J Larena
Classical and Quantum Gravity 29 (15), 155001, 2012
49 2012 Observables in a lattice Universe: the cosmological fitting problem JP Bruneton, J Larena
Classical and Quantum Gravity 30 (2), 025002, 2012
42 2012 A two-mass expanding exact space-time solution JP Uzan, GFR Ellis, J Larena
General Relativity and Gravitation 43, 191-205, 2011
39 2011 Weak gravitational lensing of finite beams P Fleury, J Larena, JP Uzan
Physical review letters 119 (19), 191101, 2017
38 2017 Line-of-sight effects in strong gravitational lensing P Fleury, J Larena, JP Uzan
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2021 (08), 024, 2021
36 2021 Gravitational entropies in LTB dust models RA Sussman, J Larena
Classical and Quantum Gravity 31 (7), 075021, 2014
35 2014 The Hubble rate in averaged cosmology O Umeh, J Larena, C Clarkson
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2011 (03), 029, 2011
34 2011 Cosmic convergence and shear with extended sources P Fleury, J Larena, JP Uzan
Physical Review D 99 (2), 023525, 2019
31 2019 Constraining spatial curvature with large-scale structure J Bel, J Larena, R Maartens, C Marinoni, L Perenon
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2022 (09), 076, 2022
28 2022 The theory of stochastic cosmological lensing P Fleury, J Larena, JP Uzan
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2015 (11), 022, 2015
26 2015 Big Bang nucleosynthesis in scalar tensor gravity: the key problem of the primordial 7Li abundance J Larena, JM Alimi, A Serna
The Astrophysical Journal 658 (1), 1, 2007
26 2007