Jiangping Han
Shared bottleneck-based congestion control and packet scheduling for multipath TCP
W Wei, K Xue, J Han, DSL Wei, P Hong
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 28 (2), 653-666, 2020
DPSAF: Forward prediction based dynamic packet scheduling and adjusting with feedback for multipath TCP in lossy heterogeneous networks
K Xue, J Han, D Ni, W Wei, Y Cai, Q Xu, P Hong
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 67 (2), 1521-1534, 2017
A low-latency MPTCP scheduler for live video streaming in mobile networks
Y Xing, K Xue, Y Zhang, J Han, J Li, J Liu, R Li
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 20 (11), 7230-7242, 2021
Leveraging coupled BBR and adaptive packet scheduling to boost MPTCP
J Han, K Xue, Y Xing, J Li, W Wei, DSL Wei, G Xue
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 20 (11), 7555-7567, 2021
BBR-based congestion control and packet scheduling for bottleneck fairness considered multipath TCP in heterogeneous wireless networks
W Wei, K Xue, J Han, Y Xing, DSL Wei, P Hong
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 70 (1), 914-927, 2020
Migrating unfairness among subflows in MPTCP with network coding for wired–wireless networks
K Xue, J Han, H Zhang, K Chen, P Hong
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 66 (1), 798-809, 2016
An online learning assisted packet scheduler for MPTCP in mobile networks
Y Xing, K Xue, Y Zhang, J Han, J Li, DSL WeiMember
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 31 (5), 2297-2312, 2023
MPTCP meets big data: Customizing transmission strategy for various data flows
Y Xing, J Han, K Xue, J Liu, M Pan, P Hong
IEEE Network 34 (4), 35-41, 2020
A stream-aware MPQUIC scheduler for HTTP traffic in mobile networks
Y Xing, K Xue, Y Zhang, J Han, J Li, DSL Wei, R Li, Q Sun, J Lu
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 22 (4), 2775-2788, 2022
Shared bottleneck detection based on congestion interval variance measurement
W Wei, Y Wang, K Xue, DSL Wei, J Han, P Hong
IEEE Communications Letters 22 (12), 2467-2470, 2018
IEACC: An intelligent edge-aided congestion control scheme for named data networking with deep reinforcement learning
J Yang, Y Chen, K Xue, J Han, J Li, DSL Wei, Q Sun, J Lu
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 19 (4), 4932-4947, 2022
MP-VR: An MPTCP-based adaptive streaming framework for 360-degree virtual reality videos
W Wei, J Han, Y Xing, K Xue, J Liu, R Zhuang
ICC 2021-IEEE International Conference on Communications, 1-6, 2021
Measurement and redesign of BBR-based MPTCP
J Han, K Xue, Y Xing, P Hong, DSL Wei
Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2019 Conference Posters and Demos, 75-77, 2019
EdAR: An experience-driven multipath scheduler for seamless handoff in mobile networks
J Han, K Xue, J Li, R Zhuang, R Li, R Yu, G Xue, Q Sun
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 22 (10), 6839-6852, 2023
Tsls: time sensitive, lightweight and secure access control for information centric networking
Q Xia, P He, K Xue, J Han, DSL Wei, H Yue, J Qin
2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 1-6, 2019
Achieving flexible and lightweight multipath congestion control through online learning
R Zhuang, J Han, K Xue, J Li, DSL Wei, R Li, Q Sun, J Lu
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 20 (1), 46-59, 2022
Transparent multipath: Using double MPTCP proxies to enhance transport performance for traditional TCP
J Han, K Xue, W Wei, Y Xing, J Liu, P Hong
IEEE Network 35 (5), 181-187, 2021
TCCC: a throughput consistency congestion control algorithm for MPTCP in mixed transmission of long and short flows
J Yang, J Han, K Xue, Y Wang, J Li, Y Xing, H Yue, DSL Wei
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 20 (3), 2652-2667, 2023
Coupled slow-start: Improving the efficiency and friendliness of mptcp's slow-start
Y Wang, K Xue, H Yue, J Han, Q Xu, P Hong
GLOBECOM 2017-2017 IEEE Global Communications Conference, 1-6, 2017
DECC: Achieving low latency in data center networks with deep reinforcement learning
Y Liu, J Han, K Xue, J Li, Q Sun, J Lu
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 20 (4), 4313-4324, 2023
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