Mateus Ponchio
Mateus Ponchio
Professor of Consumer Behavior and Quantitative Methods, FGV-EAESP
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The antecedents and consequences of financial literacy: a meta-analysis
FDO Santini, WJ Ladeira, FMB Mette, MC Ponchio
International Journal of Bank Marketing 37 (6), 1462-1479, 2019
Personal factors as antecedents of perceived financial well-being: evidence from Brazil
MC Ponchio, RA Cordeiro, VN Gonçalves
International Journal of Bank Marketing 37 (4), 1004-1024, 2019
Materialism as a predictor variable of low income consumer behavior when entering into installment plan agreements
MC Ponchio, F Aranha
Journal of Consumer Behaviour: An International Research Review 7 (1), 21-34, 2008
Understanding the vulnerability of blind consumers: adaptation in the marketplace, personal traits and coping strategies
C Falchetti, MC Ponchio, NLP Botelho
Consumer Vulnerability, 107-128, 2018
Women’s financial well‐being: A systematic literature review and directions for future research
VN Gonçalves, MC Ponchio, RG Basílio
International Journal of Consumer Studies 45 (4), 824-843, 2021
Mensuração em Marketing: Estado Atual, Recomendações e Desafios
F Zambaldi, FJ Costa, MC Ponchio
Revista Brasileira de Marketing 13 (2), 1-26, 2014
Student loyalty based on relationship quality: an analysis on higher education institutions
FV de Macedo Bergamo, AC Giuliani, F Zambaldi, MC Ponchio
Brazilian Business Review 9 (2), 26-46, 2012
Estudo exploratório do construto de materialismo no contexto de consumidores de baixa renda do município de São Paulo
MC Ponchio, F Aranha, S Todd
Revista Ibero Americana de Estratégia 6 (1), 13-21, 2007
The influence of materialism on consumption indebtedness in the context of low income consumers from the city of São Paulo
MC Ponchio
A lealdade do estudante baseada na qualidade do relacionamento: uma análise em instituições de ensino superior
FV de Macedo Bergamo, AC Giuliani, F Zambaldi, MC Ponchio
BBR-Brazilian Business Review 9 (2), 26-47, 2012
Explanatory mechanisms of the decision to buy on credit: The role of materialism, impulsivity and financial knowledge
FMB Mette, CA de Matos, SF Rohden, MC Ponchio
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance 21, 15-21, 2019
Functional, psychological and emotional barriers and the resistance to the use of digital banking services
AA Santos, MC Ponchio
Innovation & Management Review 18 (3), 331-348, 2021
Necessidades, vontades e desejos: a influência do materialismo sobre a dívida de consumo dos paulistanos de baixa renda
M Ponchio, F Aranha
Anais da ANPAD, 2007
An Assessment of the consumer ethnocentric scale (CETSCALE): evidences from Brazil
VI Strehlau, MC Ponchio, E Loebel
Brazilian business review 9 (4), 103-126, 2012
Consumer brand engagement concept and measurement: Toward a refined approach
CE Lourenco, JF Hair Jr, F Zambaldi, MC Ponchio
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 68, 103053, 2022
Cognitive and emotional resistance to innovations: concept and measurement
CAB Castro, F Zambaldi, MC Ponchio
Journal of Product & Brand Management 29 (4), 441-455, 2020
De prospect a aluno: fatores influenciadores da escolha de uma instituição de ensino superior
FV de Bergamo, MC Ponchio, F Zambaldi, AC Giuliani, EE Spers
Base Revista de Administração e Contabilidade da UNISINOS 7 (3), 182-193, 2010
Razões da terceirização de serviços em empresas de médio e grande porte
MA Ferruzzi, MS Neto, EE Spers, MC Ponchio
BBR-Brazilian Business Review 8 (4), 46-69, 2011
País de origem e etnocentrismo na avaliação da imagem de marca global: um estudo sobre o McDonald’s
VI Strehlau, MC Ponchio, V Riegel
Internext 5 (2), 23-45, 2010
A gift economy perspective on the cycle of financial vulnerability
RA Cordeiro, N Wong, MC Ponchio
Journal of Macromarketing 39 (1), 25-36, 2019
Sustav trenutno ne može provesti ovu radnju. Pokušajte ponovo kasnije.
Članci 1–20