Ian Gwilt
Tangible data souvenirs as a bridge between a physical museum visit and online digital experience
D Petrelli, MT Marshall, S O’Brien, P McEntaggart, I Gwilt
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 21, 281-295, 2017
Low-Contact Co-Design: Considering more flexible spatiotemporal models for the co-design workshop
A Davis, W Niki, J Langley, G Ian
Strategic Design Research Journal 14 (1), 2021
A ROS-integrated API for the KUKA LBR iiwa collaborative robot
S Mokaram, JM Aitken, U Martinez-Hernandez, I Eimontaite, D Cameron, ...
IFAC-PapersOnLine 50 (1), 15859-15864, 2017
Language-free graphical signage improves human performance and reduces anxiety when working collaboratively with robots
I Eimontaite, I Gwilt, D Cameron, JM Aitken, J Rolph, S Mokaram, J Law
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 100, 55-73, 2019
Using patient experience data to develop a patient experience toolkit to improve hospital care: a mixed-methods study
L Sheard, C Marsh, T Mills, R Peacock, J Langley, R Partridge, I Gwilt, ...
Health Services and Delivery Research 7 (36), 2019
Co-design practices in diet and nutrition research: an integrative review
BSJ Tay, DN Cox, GD Brinkworth, A Davis, SM Edney, I Gwilt, JC Ryan
Nutrients 13 (10), 3593, 2021
Enhancing the understanding of statistical data through the creation of physical objects
I Gwilt, A Yoxall, K Sano
DS 73-1 Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Design Creativity …, 2012
Making sense of data through service design–opportunities and reflections
A Prendiville, I Gwilt, V Mitchell
Designing for service: key issues and new directions, 225-236, 2017
Augmented reality graffiti and street art
I Gwilt, J Wilde
Augmented Reality Art: From an Emerging Technology to a Novel Creative …, 2022
Co-design of a digital dietary intervention for adults at risk of type 2 diabetes
BSJ Tay, SM Edney, GD Brinkworth, DN Cox, B Wiggins, A Davis, I Gwilt, ...
BMC public health 21, 1-12, 2021
Exploring the value and role of creative practices in research co-production
J Langley, N Kayes, I Gwilt, E Snelgrove-Clarke, S Smith, C Craig
Evidence & Policy 18 (2), 193-205, 2022
The role of midwives in supporting the development of the mother-infant relationship: a scoping review
C Stoodley, L McKellar, T Ziaian, M Steen, J Fereday, I Gwilt
BMC psychology 11 (1), 71, 2023
Augmented reality and mobile art
I Gwilt
Handbook of multimedia for digital entertainment and arts, 593-599, 2009
COVID co-design does not* HAVE* to be digital!: Why'which platform should we use?'should not be your first question
J Langley, N Wallace, A Davis, I Gwilt, S Knowles, R Partridge, G Wheeler, ...
Bristol University Press, 2021
Assessing graphical robot aids for interactive co-working
I Eimontaite, I Gwilt, D Cameron, JM Aitken, J Rolph, S Mokaram, J Law
Advances in Ergonomics of Manufacturing: Managing the Enterprise of the …, 2016
Dynamic graphical instructions result in improved attitudes and decreased task completion time in human–robot co-working: an experimental manufacturing study
I Eimontaite, D Cameron, J Rolph, S Mokaram, JM Aitken, I Gwilt, J Law
Sustainability 14 (6), 3289, 2022
Cobotics: developing a visual language for human-robotic collaborations
I Gwilt, J Rolph, I Eimontaite, D Cameron, J Aitken, S Mokaram, J Law
Proceedings of the cumulus conference, 2018
Data-objects: Sharing the attributes and properties of digital and material culture to creatively interpret complex information
I Gwilt
Digital Media and Technologies for Virtual Artistic Spaces, 14-26, 2013
Framing futures for visual communication design research
ID Gwilt, J Williams
Design Principles and Practices: An International Journal, 2011
Understanding Co‐Design Practice as a Process of “Welldoing”
A Davis, M Tuckey, I Gwilt, N Wallace
International Journal of Art & Design Education 42 (2), 278-293, 2023
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