Winny Shen
Winny Shen
Schulich School of Business, York University
Potvrđena adresa e-pošte na
How are we doing after 30 years? A meta-analytic review of the antecedents and outcomes of feedback-seeking behavior
F Anseel, AS Beatty, W Shen, F Lievens, PR Sackett
Journal of Management 41 (1), 318-348, 2015
Building positive resources: Effects of positive events and positive reflection on work stress and health
JE Bono, TM Glomb, W Shen, E Kim, AJ Koch
Academy of Management Journal 56 (6), 1601-1627, 2013
How much do we really know about employee resilience
TW Britt, W Shen, RR Sinclair, MR Grossman, DM Klieger
Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and …, 2016
Disentangling the Relationship Between Gender and Work–Family Conflict: An Integration of Theoretical Perspectives Using Meta-Analytic Methods
KM Shockley, W Shen, MM DeNunzio, ML Arvan, EA Knudsen
The Journal of applied psychology, 2017
Developing and measuring the emotional intelligence of leaders
KS Groves, M Pat McEnrue, W Shen
Journal of Management Development 27 (2), 225-250, 2008
Samples in applied psychology: Over a decade of research in review.
W Shen, TB Kiger, SE Davies, RL Rasch, KM Simon, DS Ones
Journal of Applied Psychology 96 (5), 1055, 2011
Is a happy leader a good leader? A meta-analytic investigation of leader trait affect and leadership
DL Joseph, LY Dhanani, W Shen, BC McHugh, MA McCord
The Leadership Quarterly 26 (4), 557-576, 2015
How leader role identity influences the process of leader emergence: A social network analysis
N Kwok, S Hanig, DJ Brown, W Shen
The Leadership Quarterly 29 (6), 648-662, 2018
Gender and leadership: A criterion-focused review and research agenda
W Shen, DL Joseph
Human Resource Management Review 31 (2), 100765, 2021
Why Still so Few? A Theoretical Model of the Role of Benevolent Sexism and Career Support in the Continued Underrepresentation of Women in Leadership Positions
I Hideg, W Shen
Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 26 (3), 287-303, 2019
Emotional intelligence development: leveraging individual characteristics
M Pat McEnrue, KS Groves, W Shen
Journal of Management Development 28 (2), 150-174, 2009
The role of socioeconomic status in SAT-grade relationships and in college admissions decisions
PR Sackett, NR Kuncel, AS Beatty, JL Rigdon, W Shen, TB Kiger
Psychological Science 23 (9), 1000-1007, 2012
International perspectives on the legal environment for selection
B Myors, F Lievens, E Schollaert, G Van Hoye, SF Cronshaw, A Mladinic, ...
Industrial and Organizational Psychology 1 (2), 206-246, 2008
Depending on your own kindness: The moderating role of self-compassion on the within-person consequences of work loneliness during the COVID-19 pandemic.
SA Andel, W Shen, ML Arvan
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 26 (4), 276, 2021
Disability disclosure and workplace accommodations among youth with disabilities
S Lindsay, E Cagliostro, J Leck, W Shen, J Stinson
Disability and rehabilitation 41 (16), 1914-1924, 2019
Fostering integrative community leadership
JE Bono, W Shen, M Snyder
The Leadership Quarterly 21 (2), 324-335, 2010
Safety implications of different forms of understaffing among nurses during the COVID‐19 pandemic
SA Andel, AM Tedone, W Shen, ML Arvan
Journal of Advanced Nursing 78 (1), 121-130, 2022
Can pride be a vice and virtue at work? Associations between authentic and hubristic pride and leadership behaviors
E Yeung, W Shen
Journal of Organizational Behavior 40 (6), 605-624, 2019
Societal individualism–collectivism and uncertainty avoidance as cultural moderators of relationships between job resources and strain
S Jang, W Shen, TD Allen, H Zhang
Journal of organizational behavior 39 (4), 507-524, 2018
A framework for developing employer’s disability confidence
S Lindsay, J Leck, W Shen, E Cagliostro, J Stinson
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal 38 (1), 40-55, 2019
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