Delphine Vettese
Delphine Vettese
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Towards an understanding of hominin marrow extraction strategies: a proposal for a percussion mark terminology
D Vettese, R Blasco, I Cáceres, S Gaudzinski-Windheuser, MH Moncel, ...
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 12 (2), 1-19, 2020
Neanderthal selective hunting of reindeer? The case study of Abri du Maras (south-eastern France)
C Daujeard, D Vettese, K Britton, P Béarez, N Boulbes, ...
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 11, 985-1011, 2019
Neandertal long bone breakage process: Standardized or random patterns? The example of Abri du Maras (Southeastern France, MIS 3)
D Vettese, C Daujeard, R Blasco, A Borel, I Cáceres, MH Moncel
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 13, 151-163, 2017
Neanderthal faunal exploitation and settlement dynamics at the Abri du Maras, level 5 (south-eastern France)
J Marin, C Daujeard, P Saladié, A Rodríguez-Hidalgo, D Vettese, F Rivals, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 243, 106472, 2020
Late Neanderthal short-term and specialized occupations at the Abri du Maras (South-East France, level 4.1, MIS 3)
MH Moncel, MG Chacón, D Vettese, MA Courty, C Daujeard, A Eixea, ...
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 13, 1-28, 2021
A GIS based approach to long bone breakage patterns derived from marrow extraction
T Stavrova, A Borel, C Daujeard, D Vettese
PLoS One 14 (5), e0216733, 2019
Multi-isotope zooarchaeological investigations at Abri du Maras: The paleoecological and paleoenvironmental context of Neanderthal subsistence strategies in the Rhône Valley …
K Britton, EL Jimenez, M Le Corre, S Pederzani, C Daujeard, K Jaouen, ...
Journal of Human Evolution 174, 103292, 2023
Neanderthal plant use and stone tool function investigated through non-pollen palynomorphs analyses and pollen washes in the Abri du Maras, South-East France
Y Miras, D Barbier-Pain, A Ejarque, E Allain, E Allué, J Marín, D Vettese, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 33, 102569, 2020
New evidence of Neandertal butchery traditions through the marrow extraction in southwestern Europe (MIS 5–3)
D Vettese, A Borel, R Blasco, L Chevillard, T Stavrova, ...
PLoS One 17 (8), e0271816, 2022
A way to break bones? The weight of intuitiveness
D Vettese, T Stavrova, A Borel, J Marín, MH Moncel, M Arzarello, ...
Plos one 16 (10), e0259136, 2021
Le traitement des carcasses d’ongulés chez les Néanderthaliens de l’Abri du Maras (Ardèche, MIS4)/individualisme ou poids des traditions
D Vettese
Master thesis Erasmus Mundus: Quaternaire et Préhistoire. Muséum national d …, 2014
Palaeoenvironmental and chronological context of hominin occupations of the Armenian Highlands during MIS 3: Evidence from Ararat-1 cave
JE Sherriff, A Petrosyan, D Rogall, D Nora, E Frahm, T Lauer, ...
Quaternary Science Advances 13, 100122, 2024
Spatial analyses of the distribution of taphonomic marks on long animal bones of Lagar Velho Rock-shelter (Early Gravettian), in Lapedo Valley (Leiria, Portugal) Karstic
D Vettese, M Sanz-Borràs, J Daura, AC Araújo, AM Costa
9th TAPHOS, 2022
The myth of the bone retoucher: analysis of an experimental remain
D Vettese, D C.
An Archaeological Experiment Focused on the Intuitive Way of Long Bones Breakage to Extract Marrow V. 2
D Vettese
PLoS ONE, 2020
L’Abri du Maras. À Saint-Martin d’Ardèche, des habitats néandertaliens du début du dernier glaciaire
MH Moncel, C Daujeard, MGC Navarro, D Vettese, P Fernandes, B Hardy, ...
Ardèche archéologie, 2018
Corrigendum to “Neanderthal faunal exploitation and settlement dynamics at the Abri du Maras, level 5 (South-eastern France)"[Quat. Sci. Rev. 243 (2020) 106472]
J Marín, C Daujeard, P Saladié, A Rodríguez-Hidalgo, D Vettese, F Rivals, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 248, 106631, 2020
Approche techno-culturelle de la fracturation des os longs chez les Néandertaliens (Sud-Ouest de l'Europe, MIS 5-3): une systématisation des gestes?
D Vettese
Paris, Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, 2019
A focus on percussion notches to approach the variability of Neanderthal behaviours: the example of Abri du Maras and Saint Marcel cave (Ardèche, France)
D Vettese, D Camille, B Antony, M Marie-Hélène
UISPP, 2018
Between intuitiveness and standardization: an experiment on marrow extraction process
D Vettese, J Marín, A Borel, M Arzarello, R Blasco, I Cáceres, MH Moncel, ...
Institut Català de Paleocologia Humana i Evolució Social (IPHES), 2017
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