Agota Giedre Raisiene
Working from home—Who is happy? A survey of Lithuania’s employees during the COVID-19 quarantine period
AG Raišienė, V Rapuano, K Varkulevičiūtė, K Stachová
Sustainability 12 (13), 5332, 2020
Public governance efficiency and macroeconomic stability: Examining convergence of social and political determinants
Y Bilan, AG Raišienė, T Vasilyeva, O Lyulyov, T Pimonenko
Public Policy and Administration 18 (2), 241-255, 2019
Leadership and managerial competences in a contemporary organization from the standpoint of business executives
AG Raisiene
Economics & Sociology 7 (3), 179, 2014
Žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymas: vadovėlis magistrantūros studentams
V Gražulis, D Račelytė, R Dačiulytė, A Valickas, R Adamonienė, ...
Vilnius: Mykolo Romerio universitetas, 2015
Sensitive men and hardy women: How do millennials, xennials and gen x manage to work from home?
AG Raišienė, V Rapuano, K Varkulevičiūtė
Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity 7 (2), 106, 2021
Emerging changes in attitudes to inter-institutional collaboration: the case of organizations providing social services in communities
AG Raišienė, S Bilan, V Smalskys, J Gečienė
Administratie si Management Public. Bucharest: Academy of Economic Studies …, 2019
Organizacinės elgsenos pagrindai: vadovėlis
A Dromantaitė, AG Raišienė, D Račelytė, A Jurčiukonytė, ...
Vilnius: Mykolo Romerio universitetas, 2012
Does telework work? Gauging challenges of telecommuting to adapt to a “new normal”
AG Raišienė, V Rapuano, T Dőry, K Varkulevičiūtė
Human technology 17 (2), 126-144, 2021
Silent issues of ICT era: impact of techno-stress to the work and life balance of employees
AG Raišienė, S Jonušauskas
Entrepreneurship and sustainability issues 1 (2), 108, 2013
Entrepreneurship education in humanities and social sciences: are students qualified to start a business?
JL Vázquez-Burgete, A Lanero, AG Raisiene
Business: theory and practice 13 (1), 27-35, 2012
Transition to digital entrepreneurship with a quest of sustainability: Development of a new conceptual framework
G Baranauskas, AG Raišienė
Sustainability 14 (3), 1104, 2022
IT2 hybrid decision-making approach to performance measurement of internationalized firms in the baltic states
H Dinçer, S Yüksel, R Korsakienė, AG Raišienė, Y Bilan
Sustainability 11 (1), 296, 2019
Advantages and limitations of integrated management system: the theoretical viewpoint
AG Raisiene
Socialines Technologijos 1 (1), 2011
Mission drift in a hybrid organization: how can social business combine its dual goals?
AG Raisiene, A Urmanavičienė
Ekonomski vjesnik: Review of Contemporary Entrepreneurship, Business, and …, 2017
Global dominants of Chinese trade policy development: Opportunities and threats for cooperation with Ukraine
AG Raišienė, O Yatsenko, V Nitsenko, N Karasova, A Vojtovicova
Journal of International Studies 12 (1), 2019
Tarporganizacinės sąveikos turinys Lietuvos vietos savivaldos praktikų požiūriu
AG Raišienė
Jurisprudencija 106 (4), 50-60, 2008
Performance of academic staff during COVID-19 pandemic-induced work transformations: An IPO model for stress management
M Shoaib, A Nawal, R Korsakienė, R Zámečník, AU Rehman, ...
Economies 10 (2), 51, 2022
The role of government in forming agricultural policy: economic resilience measuring index exploited
M Morkūnas, A Volkov, Y Bilan, AG Raišienė
Administratie si Management Public, 111-131, 2018
Gender and corporate social responsibility:‘big wins’ for business and society?
R Vilkė, AG Raišienė, Ž Simanavičienė
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 156, 198-202, 2014
Bendradarbiavimo kaip viešojo sektoriaus veiklos organizavimo alternatyvos teoriniai aspektai
AG Raišienė
Ekonomika ir vadyba: aktualijos ir perspektyvos 5, 56-60, 2005
Sustav trenutno ne može provesti ovu radnju. Pokušajte ponovo kasnije.
Članci 1–20