Patricia Guarnieri
Patricia Guarnieri
Professora Adjunta da UnB - Universidade de Brasília, FACE - Faculdade de Economia, Administração
Potvrđena adresa e-pošte na - Početna stranica
Logística Reversa: em busca do equilíbrio econômico e ambiental
P Guarnieri
Patricia Guarnieri, 2011
Decision making on supplier selection based on social, ethical, and environmental criteria: A study in the textile industry
P Guarnieri, F Trojan
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 141 (February 2019), 347-361, 2019
Reverse logistics and the sectoral agreement of packaging industry in Brazil towards a transition to circular economy
P Guarnieri, JA Cerqueira-Streit, LC Batista
Resources, conservation and recycling 153, 104541, 2020
The challenge of selecting and evaluating third-party reverse logistics providers in a multicriteria perspective: a Brazilian case
ALMS Patricia Guarnieri, Vinicius Amorim Sobreiro, Marcelo Seido Nagano
Journal of Cleaner Production, 1-11, 2014
Analysis of electronic waste reverse logistics decisions using Strategic Options Development Analysis method: A Brazilian case
P Guarnieri, LC Silva, N LEVINO
Journal of Cleaner Production 133, 1105-1117, 2016
Are collaboration and trust sources for innovation in the reverse logistics? Insights from a systematic literature review
IC Paula, EAR Campos, RN Pagani, P Guarnieri, MA Kaviani
Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 25 (2), 176-222, 2020
Reverse logistics for the end-of-life and end-of-use products in the pharmaceutical industry: a systematic literature review
EAR Campos, IC Paula, RN Pagani, P Guarnieri
Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 22 (4), 375-392, 2017
Can public procurement be strategic? A future agenda proposition
P Guarnieri, RC Gomes
Journal of Public Procurement 19 (4), 295-321, 2019
Síntese dos principais critérios, métodos e subproblemas da seleção de fornecedores multicritério
P Guarnieri
Revista de administração contemporânea 19 (1), 1-25, 2015
WMS-Warehouse Management System: adaptação proposta para o gerenciamento da logística reversa
P Guarnieri, D Chrusciack, IL Oliveira, K Hatakeyama, L Scandelari
Production 16, 126-139, 2006
Circular economy model enhanced by intelligent assets from industry 4.0: The proposition of an innovative tool to analyze case studies
J Rossi, A Bianchini, P Guarnieri
Sustainability 12 (17), 7147, 2020
A characterization of the Brazilian market of reverse logistic credits (RLC) and an analogy with the existing carbon credit market
N Caiado, P Guarnieri, LH Xavier, GLD Chaves
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 118, 47-59, 2017
Environmental preservation costs and eco-efficiency in Amazonian agriculture: Application of hyperbolic distance functions
CR Peña, ALM Serrano, PAP de Britto, VR Franco, P Guarnieri, ...
Journal of cleaner production 197, 699-707, 2018
Formalização da logística de suprimentos: caso das montadoras e fornecedores da indústria automotiva brasileira
P Guarnieri, K Hatakeyama
Production 20, 186-199, 2010
Prioritizing barriers to be solved to the implementation of reverse logistics of e-waste in Brazil under a multicriteria decision aid approach
BO Vieira, P Guarnieri, L Camara e Silva, S Alfinito
Sustainability 12 (10), 4337, 2020
Social gains for artisanal agroindustrial producers induced by cooperation and collaboration in agri-food supply chain
RR dos Santos, P Guarnieri
Social Responsibility Journal 17 (8), 1131-1149, 2021
Sustainable supply chain management in the route for a circular economy: an integrative literature review
JA Cerqueira-Streit, GY Endo, P Guarnieri, L Batista
Logistics 5 (4), 81, 2021
Implications for waste pickers of Distrito Federal, Brazil arising from the obligation of reverse logistics by the National Policy of Solid Waste
P Guarnieri, JAC Streit
Latin American Journal of management for sustainable Development 2 (1), 19-35, 2015
Transitioning towards a circular economy under a multicriteria and the new institutional theory perspective: A comparison between Italy and Brazil
P Guarnieri, A Bianchini, J Rossi, LC e Silva, F Trojan, M Lizot, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 409, 137094, 2023
A caracterização da logística reversa no ambiente empresarial em suas áreas de atuação: pós-venda e pós-consumo agregando valor econômico e legal
P Guarnieri, IL de Oliveira
Revista Tecnologia & Humanismo 19 (29), 120-131, 2005
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