Lester Geonzon
Lester Geonzon
The Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo
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Cellulose and its derivatives: towards biomedical applications
H Seddiqi, E Oliaei, H Honarkar, J Jin, LC Geonzon, RG Bacabac, ...
Cellulose 28 (4), 1893-1931, 2021
Gelation mechanism and network structure in gels of carrageenans and their mixtures viewed at different length scales–A review
LC Geonzon, FBA Descallar, L Du, RG Bacabac, S Matsukawa
Food Hydrocolloids 108, 106039, 2020
Network structure and gelation mechanism of kappa and iota carrageenan elucidated by multiple particle tracking
LC Geonzon, RG Bacabac, S Matsukawa
Food Hydrocolloids 92, 173-180, 2019
Gelation mechanism and network structure of mixed kappa carrageenan/lambda carrageenan gels studied by macroscopic and microscopic observation methods
LC Geonzon, X Zhuang, AM Santoya, RG Bacabac, J Xie, S Matsukawa
Food Hydrocolloids 105, 105759, 2020
K-carrageenan stimulates pre-osteoblast proliferation and osteogenic differentiation: A potential factor for the promotion of bone regeneration?
W Cao, J Jin, G Wu, N Bravenboer, MN Helder, JL Pathak, ...
Molecules 26 (20), 6131, 2021
Microscopic characterization of phase separation in mixed carrageenan gels using particle tracking
LC Geonzon, RG Bacabac, S Matsukawa
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 166 (9), B3228, 2019
Rheological elucidation of the viscoelastic properties and network interaction of mixed high-methoxyl pectin and kappa-carrageenan gels
AM Roque, D Montinola, L Geonzon, S Matsukawa, CFY Lobarbio, ...
Food Hydrocolloids 129, 107647, 2022
Accuracy improvement of centroid coordinates and particle identification in particle tracking technique
LC Geonzon, S Matsukawa
Journal of Biorheology 33 (1), 2-7, 2019
Adsorption kinetics of polyacrylamide-based polyelectrolyte onto a single silica particle studied using microfluidics and optical tweezers
LC Geonzon, M Kobayashi, T Sugimoto, Y Adachi
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 630, 846-854, 2023
Texture enhancement of salted Alaska pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) roe using microbial transglutaminase
C Chen, K Takahashi, L Geonzon, E Okazaki, K Osako
Food Chemistry 290, 196-200, 2019
Microrheological properties and local structure of ι-carrageenan gels probed by using optical tweezers
LC Geonzon, M Kobayashi, M Tassieri, RG Bacabac, Y Adachi, ...
Food Hydrocolloids 137, 108325, 2023
Study on the kinetics of adsorption of poly (ethylene oxide) onto a silica particle using optical tweezers and microfluidics
LC Geonzon, M Kobayashi, T Sugimoto, Y Adachi
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 642, 128691, 2022
Elaborating Spatiotemporal Hierarchical Structure of Carrageenan Gels and Their Mixtures during Sol–Gel Transition
LC Geonzon, K Hashimoto, T Oda, S Matsukawa, K Mayumi
Macromolecules 56 (21), 8676-8687, 2023
Rheological properties and interactions between polysaccharides in mixed carrageenan solutions
L Du, Y Lu, L Geonzon, J Xie, S Matsukawa
Journal of Biorheology 30 (1), 13-18, 2016
its derivatives: Towards biomedical applications., 2021, 28
H Seddiqi, E Oliaei, H Honarkar, J Jin, LC Geonzon, RG Bacabac
DOI: https://doi. org/10.1007/s10570-020-03674-w, 1893-1931, 0
Understanding the rheological properties from linear to nonlinear regimes and spatiotemporal structure of mixed kappa and reduced molecular weight lambda carrageenan gels
LC Geonzon, T Enoki, S Humayun, R Tuvikene, S Matsukawa, K Mayumi
Food Hydrocolloids 150, 109752, 2024
Change of network structure in agarose solution during gelation studied by multiple particle tracking and NMR measurements
H Jung, LC Geonzon, WB Yoon, S Matsukawa
Food Hydrocolloids 141, 108740, 2023
Gelation and network structure of acidified milk gel investigated at different length scales with and without addition of iota-carrageenan
I Sone, M Hosoi, LC Geonzon, H Jung, FB Descallar, H Bingjie, ...
Food Hydrocolloids 123, 107170, 2022
Study on the heterogeneity in mixture carrageenan gels viewed by long time particle tracking
LC Geonzon, AM Santoya, H Jung, H Yuson, RG Bacabac, S Matsukawa
Food Hydrocolloids 123, 107095, 2022
Effect of shear flow on the hydrodynamic drag force of a spherical particle near a wall evaluated using optical tweezers and microfluidics
LC Geonzon, M Kobayashi, Y Adachi
Soft Matter 17 (34), 7914-7920, 2021
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