Olivier Pantalé
Olivier Pantalé
Université de Toulouse, INP/ENIT, Laboratoire Génie de Production, 47 avenue d’Azereix, F-65016
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2D and 3D numerical models of metal cutting with damage effects
O Pantalé, JL Bacaria, O Dalverny, R Rakotomalala, S Caperaa
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 193 (39-41), 4383-4399, 2004
Mechanical properties of the elemental nanocomponents of nacre structure
PH Stempflé, O Pantalé, M Rousseau, E Lopez, X Bourrat
Materials Science and Engineering: C 30 (5), 715-721, 2010
Numerical implementation of the extended finite element method for dynamic crack analysis
I Nistor, O Pantalé, S Caperaa
Advances in Engineering Software 39 (7), 573-587, 2008
A numerical simulation of steady state metal cutting
P Joyot, R Rakotomalala, O Pantalé, M Touratier, N Hakem
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of …, 1998
An efficient and robust VUMAT implementation of elastoplastic constitutive laws in Abaqus/Explicit finite element code
L Ming, O Pantalé
Mechanics & Industry 19 (3), 308, 2018
Parallelization of an object-oriented FEM dynamics code: influence of the strategies on the Speedup
O Pantalé
Advances in Engineering Software 36 (6), 361-373, 2005
Fatigue behavior of impacted composite structures
C Garnier, ML Pastor, B Lorrain, O Pantalé
Composite Structures 100, 443-450, 2013
A three-dimensional numerical model of orthogonal and oblique metal cutting processes
O Pantale, R Rakotomalala, M Touratier, N Hakem
Proceeding of Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, ASME 3, 199-206, 1996
Evaluation of the real contact area in three-body dry friction by micro-thermal analysis
P Stempflé, O Pantalé, T Djilali, RK Njiwa, X Bourrat, J Takadoum
Tribology International 43 (10), 1794-1805, 2010
Influence of the constitutive flow law in FEM simulation of the radial forging process
O Pantalé, B Gueye
Journal of Engineering 2013 (1), 231847, 2013
An ALE three-dimensional model of orthogonal and oblique metal cutting processes
O Pantalé, R Rakotomalala, M Touratier
International Journal of Forming Processes 1 (3), 371-388, 1998
Friction-induced sheet nacre fracture: effects of nano-shocks on cracks location
P Stempflé, O Pantalé, RK Njiwa, M Rousseau, E Lopez, X Bourrat
International journal of nanotechnology 4 (6), 712-729, 2007
Anisotropic unilateral damage with initial orthotropy: A micromechanics-based approach
C Goidescu, H Welemane, O Pantalé, M Karama, D Kondo
International Journal of Damage Mechanics 24 (3), 313-337, 2015
Development of an object-oriented finite element program: application to metal-forming and impact simulations
O Pantalé, S Caperaa, R Rakotomalala
Journal of computational and applied mathematics 168 (1-2), 341-351, 2004
An object-oriented programming of an explicit dynamics code: application to impact simulation
O Pantalé
Advances in Engineering Software 33 (5), 297-306, 2002
Effect of ductile damage evolution in sheet metal forming: experimental and numerical investigations
F Abbassi, O Pantalé, S Mistou, A Zghal, R Rakotomalala
Key Engineering Materials 446, 157-169, 2010
Plateforme de prototypage virtuel pour la simulation numérique en grandes transformations thermomécaniques rapides
O Pantalé
Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse-INPT, 2005
Finite element simulation of low velocity impact damage on an aeronautical carbon composite structure
RP Lemanle Sanga, C Garnier, O Pantalé
Applied Composite Materials 23, 1195-1208, 2016
Efficient implementation of non-linear flow law using neural network into the Abaqus Explicit FEM code
O Pantalé, PT Mha, A Tongne
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 198, 103647, 2022
FE simulation and full-field strain measurements to evaluate the necking phenomena
F Abbassi, S Mistou, O Pantalé, A Zghal
Procedia manufacturing 2, 500-504, 2015
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