Renxin ZHONG
Renxin ZHONG
Professor, School of Intelligent Systems Engineering, Sun Yat-Sen University
Potvrđena adresa e-pošte na
Stochastic cell transmission model (SCTM): A stochastic dynamic traffic model for traffic state surveillance and assignment
A Sumalee, RX Zhong, TL Pan, WY Szeto
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 45 (3), 507-533, 2011
Short-term traffic state prediction based on temporal–spatial correlation
TL Pan, A Sumalee, RX Zhong, N Indra-Payoong
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 14 (3), 1242-1254, 2013
Delay‐dependent robust control of descriptor systems with time delay
R Zhong, Z Yang
Asian Journal of control 8 (1), 36-44, 2006
Robust perimeter control for two urban regions with macroscopic fundamental diagrams: A control-Lyapunov function approach
RX Zhong, C Chen, YP Huang, A Sumalee, WHK Lam, DB Xu
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 117, 687-707, 2018
Modeling the impacts of mandatory and discretionary lane-changing maneuvers
TL Pan, WHK Lam, A Sumalee, RX Zhong
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 68, 403-424, 2016
Multi-objective optimal control formulations for bus service reliability with traffic signals
AHF Chow, S Li, R Zhong
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 103, 248-268, 2017
An integrated reinforcement learning and centralized programming approach for online taxi dispatching
E Liang, K Wen, WHK Lam, A Sumalee, R Zhong
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 33 (9), 4742-4756, 2021
A cross-entropy method and probabilistic sensitivity analysis framework for calibrating microscopic traffic models
RX Zhong, KY Fu, A Sumalee, D Ngoduy, WHK Lam
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 63, 147-169, 2016
Integrated optimal control strategies for freeway traffic mixed with connected automated vehicles: A model-based reinforcement learning approach
T Pan, R Guo, WHK Lam, R Zhong, W Wang, B He
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 123, 102987, 2021
Stochastic cell transmission model for traffic network with demand and supply uncertainties
RX Zhong, A Sumalee, TL Pan, WHK Lam
Transportmetrica A: Transport Science 9 (7), 567-602, 2013
Multiclass multilane model for freeway traffic mixed with connected automated vehicles and regular human-piloted vehicles
T Pan, WHK Lam, A Sumalee, R Zhong
Transportmetrica A: transport science 17 (1), 5-33, 2021
Dynamic user equilibrium with side constraints for a traffic network: Theoretical development and numerical solution algorithm
RX Zhong, A Sumalee, TL Friesz, WHK Lam
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 45 (7), 1035-1061, 2011
Dynamic stochastic journey time estimation and reliability analysis using stochastic cell transmission model: Algorithm and case studies
A Sumalee, T Pan, R Zhong, N Uno, N Indra-Payoong
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 35, 263-285, 2013
Forecasting journey time distribution with consideration to abnormal traffic conditions
RX Zhong, JC Luo, HX Cai, A Sumalee, FF Yuan, AHF Chow
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 85, 292-311, 2017
Boundary conditions and behavior of the macroscopic fundamental diagram based network traffic dynamics: A control systems perspective
RX Zhong, YP Huang, C Chen, WHK Lam, DB Xu, A Sumalee
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 111, 327-355, 2018
Dynamic marginal cost, access control, and pollution charge: a comparison of bottleneck and whole link models
R Zhong, A Sumalee, T Maruyama
Journal of Advanced Transportation 46 (3), 191-221, 2012
Neuro-dynamic programming for optimal control of macroscopic fundamental diagram systems
ZC Su, AHF Chow, N Zheng, YP Huang, EM Liang, RX Zhong
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 116, 102628, 2020
A dynamic user equilibrium model for multi-region macroscopic fundamental diagram systems with time-varying delays
YP Huang, JH Xiong, A Sumalee, N Zheng, WHK Lam, ZB He, RX Zhong
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 131, 1-25, 2020
Data efficient reinforcement learning and adaptive optimal perimeter control of network traffic dynamics
C Chen, YP Huang, WHK Lam, TL Pan, SC Hsu, A Sumalee, RX Zhong
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 142, 103759, 2022
Leaderless consensus of heterogeneous multiple Euler–Lagrange systems with unknown disturbance
S Wang, H Zhang, S Baldi, R Zhong
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 68 (4), 2399-2406, 2022
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